Getting Stronger -4th sunset- (10)


[ System message: You have successfully killed 6 Ram Deers a total of 54 EXP adding with 93, you have 147 EXP : You have gain 12 system points and 60 crystal pieces Bringing your total amount to 81 system points, and 240 crystal pieces. ]


[ System message: You have leveled up to lvl 11 : You now have 10 stats to be used: 7/150 Exp ]

Allen was resting his spear on his hand and right shoulder slowly wishing he could whistle to get liven the mood of walking back to the cave.

"Finally became level 11.. Slowly getting myself stronger bit by bit." His eyes gaze up at the orangish sky, the sun was starting to set past the horizon line. No matter how you look at this situation, all the animals he has seen, the landscape will never stop be awe-inspiring to him.

He began to smell himself to see if he needed another quick shower to clean the dirt, sweat, and now especially blood off from him. And to clean the blood off his clothing and armor.

"Yeah I really do need a second shower, I fucking smell like some rotten eggs." After getting the first whiff of himself and how sweaty he felt, he needed a bath to clean up.

Back to the road ahead of Allen, he was beginning to do some forward-thinking. -If I have 7 Exp out of 150.. Then doing my dailies. 25 plus 40 plus 30 plus 35 plus 35 and plus 7 that's 172. 172 take away 150.. I'll be left with 22 exp, with this I should be able to level up after my dailies.. And each day I earn 165 Exp.- He began to do the math calculation, realizing that 3 more days, his daily quest should be able to cover him to level up to LVL 15.

Then he finally arrived back at the clearing surrounding the hill, he gradually began to take his steps up the hill until he sees the cave. "I'm back Chad!" He would place his spear on the weapon rack, seeing that Chad was starting to cook some meat on the fireplace.

"Welcome back young master, I thank you for returning back safe and sound, and not requiring my need to come and pick up your unconscious body." Chad gleam with a smile that had his white teeth showing, He knew he was messing around with Allen so he couldn't hold that one back.

Allen stares at Chad with a face that wasn't impressed by what Chad said, letting out a sigh soft he went to grab his shower items. "I'm off to clean the blood off of myself, and my clothing and armor." As he took off toward the pond.

Arriving at the clear water pond, with a tint of orange from the sky above, he swiftly got undress from his armor and clothing he places his soap and towel nearby. "God feel disgusting right now." Almost wanting to barf he dove straight into the pond, causing a water ripple effect to spread on the surface of the top.

*gasp of air.*

Allen resurfaces from.being under the mildly cold water as he gasps for a fresh breath of air. He slicked his hair back so the water wasn't coming down from the front, then he swam back to the shore to put on the soap, on his white Skin, black spiky hair, then he needed to close his brown eyes to prevent them getting stain with soap.

He steadily wobbles his way back to the pond before jumping into the water again, letting the water clean off the soap from his body letting it float up, and then down the river flowing away. Bubbles were rising up to the surface and popping away with seconds later Allen came back from the underneath the water.

"That's taken care of... Now all that's left is to clean my clothing." Allen got himself out of the pond and back to dry land, then he walks over where he put his clothing away, which were hanging down from a tree branch nearby and he grabs his shirt, pants, and wolf fur armor. Then Allen turns around and heads back to the water and started to wipe off the blood with the water, getting his clothing wet.

*Scrub, scrub, wash, wash, scrub*

After scrubbing for what seems to be 30 minutes of cleaning the blood off his clothing and armor, he was finally done removing all the bloodstain. Then another problem occur to him, all of his clothing was wet and it was starting to get dark, he needed some extra clothing to keep himself warm during the night, so he ended up opening the system store, buying another pair of clothing for peasants, since anything above those are not needed for his current living conditions.

[ System shop: 1 pair of peasant clothing cost 20 crystal pieces: Proceed with the transaction? Y/N ]

Allen elected Y bringing his total amount of crystal pieces from 240 to 220. A white orb would appear behind him and quickly dissipates revealing the new pair of clothing.

"Nice." Allen then grabs his towel to start drying himself off so he can wear his new change of clothes. Once he was dry enough he picks up his new clothing and began to put them on. First the leggings than the shirt, then finally his boots then his glasses. After all of this he went around picking up his shower product items and his wet clothing and armor and then headed straight back to the cave. Coming back to see that Chad was still in the middle of cooking the meat, and preparing some berries and nuts for some side dishes.

