Getting Stronger -The usual?- (12)

A blurry image whizz by some trees, jumping over some bushes and small rock boulders Allen was running and running, with each breath he takes was heavier than the last one.


A twig on the floor was stepped upon as he continues his jog in the dense forest, navigating through the trees so he doesn't get a face full of bark on his run, everything was going smoothly and he only had 4 miles left during his jog until he foot got caught on a tree trunk root that arches itself upward instead of running along the ground.

"Woah~ Shit!"

He was frantically flinging his arms in front of him trying to lessen the impact before he lands face-first into the dirt ground, but as usual, fate wasn't ever so kind to him, he thought he would just fall forward but his body was angled in a different way making him fall on his side.

"ow~" His clothing was now stained with dirt and grass flakes that were lightly glued on, Allen began to slowly stand back up quickly dusting off the dirt dust, and grass flakes.

He stretches out his back once he was standing upright again, then he rubs the side of the shoulder that he landed on. "I gotta pay more attention to where I step..." He gave it a few spins making sure his shoulder and arm weren't bruised.


He re-open up the quest log to see the remaining miles he has left.

[ Quest log: Run 10 miles 6/10 miles ]

He was holding his chin as he read the text title on the screen until a shiver went down his spine a sudden surge of bloodlust became rampant near him, he took his eyes off the screen and started to look around at the forest.

"What the hell?" He took his battle stance as he went to reach for his weapon out of general muscle memory, but he remembers that he didn't bring his spear with him to train. -The one time that I didn't bring my spear, this sensation comes again.- Allen facepalm himself regretting the choice of not taking his spear with him.

"Where ever you are." Slowly he started to close his eyes, allowing him to relax his mind so he can focus on his sense mana ability, he felt and saw a magical aura several feet away from him.

-Found you- He did a 180 degree turn around in the opposite direction sensing that's where the blood lust coming from, he immediately ran toward that direction. He manage to cover a few several feet before he turns around over a thick tree.

"I got you now!" Allen ready himself to punch whatever or whoever was behind that tree. But he saw nothing there.

"Oh how cliche is this?! Like seriously!" He was annoyed by the fact that whatever was there before was gone now.

"What the hell... was... that."

He was thinking of all the types of animals he has seen in this forest he had avoided since their lvls were to high for him. But the moment he saw the back of the thick tree, huge scratch marks were in printed into the tree, at least a few inches deep into the bark.

His mouth was open from the amount scratches on the tree, his sense mana ability was still at play making him feel minor quantity of mana still lingering from the scratches.

"whatever was here, I'm happy that it was a cliche." His mouth form a deform smile while awkwardly chucking away.

He ran away from the spot hoping to lose whatever the thing is chasing him, by using his enhance agility he started to dash around. Quickly passing by tree to tree.

While using all three of his abilities, enhance hearing, agility and sense mana, he began to feel the bloodlust on his back began to fade away ever so slowly.

"Ha~ Ha~" He was bent over and he had his hands on his knee trying to catch his breath from the mile and a half run.

"I think... I think I lost it."

He realize the second he said that line, it usually brings more danger and another cliche plot for the story forcing the main character to run away again. But this time nothing came running after him, it was quiet and no major magical aura was around him or insane amount of bloodlust.

"Oh thank God."

He let out a huge sigh feeling relief that he managed to avoid the danger that was coming towards him, so he decided to run back to the cave for safety.


[ Quest log: you have completed your 10 mile run : reward.40 Exp : 82/150 exp ]

He wish he was more happy that he finish his 10 mile long run quest, but he was more happy about getting out of that forest safely.

"Home sweet home." He began to walk closer to the cave until he realize he has forgotten the 3rd quest.


He glance back at the forest with a bit of fear debating whenever or not he should finish his 60 acrobatic training in the forest. -Wait.. Can't I just work on just jumping into the air? And then come landing back down count as acrobatic trainings? Only only one way to found out.-

Allen spread out his legs then he would crouch down preparing himself to be launch up into the air. "Here goes nothing." A small gush of wind blew around from where he launch himself up in the air.

His maximum height was twenty feet up in the air, he saw pass the treeline and he could see the giant magical tree off in the distance. Going up was the easy part, coming back down safely was the harder part.

"Fuck me! fuck me! Fuck me!"

He screamed out at the world as he began to tilt backwards with his back aim at the incoming ground.


[ Hp 669/689 -20 ]

He felt the pain of falling twenty feet in the air, causing a little crater in the ground. He rose up again and got out of the crater. "Note to self, work on landing."

He prepare himself once more for another jump as he took off into the air, quickly reaching his max height again his body tilted forward this time falling forward this time.


another small crater, and another 20 HP was lost, forcing him to sigh and moan with the amount of trouble he gets, from simply trying to learn how to jump and land back down safely.

"Third times.the charm... hopefully."

He had a worried expression on his face as he gulps, and then spreads out his lower body jumping straight up into the sky once again.

== 30th tries after ==


He started to get the hang of finding the right center of mass for his body, so he doesn't tilt backwards, forwards, or to any sides in general

He even learn how to lessen the fall damage by positioning his legs and foot in a way to safely land back down, but he still couldn't dodge the pain completely and creating a small crater while at it.

"I think I'm st- ow- starting to get the hang of this." He said while standing back up and dusting his clothing. Then again he spreads out his lower body and jump up into the air.


[ Quest log: You have completed 60 acrobatic training: rewarded 35 exp: 117/150 Exp ]

At the 60th try of jumping up into the air, and coming back down, he made it a little special by spinning himself and doing a ninja style landing, one hand up in the air behind him, the other was place on the dirt ground, both knees were bent.

"Almost to level 12... I'll probably use my stats points once I level up."

Quickly dismissing the pop up notification he raises himself, and began to roll his shoulders around in a circular pattern.

"The last remaining two dailies I got left... Training with Chad- and then.."

He had his body facing to the front but his head was turn around, so he has a good view on the forests. "Killing the 5 ram deers." Still frighten about whoever or whatever cause that amount of bloodlust he felt earlier on, he shook his head trying his best to get rid of the thought, as he walk over to the cave and he picked up his spear, and then headed over to the hill top flat ground, where Chad usually is at most of the time.