Getting Stronger -Exp gathering- (9)

Sounds of the makeshift bed creak, and croak from Allen rolling his body around on top of the bed, as he got off of the bed minutes later. He put on his boots and tied the laces together so the boots won't come off loose.

"The sun is still up, I should try to do something productive this time shouldn't I? Ha~~" Allen quietly sighed, while he was rubbing the back of his head as he got off the bed. Then he walked over to pick up his armor from the armor stand, sliding his arms into armholes, and then he slides the lower part of his body to cover the bottom area. Once, Allen, has the armor equip he walk over to the weapon rack picking up his spear before giving it a few spins, then he attached it onto his back.

"Hey Chad, I'm off to farm some Exp, I'll be taking off then." Allen slowly began to walk out from the cave, showing a peace sign instead of waving goodbye. "Good luck with your journey, young master, you better not make me go out and found you again like last time!" Chad shouted at Allen who was now descending the hill.

"Yeah~ Yeah~ I'll make sure to avoid any needless danger so you won't have to carry me on your back," Allen replied with polite laughter, and a thumbs-up as he enters the dense forest to farm some Exp.

Allen was now fairly deep within the forest and was about a mile, and a half away from the cave, He inspects the forest surroundings with his enhanced hearing he could, all kinds of insects sound, distance birds chirping away at each other but it was faint.

"Now, where can I find myself another ram deer?" His brown color eyes glimmer from the sunlight passing right through his glasses, his eyes went from left to right, then right to left slowly examining the area with each step forward.

He checks his transparent screen map that was hovering in the top right side of his vision, seeing a grouping of three green dots in the nearby lake several minutes away, seeing this Allen turn his body at the lake direction and began to run over toward the lakeside.

==roughly 19 minutes of running==

-There they are.- Allen was hiding behind a bush with both of his hands tightly holding the spear, he inches forward slowly trying to get as close as he can. Most of the times he's been fighting the Ram Deers it was usually a one on one, but now there's a total of three. -If there was only just one, then I can easily win, but now there another two mix into this battle.-

If Allen has successfully managed to kill all three that would be a total of 27 Exp, 6 system points, and 30 crystal pieces which were enough to replenish the amount that he sold, to get the shower products.

Now only a couple of feet behind one of the Ram Deers, he raises up his spear to slash at the neck of the animal. He swings his weapon downward cutting a portion of the animal, he finally manages to have the strength to one-shot the Ram Deer but only in specific situations like this. Catching the animal off guard there wasn't any time to react, ending the result in the animal dying.

By the time the animal fell down onto the ground, the remaining two would see this happen in front of them, seeing their dead companion laying on the ground. Their horns would start glowing a lime green as they began to ready themself to charge at Allen.

"Ah, shit- Come on I'm ready to take you both on!" Allen screams out toward the two animals quickly raising up his guard, He would take a few steps to the side to dodge a Ram deer charging past him, then caught the 2nd animal horns with his spear, Allen manages to hold his ground without moving back an inch.

"Tsk... you had to charge me in the middle of my dodge huh?" Allen would apply more strength to his arms, as he began to push the animal back slowly while dragging the animal feet. He pushes his spear against the Animal horns forcing it to stumble to the side while doing so he saw the other animal coming towards him. "Shit!"

Allen didn't have the time to react to the incoming charge, he took the impact of both of the horns than the Animal fling him off its horns.

[ Hp 657/689 -32 ]

He flew the air then slide along the ground stopping to a halt. "Man that fucking hurt." Allen was holding his torso area and was lucky enough that his armor was decent to prevent any major damage cause on his body, but the impact force dealt enough damage.

Allen began to get himself off the ground but in while in the middle of this, he saw the Animal he flings away was now charging at him. "FUCK!" quickly rolling himself away to dodge the incoming charge he hastily got himself up.

"One at a time will ya?!" He was getting annoyed at the fact that both of the animals were charging him nonstop, with only a few moments to catch his breath. He brought his spear up to his chest level.

"Since you both like taking the offensive, then how about I turn this around!" Allen used his enhanced agility to dash forward at the two animals quickly covering the distance between the two. The animals not expecting that Allen can increase his speed, they stumble backward trying to get away from him.


Allen thrust his spear into the Ram Deer body cutting it on the side and then going past it, only to stop himself and to turn and spin, swinging his spear directly at the Ram Deer head.


The blade of the weapon went straight through the animal neck, cleanly cutting its neck off from the main body. Allen had a confident smile on his face as he dashes toward the other Allen, both his spear and the animal's horn would collide into each other, causing a tiny shockwave explosion to sway the tree leaves, and branches.

"You're the last one out of the three of you, you think you can beat me in close combat huh?" Allen took a step forward, making the animal skid back. He kept taking steps forward to push the animal, even more, then he flings his spear to make the animal lose their footing.

"HA!" Using the chance that he created from guard breaking the animal he began to rapidly thrust his spear at the animal main body, striking one on the left front leg, then one in the center of the body, and the final strike was through the neck.

Blood was spilled out from the spots he has stab, then the last remaining Ram Deer was defeated with its body limping as it falls into the grass and dirt. Allen would have pulled his spear out from the animal neck, flicking the blood off the metal part of the weapon.

"That's 3 kills.. 27 Exp... 30 crystal pieces, and 6 system points." Allen began to calculate the numbers in his head seeing three Ram deers lifelessly lying on the ground, He would open up the menu to process the bodies into currency for him to use.


[ System message: You have killed a total of 3 Ram Deers. Total of 27 Exp gain. 66 to 93/140 Exp: Processing animal core to 6 system points, and 30 crystal pieces. 79 System points, 180 Crystal pieces. ]

After seeing the reported information he close the screen and took some minor sips from his water bag. Then he closes the lid and places it back on his waist belt.

"onto the next batch of animals until I level up!" He cheers swinging his spear up in the air confidently, then quickly running off in a different area in the huge forest.