Getting Stronger -Early morning 5th day- (11)

Allen yawns and stretches out his body to rest his muscle tension from sleeping, he woke up with a bright yellow sun that was still rising from the horizon, the sky was still darkish with a hint of blue in the mix. This was the earliest Allen has ever woken up, by this time not all of the animals in the forest have woken up yet except for bugs.

"This is the 5th Day of this world, making this my 5th day living in the Amaizoda forest." With a groggy voice, he rubbed his eyes and puts on his glasses so his vision wasn't blurry.

Knowing the name of the forest he resided in was something that was useful for info gathering, so he didn't need to gather something this basic in the future.

Putting on his boots he headed over to the cave pond and started to do his morning routine then he headed out from the cave. Standing just out of the makeshift rood entrance he had both of his hands on his waist side and a smile on his face.

"Forest of Amaizoda huh? And the kingdom of Okira?... Seems like I need a little bit more info on this kingdom." Allen muttered to himself while staring up at the sky, he wanted information of any kind so he could be ready for the future.

The global map appears in front of him showing the region of the island that wasn't clouded with fog.

[ Global map: Located in Amaizoda forest. In the kingdom of Okira - Class level tribe - Population count 31.5k - 1 small city (20k people) 1 town (10k people) 3 villages (500 people each) : Government type European style monarch ]

Seeing all the details he has gotten from the global map, he closes the tab.

"So this kingdom I am in, has three villages, with roughly 500 people, a town with ten thousand, and a small city of twenty thousand, a total population of thirty-one five hundred." Seeing the options laid out on the table for him.

Allen began to smirk, his teeth were showing through the crack of his lips, while he had his thumb and pointer finger on his chin. He felt like this was almost too easy, the first native empire he has standing before him was deem the weakest of the weak, but in a way, he could relate to that sort of thinking. He took pity on whoever was the king of this small kingdom.

"What a drag." Not wanting to be known as a warlord at the start of his campaign he decided to make this kingdom into his own, and in return, he would make this kingdom the strongest.

The strongest on the island, the strongest in the northern regions of Novairus no the entire world of Novairus.

Confidence began to rise out from him, both of his hands were both balls of fists as he raised one of them up in the sky, he opens it up having his palm face the sun. In his mind, he started to imagine himself standing on top of a chessboard, while holding a chess piece, the king to be specific.

"I- I should start working on my dailies shouldn't I?" Once reality had caught up to Allen's mind he realizes how stupid he looks posing like that with nothing to back up his claim. Then he opens his quest log seeing all five of his dailies, the exp farming quest, his combat training, and the newer three-body exercise quests.

Taking another few looks up at the sky, the sun still hasn't fully gone up from the horizon so he choice doing the body exercises first. He got down on all fours, making his back straight at possible he began to push himself down then come back up."

"1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7..." His arms began to start wobbling after the 30th push-up, so he kept himself lock in place allowing his arms to rest a little before resuming the push-ups. "31... 32... 33..."

"50!" He yells out at the world and fell into the grass and dirt ground, his breathing was starting to get slightly heavy from the 50 push up he needed to do. Then he rolls onto his back to rest for a bit.

After a short moment of relief, he slides his legs back in closer to himself, and then places his hands on the back of his head beginning to do his fifty sit-ups. "1, 2, 3, 4." He kept going up and then coming back down.

His face began to turn slightly red and sweat starting to accumulate on his forehead. "39, 40, 41, 42." 13 minutes would have past by in total as he finishes the last one. He let his legs flop down, and he pulled his hands away from his head freely stretch out on both of his sides.

"Ha~~~ I wish I was more in shape."

Regretting the fact that he barely did any form of body exercise he felt his confidence was stinged a little. The overall appearance he didn't care about since no one else around to judge him.

Just that his physical appearance was his main issue, he grabs a piece of his fat and pinches it letting out a sigh. He wanted to get rid of his fat so badly. But exercising takes time, and story development you can't rush this. (cough)

*slap, slap*

Slapping himself a few times gave him the chance to change his mood. "No time to be thinking like that now, I still got 50 squats left." He huffed himself up to both of his feet, then spreads them apart.

"1... 2... 3... 4..."

He started to bend his legs to start the 50 squats he needed to finish.

== Roughly an hour has passed in total ==

"50!" He immediately fell onto his ass, as he rubbed his thighs with his hand feeling how much pressure was collected from all three different body exercise.


[ Quest log: you have completed all 3 sets you have been rewarded 35 exp : 42/150 Exp ]

With the stress his muscles were feeling he took a sip from his water bag to quench his thirst, knowing that he will need a little bit more than a few minutes before he can resume training.

"Ah~~~ This sucks.... say I wonder."

A couple of dings of him opening up his screen messages then he arrivals back on his system shop, then he clicks on his specialize troops.

A sudden idea appears in his mind evolving around specialize troops which created a grin on his face, and then a little pink blush on his face. He thought that if he selected a gender -Female more specifically- could he be given an option to make their appearance?

"Eh huehuehuehue."

He selected the praetorian guard, and he hesitated on the over the female selection, his finger was hovering right over the button while his face was blushing.

"Maybe I- I should- Ah the hell with it, no one here to judge me."

He presses the button which brought up a new type of screen that he hasn't seen before in his system, it would look like an RPG character creation.

The character would already have a pre-existing character design. Brunette hair color, her body curves were smooth going from torso to waist, her skin color was a lightish almond making her look European, and her chest was a cup size of C.

Though wrapping of clothing and bandages would neatly cover Her feminine parts. Her Eye pupils would be dark red, the jawline was curvy but at the same time sharp.

Her body had many minor scars on the front side of her body from what he clearly saw that this woman had gone through some tough battles, and possibly some near-death experiences. But the time he turns to look at the back, he saw one large cut mark on her spine, and another thing was that she had some muscles on her, but not on the level of a bodybuilder.

"Shit man... I wouldn't want to be on her bad side." He shivers at the thought of making her angry, his manly jewelry retreated from those same thoughts.

she would also seem to be between the ages of 18-20 and would seem to be 5' 8" at height... wait -She taller than me? she four inches taller than me! - He screams internally from the surprised by the height difference.

Being five feet and four inches tall, back in his previous world he was a short guy, he even felt worst when he was an older being yet a younger person was taller either being both female or male makes him self conscious of his own height.

"Bloody hell." He sighed to himself seeing the figure on the screen. Then right next to the figure was some sliding bars and a color wheel, the moment his finger touched one of the sliders.


[ To change the original pre-existing design a total of 250 system points is required. ]


Quickly reading the notification that pops up in his mind, he stared at it and was only able to blink his eyes.


He sighs as he reaches over his arm which was now covering his eyes, then he lifts his finger off the slider removing the pop-up message. After a few seconds have past to give him a brief monetarily time to think, he lifts up his arm to see the figure again.

He began to slowly inspect her from head to toe. "So you're going to be my first ever specialize soldier... of course when I buy you- and when I have enough money- and have the rankings and level requirements- and that's if I select female again."

This is the first time he has ever seen a woman in this new world, he closes off the tab and stood up onto his own two feet letting him stretch his arms and legs a little, as he started to jog in place, feeling fresh and relaxed he began to do his 10 miles long jog quest. "Time to resume my exercising." He said annoyingly then he took off into the dense forest of Amaizoda.