Getting Stronger -5th day descent- (14)

It would seem to have gotten a bit harder finding any other Ram Deers in this gigantic forest he lives in, thinking that he might have done some geological damage to the animals in this area of the forest, he may need to stop farming these creatures and then focus on a different kind of animals.

*Snap, crunch, crack*

He was quickly running over fallen debris from the forest huffing and puffing with each step forward he takes.

"Huff~ Huff~ Huff~ Where are you... Huff~ my 4th... kill."

Allen previously successfully killed the 3rd animal with a surprise attack, as he aims an upward slash at the Ram deer neck cutting its neck apart from its body.

"Where... huff~ where... Huff~ could you.. huff~ be?"

He would turn his head left, and right trying to see if he could find a 4th ram deer to slaughter for today, he saw the sun was starting to turn from midday to evening. -Shit!-

He turns on his enhanced agility increasing his speed travel so he can cover more ground in the forest, he started to get more annoyed with the fact that he couldn't find any Ram Deers roughly within the last half hour.

He had all three skills active at once, his enhanced agility to cover more ground, his enhanced hearing to hear any sort of noises further in the distance, and then his sense mana trying to see if he could find any source of Ram Deer magical aura.

Sensing a magical aura in the distance it would take about twenty minutes at full sprint to arrival at the animal, and fifteen minutes if he uses his enhanced agility skill.

"Found you!" Allen braces himself as he skids along the ground but kept eye contact on the animal making sure he didn't lose it. He raises up his spear then threw the spear at the Animal, but it would miss by an inch since the Animal was alerted by Allen screaming.

"Come on man! Really?"

Complaining about missing shot but that was his fault for screaming out, which alerted the Animal to his present. He saw that the Animal was beginning to pull mana into his horns.

Allen ran over to pick up his spear that was impaled into the ground grabbing it with his left hand and pulling it out from the ground only to quickly turning around holding it horizontally. The Ram Deer would ram into Allen spear guard.

"Kch.. You guys are not easy to hold back at you."

Allen had caught the animal ram attack and he held his ground, they would switch from pushing their body back but none of them actually take a step back. Allen had focus more strength into his legs and arms and pushes the Ram Deer away. "Ha!"

Small piles of dirt were picked up by the hoofs of the animal being skidded away from Allen, it was focused on stopping itself while maintaining its balance because by the time it would have regained eye contact on Allen, he was already one step away from thrusting his spear.

"I gotch you now!" He smirked thrusting the spear into the frontal chest area of the Ram Deer but he wouldn't stop there as he began to push the animal into the tree while driving the spear deeper into the animal body.

The Animal shrieks, as the weapon, went deeper, and deeper into animal causing major blood loss to happen and then die out in the end, as the body limps against a tree. He pulls his spear out of the Animal body with blood spilling right after.

"4th kill secure." He celebrated a little then he flicks the blood off his weapon, then he tightly secures the spear on his back. "one more and I'll have my final dailies completed." He did his points transfer process then left the battle area, which was still stain by blood.

==30 minutes later===


[ Quest log: you have completed your daily slay 5 Ram Deer: rewarded 25 Exp with an extra 27 Exp for killing the three ram deers. Total of 52 Exp 68/160 ]

Allen was holding the head of the last Ram Deer he has in his hand, as he pulls out the spear from its neck.

"I guess that's done with."

He swings his spear to fling off the blood from his weapon which creates an arch line of blood splattered onto the ground.

The sky once again starting to become orange indicating that it was now arriving at sundown, so he quickly turns the dead animal body into points.

[ System message: 91 system points: 270 crystal pieces. ]

"Time to head back to the cave~"

His stomach growled of being hungry and needed food, he let out a sigh, tossing his spear onto his neck so he can rest both of his hands and arms on it.

After a few miles of walking, he finally reaches the clearing of the trees around the hill. He began to walk up the hill whistling softly in the air, seeing that Chad was preparing food for dinner again.

"Hey Chad, I'm back." Allen casually smiles at Chad

Then started to put his armor and weapons away in their desire spot, then he heads over to his bed and sat on top of it removing his boots.

"Welcome back, Young master, I hope your hunt was pleasant and smooth." Chad returns the same smile as he was cooking by the fireplace.

"I had fun, but it's getting a bit harder to find these Ram Deers, I may need to find myself a new target soon? Maybe the greater Ram Deers." He shrugs nonchalantly.

"I see, I would agree on changing your targets so you don't majorly affect the ecosystem of this forest," Chad said as he pulls a lump of meat away from the fire to test the quality.

Allen had laid down on the bed to open up his character description menu so he can divide up his 20 stats points.

-So I have 20 stats points that I can use? How should I divide them up?-

He started to think which stats seem more important right now, then he gave out smaller numbers to the less important stats.

[ Stats: Str 32 / Agi 30 / Int 30 / Cha 30 / Dex 32 / Mana 31 / lck 30 / def 33 ]

He decided to add 3 extra points to strength, 5 points to agility, 5 points into intelligence. Then 4 points into mana, and 2 points into defense. Leaving with only 1 leftover point.

"Hm... Where should I add in my two extra points?... I'll just use the last point for strength."

He inputted each amount of points into his stats, changing them.

[ Stats: Str 36 / Agi 35 / Int 35 / Cha 30 / Dex 32 / Mana 35 / lck 30 / def 35 Save changes Y/N ? ]

He selected yes as he lets the process do its thing with the white glow, he has come accustomed to after he changes his stats.

