Bigger Fish -Boss Battle- (4)

Resonating sounds of a low hum noise travel throughout the area, and the air, the source of this hum was coming off from the glowing mana express by the both of the Greater Ram Deers horns, and Allen's spear.

"Ha~... Ha~..."

Beginning with the start of this battle between him and the animal they both were on an equal footing, and even with his health still, at 574 out of 701 he couldn't keep on taking the same kind of blows that the creatures dish out, not to mention each hit he succumbs to was slowly chipping away his urge to fight.

- This battle became a war on attrition... I can tank more of the damage, but it feels like that this animal can deal more damage then I can do to it... This is a drag -

With their eyes locked within each other Allen would scoot up closer to the animal, and the animal took a step forward, not knowing who will make the first move to break this tense situation between the two beings until they both charged at each other at the same time.


Screaming at the animal they both crash into each other, the Animal took the initiative strike by striking with its horns attacks, but each strike blocked by Allen Spear.

"tsk, These strikes are not fucking easy to shrug off."


Even with the strike was completely blocked out and no physical damage was inflicted upon his body, each time he felt the horns pierce into his spear it would send a shockwave through his body muscles from how heavy it was.


Taking another heavy blow from the animal he slides back from the impact and recoil of the damage bringing up dirt piles behind his two feet, he loosens up his tighten buttcheeks to release some pressure.

The Animal charge at Allen once more but he did a small left side dash to avoid getting hit, but he didn't stop there, he did another small dash forward and jump up at a right angle holding his spear to the left for another slash type attack.

"You done fuck up!"

In the middle of this intense moment, everything seems to have gone in slow-mo, the red glow on the bladed part of the spear slowly began to glow a much deeper red, and slightly brighter. Allen had a tingling feeling in his arms and then in his hands as he brought the spear down coming from the left in a downward angle causing another major wound on the animal.

"Hell yeah!"

Celebrating present moment of dealing another blow on the creature he saw it fumble around with each step, as it slowly falls onto the ground laying quietly on the ground. But something was odd about this, the message for the kill notification didn't pop up.

"Still trying to live huh?"

Allen approached the animal was just on death door, and would immediately cross right over to death. He tosses his spear into the air a bit to change the grip on his weapon because he was changing from thrusting to throwing his spear at the animal.

"Better deal with this as quickly as possible."

He pulls his arm back to get ready to throw his weapon into the animal body. But something green and glowy shows itself in the corner of his right eye.

-About damn time.-

Not wanting to get hit by another blast of mana, he jumps backs to dodge the incoming projectile blast.

Allen landed back down then lean his weapon across his right shoulder and past his neck.

"I was wondering when will you show up, As expected you wouldn't allow me to outright kill your friend huh?"

Gently tapping his right shoulder bringing it up and down, A cocky smile appears on his mouth seeing that the 2nd Greater Ram Deer finally took action, and it was now standing in his way from killing its comrade.

"I guess you want me to kill you already? Huh?"

Scooting his legs apart from each other he lowers his weapon his into both of his hands bringing his spear under his chest. Into the optimal stance.

"Fine by me then, More Exp for me!"

He jumps at the creature he launched out a barrage of spear thrusts at the Animal but nothing like creating after images.

*tink, shing, bink*

Each strike was blocked by the Animals horns, creating small electrical mana sparks each time they get into contact with each other.

"Ha! Hayah! Take this!"

Shouting out with his might he continues to launch an all-out barrage at the Animal, and only able to skim the side of its face every couple of thrusts.

- If I only have if I had control over my mana!-

Furious with how the battle seems to be in a stalemate he retracts his spear and twists his spear to change from stabbing to slamming.

He pushes up with a faint attack making it look like he was going for another forward thrust but he arched his weapon slamming it in the side of the Animal face.

"How was that huh? I name that the... uh... uh... Oh shit!"

While in the middle of making a name for that attack and a catchphrase, the Animal decided to ram straight into him but its movement was locked by Allen holding his spear horizontally under the Animal neck.

"Back to- Grhck... a game of- Uck- tug of war?"

His veins started to pop out from his skin again as he struggles to not be pushed by the impact of that ram attack, he gritted his teeth with them being locked in this position together.

"You're getting on my nerves already!"

Releasing the pressure from his arms and hands he pulls his spear away and took a step to the left. swiveling around to not get hit by the charge attack.

Seeing the Animal run past him and only to stop a few ft away he moved his legs and body forward and ran to the creature with his spear ready for a slash from the right side.

"I'm already used to your speed, and strength, I know how to defeat you! You should have both fought me at the same time!'

His memories of fighting the previous Greater Ram Deer from before wasn't enough to get a clear picture and understanding of its physical power and the damage done with its magical powers.

The Animal pulls it head to the left to swing its horn to stab into Allen, but only to jump over that kind of attack while he stabs his weapon slicing the top area of its body. A huge cut line was seen bleeding with red blood as he lands softly behind the Animal.

The Animal cried out in pain as it raises up its back legs for a kick but, Allen was already prepared for his he jumps back a little making the kick miss his body.

"I know your tricks already... This match is already in my favor!"

Thrusting his spear out at the Animal to cover the distance but not actually get in range of the Animal kicks. He stabs the tip of his weapon into the back of the creature, but with the distance between the two, it was a shallow stab.

"Now I'll need this back."

He pulls his spear out from the body of the Animal who just received a second injury cause by Allen, Fear starting to come into its mind. As it turns its body away to face Allen, seeing the body of its friend lying on the ground just added another level of a fear factor.


Allen started to notice that the Animal wasn't making any kind of movement to get closer to him.

"Getting scared are we?"

He mocked the Animal frighten state as he got into his battle stance so he can finish this fight, once and for all.

"But I'll just say, that your magical blasts and strength are still far too much for me to handle... What's the point of me praising you two? You can't even understand me."

Allen took a step forward to get closer to the Animal but it takes a step back to equal out the distance between themselves, not wanting to die by this demonic hell beast that doesn't want to die.

"Round 3... Or round 4? Whatever round it's I hope your."

He stretches out the arm holding his spear forward at the Animal and smiled with his warrior spirit going rampant.

"Ready cause the bell is about to start ringing... Ding, Ding, Ding."