Getting Stronger -Marks the 6th day- (15)

Coming from the emotional night of the 5th day, the 6th day came rolling along to start fresh, with a clear mind and a rest up body. The sun was starting to come up from the horizon as Allen's eyes started to twitch.

He ended up waking himself early then he usually does since the sun hasn't fully even raise up past the event horizon yet.


He slowly started to sit up straight then he stretches out his legs and arms to ease his muscles from his sleep. He rubbed his eyes under his glasses so get rid of any fuzziness in his vision, then glance down to look at his hands.

"Today the 6th-day of this week, and this world... Hm~"

He turns his attention away from his hands and up to the cave entrance seeing the open-world with all its glory, and all it's wonders. He smiled while looking out from the cave quickly putting on his boots and tieing the strings into a knot. Next, he got off the bed and headed over to the cave pond to wash his hands, and then took off his glasses to splash some cold water onto his face.

After doing so he grabs his glasses and puts them on again and was heading toward the Cave entrance rooftop, standing right under it with both hands on his waist side. Allen took in a deep breath and slowly exhales out.

"What crazy shit is going to happen today huh?"

Allen scans the top of the forest tree lines from the top of the hill, seeing the massive magical tree peak out in the distance. The gentle calmness of the surrounding could really put someone to ease, but Allen couldn't stand there all day, he needed work to be done.

Following that he steps away from the cave entrance rooftop with his white Asian skin being shine from the little amount of sunlight peeking out from the horizon. He began to stretch his arms out and then his legs to prepare his early morning exercise routine.

[ Quest log: 50 push-ups, 50 sit-ups, 50 squats (Daily quest) Reward 35 Exp ]

"Alright, 50 push up this time."

Allen reaches out with both of his hands and interlocks his fingers together, trying to stretch out his fingers, then he rolled his shoulders around for a bit, later he went down on all 4's and got into a plank position.

"Time to start... 1... 2... 3... 4... 5..."

His body started to get pushed down and then come back up, starting his exercising routine for the day. He still struggles with doing the first twenty-five sets even with his strength stats at thirty-six, his stamina was something that he couldn't input stats into. No matter how much he wanted to.

Amidst the seconds, minutes going by, Allen kept on pushing his body until his goal was to finish,

"45... 46... 47... 48... 49... 50... 50 push-ups finally... done for today."

Immediately flopping over onto his back, he let out a gasp of air trying to recover his stamina, from his amount of chubbiness that drains it.

"Man~ I wish I can lose this fat already, but that's impossible even in this magical world... Ha~"

Allen lifts up an arm and places it over his eyes, and sighed. Silently resting on the grass floor he just listens to the world, and the surrounding areas.

"As much as I enjoy this peaceful silence... And having Chad being here with me."

He raises up his arm up to the sky and examines each finger on that hand.

"Sometimes I wish there was more than the two of us here."

This brings us to the point of Allen popping open the store system, then specialize troops, then character creation.

"And I have this..." He gently presses the button to buy even knowing that he doesn't have the required system points.

[ Insufficient funds: 400 system points required to buy this character. ]

The transparent screen always felt like he was touching a glass surface, but what lies before him was something completely different from glass.

"400 huh? Roughly 200 more points then to change her design then... Hm~"

His eyes gaze upon the woman's body for a few more seconds, with his thoughts starting to wander around.

-what will she be like? How will the people I summon be like as well? Will they have unrelenting loyal? Will, they even see me as their true emperor?-

So many thoughts such as those run through his mind, making him overthink things a little. But he couldn't help himself, he always tends to overthink things so he can be prepared for any situation possible.

"Ahhh forget thinking about this stuff... Just focus on training my body already." He frantically rubbed his head trying to shake his mind, so he can focus on training again.

Seeming like he was well-rested enough he slides his legs in closer to him, and interlocks his fingers behind his head. Beginning the process to do the 50 sit-ups.

"1... 2... 3... 4..."

With each time he goes up he inhales, and each time he comes back down he exhales so he maintains somewhat of a breathing pattern.

6 minutes of mix resting and doing sit-ups later.

"19... 20... 21... 22..."

Another group of 7 minutes going by with Allen still doing his sit-ups but slowly.

"32... 33... 34... 35... 36..."

Around the thirties Mark he started to struggle with his teeth gritting against each other and had issues keeping both of his hands interlock with each other.

"47 *gasp* 48 *gasp* 49 *gasp* 50! oh boy~"

Finally reaching the number fifty mark he instantly collapses backward onto the ground again. And also seeming to be already worn out.

"Ha~ Ha~ ....When will I be able to do theses 50 without actually breaking a sweat... jeez."

He quietly complained to himself, but this point of time the sun was already past the event horizon line but it had yet to become morning.

Once his needed rest was over he got up from the grass ground then he dusts off the grass flakes that were on the back of his shirt. His legs soon began to spread apart as he bends them.

"1 squat... 2 squats... 3 squats."

Regretting the fact that he was about to be in another session of muscle pain, he wanted to stop himself before it was too late, but he still kept on going until he finishes all 50 squats.

Around the ending of his last sets of squats, he notices something at the corner of his eye, was Chad leaning against a tree staring at him. Making him complete the last few he starts walking toward Chad.


[ Quest log: you have completed all exercise quest, you have been rewarded with 35 Exp | 50/160 Exp ]

"Hey what's up Chad, you need something?"

Allen cock up an eyebrow and then crosses his arms together waiting to see what Chad wants. Since this was the first time Chad was just simply waiting for him.

"Young master, This is the 6th day correct?"

Chad's voice had no casual tone to it, but more of a formal style with a little hint of worry. His face was stiff but show no signs of unease.

"Yes, that is correct Chad? Something about the 6th day?" Allen gave a nod of yes to answer Chad's suppose question.

"Well... at the start of the 6th day, We- As in the spiritual guides we are supposed to tell you, 7 players, that on the 7th day."

He straightened out his body and cleared his throat, trying his best to explain what will happen in the 7th day.

"In the 7th day, all 7 players will be transported into a different space and time to a gathering of sorts, the space will be inside a mythical medieval-style meeting hall with a circular table in the middle, to allow each other to chat among another, and to be announced who is the top player so far."

Allen suddenly felt cautious over this new piece of information that was just now told to him, if only he knew this beforehand he could have more time to prepare, more time focus on leveling up.

"And I'm just now hearing of this?" Allen's voice sounded a bit annoyed.

"I'm sorry young master, this was only something that can only be told to you on the day before the meeting, the other spiritual guides must be doing the same right about now." Chad bowed down trying to apologize about this fact.

"Argh... no need to bow, this was something you can't control. can you?" He sighs and pinched the area between his eyes.

"Yes, young master." After coming back up he dismissed himself, slowly walking away.

"Now then... This is a new turn of events."

He sighs again feeling majorly unprepared for this event. What would they even talk about to one another? What would he even say? Could this be a good time to recognize who an ally, and who's an enemy? So many things, so many variables. And most importantly which player out of the 7 of them, is the leading top player so far.

"Maybe I should target those two greater Ram Deers... Maybe" He clutches hands into two balls of fists then he glances looking straight up at the sky and sun, trying to think of a plan.