"I finish cleaning myself, and my clothing." Allen said while placing his wet clothing on top of a shelf, and then he puts away his wet armor on the armor stand.

"The food should be finish momentarily, Young master, I'll call you out when it is ready." Chad responded to Allen as he pushes the wood in the fireplace with another stick, and then rotates the meat to different sides.

"As must as I find your... comments... unpleasant... I never did say how much I appreciate having you, by my side...I don't know what would have happened If you weren't here." Allen said with a friendly smile on his face, and his right hand on the side of his waist.

"I am here to provide Aid, and to be your assistant, Young master, I am honor from those words alone." Chad would return the same quality of a smile back to Allen while still messing around with the fireplace.

"I'll let you get back to cooking Chad, I'll just be relaxing on the bed." He was making his way toward his bed as he passes by Chad. He took off his boots before laying down on the bed, both of his hands were placed on the back of his head, his eyes were staring up at the rocky root top. Allen then began to think of random thoughts.

-What kind of people will I meet in this world? A dwarf? An elf? A beastkin? maybe a demon? ooo many someone of royalty.-


-Should I have a name already prepared beforehand? Something Latin? Empire of tempus Roma? Something Japanese? German? Russian? I can't decide.-


- What if I happen if I get native contact? Will I be prepared for them? Will I need to do battle with? Or can we peacefully talk to each other? Wait what kind of weaponry will they be using? Will they mages? Will I be able to summon mages? so many questions... And no answers to. any of them... yet- Allen began to feel a sense of nerves being a bit shakey.

Chad notices the feeling as he began to spoke out to Allen. "Is there something making you feel un-easy young master?" He had his head turn towards Allen.

"It's- It's nothing Chad, just some simple what-if questions that I thought about I have no answers to." Allen wanted to reassure that nothing was going on since he didn't want Chad to start worrying about him right now.

"I see, well don't let your thoughts cloud your judgment of the world, its good to think about situations or events but if you end up overthinking, that may lead down to some problems." Chad softly chucking always there to make sure Allen felt at home in this new world, and especially in this cave.

"Yeah... Thanks again Chad... Hey, do you have any ideas of an empire name perchance?" Allen said in a curious tone of voice hoping that this issue could be solved at least.

"Why not go with the first name you have? Tempus which means time In Latin... Tempus Roma, or Time Roma... Tempus Roma empire." He said casually while he took the meat away from the fire. "Food ready as well." Chad got up from the ground and headed over to where Allen was and gave him his dinner for tonight.

"Tempus... Tempus... Tempus Roma Empire? I guess I'll use that name, but first, we need a population count before that is even possible." Again he could easily type the name into the name message box, but once the name has been yet it was final, so he wanted to have some people under his command at least.

He began to chew, munch, and eat his food with the constant battling today made him hungry for some dear meat. With every couple of bites, he shoves either nuts or berries into his mouth to have a diverse set of flavors. Once he was finished with all of the food he let out a burp. "Excuse me."

Then another thought appears on his mind, and this time it was about the map, it could provide the location of things, the landscape but no other information he could get out of it. "Hey Chad, I gotta ask from checking out the empire tabs, Seeing the global map is that the one that allows me to see more of the specific relations between nations? the geopolitical state of the region? You know the usual."

Chad was still busy chewing down onto his food so he gave Allen a thumbs up. So Allen opened up the empire menu, and then the military tab, and onto the global map option. Another form of a transparent screen appears in front of him, but this time revealing the entire island he has landed on. The region he was in was called the forest of Amaizoda with the density of the forest, and the endless amount of animals residing within it, and monsters.

But this forest was also a part of something bigger, a kingdom called "The okira kingdom" It may be called a kingdom but it was far from being classified as a kingdom within the system requirements. It was label as a tribe, but anything bigger then that was clouded with fog which needed information and knowledge outside this region of the island. Allen let out a yawn as he stretches out his body. he was starting to become to tire.

"I think I'll leave this for torromow." He let out another yawn, then he close off the tabs one by one until they were all gone, he then lay in bed in a comfortable position letting his eyes close, and beginning to drift off to sleep, ending the 4th day of this crazy world.