Then he closes the character description tab and reopens his store menu. Quickly pressing the specialized troops again and then the praetorian guard.

Until he reaches the point of the character creation screen, he took a closer inspection at the pre gendered being.

The brunette hair color, dark color pupil eye color, a body that was curvy but muscular at the same time, the mix chubby and sharp jawline, a cup size of C, the multiple scars on her body, and her lightish almond skin color, with the height of 5 ft and 8 inches, her age seems to be around 18-20 years old.

"She surprisingly cute if I take a closer look at her, if she was actually in front of me she probably beat the shit out of me from me staring at her... I'm starting to sound like a creep aren't I?"

He sighs but he couldn't get his eyes off of her since this was the first woman he has ever seen in this new world, and the past 5 days he's been here.

Allen had grab onto the transparent screen by one hand as he looks over toward at Chad trying to get his attention.

"Hey, Chad! What do you think of her?"

He slides the screen on over to Chad so he can take a look at it himself, and maybe give his own opinion. Chad places his pointer finger and thumb on his chin and inspects the character design.

"She looks like an excellent warrior, young master, from the scars I perceive on her body I can tell that she has gone through multiple battles, and her muscles aren't to bad as well I beli-"

Chad stops in the middle of his sentence seeing that Allen was giving him a look.

"I know all of that boring regular stuff, I want to know more about the... Special part, you know the more emotional part."

He shrugged feeling like he didn't know how to correctly describe how he feels right now, about the whole situation.

"Oh, I see... Well I say that she could be an uh... potential partner for you, but that depends on your feelings and her feelings, you can't force such things to happen, Young master... But remember she is a warrior, so don't expect her to be an elegant princess or a friendly bakery girl... Even I cannot determine what will happen between you two... uh- Emotionally... But remember what I said before at trying to woo a female with a strong battle harden warrior pride, young master, It won't be an easy ride.

Chad gave Allen a straight forward answer with no hidden meanings behind his words.

"That's your answer Chad? I understand then, I still feel weird about all of this thought.

He began to have a saddened face, and his tone of voice had dropped a little into what seems to be full of worry. He was rubbing the back of his neck while looking straight at Chad.

"Weird? How so?" Chad reply curiously

"I- I never- I never actually-" He started to stutter on his words, then Chad raises up his hand with an open palm showing the signs of a stop. Then he motions for him to take a breather.

Allen responded with a Yes, slowly inhaling and exhaling out, trying his best to calm his heart, and mind.

"Ok... What I was trying to say is that- Playing my strategy games back at my old world, when I create soldiers and control them in battle, I regretted every number of casualties I have gotten in battles, but nothing more.. I never cared about them individually, or who they were."

His eyes now gazed upon the crackling of the fireplace seeing the orange flames rise up and sway all over the place. Then he returns his gaze back to Chad.

"But now, when I get stronger, I will be able to summon people of my own, with actual personalities! Actual living breathing people like her!"

Allens tilts his head so that he can look at his hands, which began to turn into a ball of fists as he tightens the clutch in his hands.

"With actual memories, I can create with them! Memories! This feels weird to me since it feels fucking wrong on so many levels!"

He quickly raises up a fist and slams it on top of his bedsheet.

"It feels weird and wrong, to be able to summon people of my own free will, that can breathe and think... And to be able to make memories with them... set up an emotional friendship and connection with them... To only end up eventually leading them into battle in which they can potentially die because I'm granted this spot to be in charge... to be the emperor... I feel like the bad guy here, I now feel like I'll just regret more than simply losing casualties! I'll regret losing the connections... memories with them... I REGRET LOSING YOU IN A BATTLEFIELD CHAD!"

Allen gritted his teeth, as he was holding back his tears, feeling bad about himself and the major guilt he has over his shoulders, then he felt Chad placing his hands on his right shoulder without saying anything else.

"Young master." Chad's voice sounded choke as he started to tear up from what Allen had just said toward him, knowing that he was merely a spiritual guide and an assistant. He was touched by his words, he took a few steps back and knee down on one foot, and then he places his fist on the ground bending over his entire body.

"Young master, I am deeply moved by what you have spoken, for me a mere servant... a mere guide... I am humbled by your presence... And do not feel weird or guilt over yourself, Young master." He started to cry as tears fall from his face.

"We may be mere servants from your power young master, but I see that you do care for us! Again I am deeply moved! I see that you wouldn't let us walk straight into a suicide mission, You have a kind heart, young master, and If I can see that then so will they, knowing that their lives won't just be tossed away that easily... If any of them do doubt your resolve and strength, then you just have to show them your power! Make sure you have the power to protect not only yourself but all of the people under your care!"

Chad quickly got off the floor and gave Allen a hug with both arms wrap around him, while still crying a little. Allen does the same as he wraps his arms around him.

"Thank you, Chad... I really needed this." Allen sighed, then he felt his mind, and body become calm and relaxed.

"No, I must thank you, for being a wonderful Emperor." Chad chuckles while tearing up.

This hug had lasted for a couple more minutes of internal embracement of each other, the kind words spoken from each other. After the hug, Chad had finish dinner for tonight as they both had a massive smile on their faces while talking to each other with joy. But once this was all over and Allen had finally closed his eyes and drift off to sleep, marking the end of the 5th day, and anew start of the 6th day begins... In the next chapter :D