Bigger fish -To fry- (1)

Time flew right by Allen as he was. heavily focus on completing the last remaining quests he had left, which was run 10 miles, and perform 60 acrobatic stunts to practice. By the time Allen was done with these two, the sun was almost at midday.


[ Quest log: You have finished your 10-mile run: reward 40 Exp | 90/160 Exp ]


[ Quest log: You have finished your 60 acrobatic stunt practice: reward 35 Exp | 125/160 Exp ]

"Ha~ ha~ ha~ I gotta keep going damnit... gotta get stronger."

He was pushing himself to finish the quests so he can quickly work on killing the two greater Ram deers. He went back to the cave to grab his spear off the weapon rack and ran over to Chad.

"No time for talking right now Chad, Just spar!"

Once Allen had arrived at the hill flat top area and was close enough to reach Chad with his spear, he thrust his spear at him already. Allen was in no mood for any discussion from what Chad can see on his face, Allen's eyes had no sense of calmness and a relaxed mind, but a combined focus and impatience and stress. This was mainly from his competitive nature taken over him, once he was told that this ceremonial meeting was to announce who is the best player overall.

They clash with each other to what feels like hours, with Allen unrelenting strikes he threw out at Chad.

*Crack, crack, crack, shing, swish, crack*

They seem in a somewhat even fight with Chad still landing more hits on Allen then He can hit him.

"Young Master! Please take it- Grugh~ easy, it's good to train and practice but- Grugh~ you should know to never overdo it"

Chad had started to worry about how Allen felt, and his mentality was not in the right place for this sparring training. Allen was blown away a few ft from one of Chad strikes but quickly got up.

"Chad, I appreciate that you care about me, but this is something that belongs me... to become stronger, I need to make sure that I can't be seen as a weakling in the eyes of the other players, the weak link in the group, so less talking more sparring damnit!"

Allen tightens his clutch on his spear and then Charge at Chad again. Swinging his spear from the right to hit Chad left. "Ha!"

"...If that is your command, young master then I'll see through to it." Chad's eyes started to droop a little as he prepares himself to enter a battle stance.

Their spears clash against each other making the sparring match feel like another several hours has gone by, until a ding pop into Allen's ear telling that the sparring quest was finalized.


[ Quest log: you have completed your combat training quest: reward 30 Exp | 155/160 ]

Having the notification up he saw that he only needed another 5 points of Exp to level up to lvl 13. That means he only needs to kill one regular ram deer.

"Thanks for the spar Chad."

Allen's upper body was bent forward with one hand place on his knee, the other was grabbing hold of the spear. But his breathing was heavy letting himself rest while he was being healed up by Chad again.

"This spar was something you need to finish your quest, I only live to serve, young master."

Both Chad's hands were reached out at Allen with both the palm of his hands open. He was healing Allen with a low-level healing spell. Though he still had his doubt on the emotional and mental state of Allen's condition.

"I'll come but stronger than ever Chad, Mark my word!"

Allen ran back to the cave to grab his armor of his to finish the last remaining daily quest. Kill 5 regular ram deers.

Finally arriving back at the cave Allen dawn on his armor and headed out from the cave and then into his forest. He has gotten pretty use to activate all 3 of his abilities that he really only needs to think about using it, and then it just works.


"Hm? what was that?"

Allen's head turned to the right which the sound came from, and look what was right in front of him, was alone ram deer who was close by the cave.

"I haven't even made 1 mile into this forest, and I already found a Ram Deer... This feels really cliche."

Not bothering with how cliche this scenario was he readied his spear and throwing arm, then closed one eye to *help* with the aiming.

He releases the spear out from his hand letting it fly right past many trees and bushes until the tip went straight through the animal head killing it instantly.

"Fuck yeah!... I did it."

A little celebration of a good clean kill to the head happen right in front of him, seeing that no true effort was spent killing that.


[ Quest log: You have killed one Ram deer: rewarded 27 Exp ]


[ System message: you have level up to level up to lvl 13: you now have 10 stats points to be used. ]

"Wait, what twenty-seven? what the hell did times three come from?'

He was shocked that the Exp was triple the amount that he usually receives from killing one single Ram Deer so.he open up his quest log menu.

[ Quest menu: On the 6th and 7th day of the starting week, for the purpose of ceremonial meeting among players, and to make sure that players will have a chance to catch up with another player, these two days will be granted an X3 Exp to all nondaily quests, and Animal or monster slain. ]

He couldn't believe his eyes, a two-day duration of times 3 Exp boost just simply for the damn ceremonial gathering. -I know this meeting was important... But just important is this meeting?- He thought to himself.

Feeling even more doubt on his strength he went over to pull out his spear that was stuck in a tree, then he processes the animal into points. Then he examines his weapon from top to bottom.

The long stick which was from the ancient magical tree from.what Allen believes, and which resides in the forest of Amaizoda. His combat knife which was his weapon, and the container of his spiritual Guide, in this case, chad, Was tied around the top part of the stick making it a makeshift spear.

So many battles Allen had fought through with his weapon, making it seem like a good memory of his start, of day one. But he knew if he were to fight something even stronger then he needed a way better weapon, in terms of quality and what kind of weapon it exactly is.

"....Maybe I should also start to buy myself a new weapon, from the system shop, This is still effective so I can't get rid of this right now...but... I want something higher quality."

He clutches his spear, and after a moment he let out a sigh, he spins the spear around and place it on his back strap. Then carried on to finish off the last 4 Ram Deers, and maybe hopefully the last time he needed to kill them.

After roaming around the forest a bit more he senses a cluster of two different kinds of Mana aura, a total of 7, 4 were about the same and the other 2 were greater.

-This... this is the first I seen Ram Deers group up like this.- He thought something shady was happening with this cluster, so he felt like he needed to be cautious approaching this situation.

Between the 7 magical auras, he can sense, that he figures out that 4 of them were on the same level as a normal Ram Deer, but the other two? Probably expects them to be two Greater Ram Deers.

-Saves me the hassle of trying to find them... Wait? Could they be waiting for me? No way... that's impossible, they're a bunch of dumb animals? Aren't they? -

More unknown variables about these creatures pop up into his head, giving him a sense of danger. Not fully knowing what's going on made him scared a little. He still has so many things to learn about this world, and what it can offer him was always blow his mind.

- There are still so many things I don't know about this world, and that really bugs me... What other hidden secrets does this world have? Any special beings? Legendary beasts? ancient and lost forgotten heroes? Different methods of cultural living styles? So many things! I want to learn them all!-

He screams internally with still a hint of fear as he was heading straight toward the cluster of Ram Deers, that he thinks that they are lying around waiting for him to come to them, from the countless times he's been killing their fellow comrades.