Bigger Fish -Boss Battle Starts- (3)

*Fizzle, crack, crackle, boom!*

Allen thrust his spear at one of the Greater Ram Deers while coming down from the sky, colliding his weapon into their horns that already charged up with mana before they arrived on the west side of the hill.

Small amounts of energy sparks whip around the sky where the tip of Allen spear has touched, the energy flared around chaotically with no sense of direction creating dark electrical line sparks on the side of the rocky hill.


With the current flow of mana going all crazy and chaotic the center point of where all of this was happening was the blade and the horn of the animal. Created a small shockwave that blasted Allen away, and back down to ground level.

*Crash, boom*

[ HP 639/701 -19 Fall dmg ]

"Eh hehe... Ow"

A small crater was formed around from him falling back down at speeds that could leave a normal human in his old world with a few broken bones.

"This won't be an easy battle, that's for sure."

He tightly grips his spear using it to help him stand back up, while he was rubbing the back of his head, trying to refocus his senses as he stares back up at the two Greater Ram Deers.


He notices that two incoming mana spheres were coming at him toward him, one aimed at his head and another the left side of his torso. His eyes widen out and he frantically tilts his head to the right with the mana orb skimming his cheek, then flies right past him blowing up in the ground that created a small crater.

-Here comes the second! Fucking hell!-

After dodging the first orb he was in the middle of taking a step to the right to avoid the 2nd incoming magical sphere coming towards him. Causing another explosion and a small crater to form behind him.

"These guys are not making it easy for me are they? Ha~"

Quickly securing his footing on the ground, so his balance wouldn't be knocked over too easily, rapidly he changes his body posture and raises up his guard and got back into his battle stance.

"But this wouldn't be fun without it being a challenge would it?"

He now felt the feeling of having something challenging in his eyes again, his strength was now able to defeat a singular Ram Deer with ease so battling them has gotten a bit boring, but now the Greater Ram Deers would provide him a bigger punch and a new kind of attack that involves using mana even if it's the lowest caliber of regular mana blast.

Soon one of the Greater Ram Deers descends down the hillside while the other one stays backed, arriving on the same ground level as Allen was standing on, with its tall dominating body height, it's black pearl eyes glued onto Allen.

"Fighting me on a 1 on 1 huh? I would thank you for making this an even fight, but-"

His emotions were high and rampant, he felt scared and confident at the same time knowing that if he doesn't win in these potential battles his life will cease to exist. But he knew that within him he has the strength to beat these two in a battle, especially if the battle is a 1v1.

"This may be your reason for death."

The blade of his weapon would soon glow a bit red with his rapid emotion changes, and the urge of not wanting to die in this battle, the inner warrior screaming out wanting blood on these creatures.

"Finally my critical powers show up."

That was the name he has given it so far, nothing to fancy but a basic bland name until he gets a better understanding of mana, and is able to control his flow of mana instead of simply base on his emotional being.

"Alright, let's go!"

Small wind current brushes the fur skin of the Greater Ram Deer and Allen Hair as he spins his weapon above his head at a fast pace.


He lowers his weapon back down to secure his center of mass and gravity, taking a step forward and runs toward the Greater Ram Deer, preparing himself to stab the Animal once he was in melee range.

Thrusting his spear forward with a heavy force that was aimed at the front center chest of the Animal, but his attack was blocked by the glowing yellow horns.

*Fizzle, crackle, fizz*

Another mana energy chaotically flings around towards the sky, and scorch marks were whipped into the dirt ground but this time two magical power sources were pushing against each other causing this one to be bigger and more sporadic.

"Come on, Come on, I know I can do this!"

Allen started to amp himself up starting with his confidence, sadly that didn't help him as he was forced to take two steps back.

"Guh~ God... Damnit to hell!"

He screams out with the veins of his body was now more visible then ever before, he slowly pushes the Greater Ram Deer back forcing it to take four steps back.

"Yeah, How do you like me now! Huh?!"

Wanted to scream and curse at the Animal, Allen rotated his hands to move his spear around to fling the Animal head to the side, creating his opening. Using the same technique that Chad does to knock away his spear.

"I got you now you bastard!"

The red glowing color coming off the bladed part of his weapon swiftly got closer until he felt the tip of his weapon pierce into the fleshy meat but it wasn't deep.

"God damnit to shal-"

The Animal took on the slight amount of pain as the creature uses its own head to swing right back at Allen then smashes into his left side shoulder.


[ HP 624/701 -15 blunt dmg ]

Skidding a few ft away with his spear pulled out from the body of the Animal from the force of the impact alone.

"Fuck that was some physical attack you just did."

Using his right hand he gave his left shoulder a few good rubs trying to ease himself into the newfound pain, he enters his battle stance again.

-I'm just barely able to put up a fight with just one of these things.-

He started to mentally assess the current situation so he knows what kind of cards he can play, and kind.

-If I manage to hold out for longer, I should be able to kill it, presuming I have more health then this thing... God damnit I wish I can see how much health it has left... stupid system locks-

His breathing was slow, and each breath was long so he can calm down easier. Then his eyes met up with the 2nd Greater Ram Deer on top of the rocky hill, still standing there looking at him.

-Seeing that 2nd one up there is seriously a real fucking problem for me... I don't know when it will come down here. Or how? Or what will it do once it gets down here? Hell, it may even stop me from getting a final blow in, this is really a huge annoyance.-

Allen grunted with this certain scenario being a huge pain in the ass for him to deal with him.

"That just means I just gotta quickly!-"

Using his Enhanced agility again he dashes at the Animal rapidly covering the roughly 9 ft distance between the two.

"Kill you!"

Aiming for another forward stab which was really a faint attack, he stops just outside the reach of the Animal melee range Allen bends his knees doing the same trick he uses against Chad.

-Here goes nothing.-

He jumps upwards creating an arch as he jumps over the Animal and lands on his feet. Once he lands he immediately spun around with his weapon, creating a major slice wound on the back of the Animal body.


Blood started to pour out from the wound that was inflicted by Allen, the Animal shriek out in Pain, it kicked up the back of his legs and knock Allen back a bit.

"To slow for that!"

By the time both Animal legs were up, Allen had his guard already ready to block and soften the blow.

The Greater Ram Deer now had the time to fully bring itself around to face Allen head on once more.

"Took you long enough."

Allen said with some cockiness behind him, as took one step closer to the Animal and points the tip of the spear at it.

The Animal blew out some air and started to drag the ground one with leg repeatedly dragging it back and forth, indicating that it was charging another ball of mana.

The ball of sphere soon became visible between the horns of the Animal with small energy sparkles appearing around it.

"Oh no, you fucking don't not on my watch!"

Knowing that he didn't want to get blasted again he charges the Animal again, this time he was aiming at the area between the neck and body. He lifts up his arms and spear into position taking each step closer to the Animal.


Allen swings his spear at a left downward angle cutting the Animal neck, but it wasn't deep enough wound to stop the mana charging.


He braces for the blast damage as the Animal tilts its head down and the ball went straight toward Allen's main body causing a small explosion and minor smoke. This time the attack was point-blank range.

[ HP 574/701 -50 magical dmg ]


Flying right out the smoke and into the sky he crashes into the ground, While mid-flight he lost his grip on the spear letting it fall toward the ground and Stab into the ground.


Rolling around and groaning from the pain, he clutches his chest area that received the most damage from that one attack, he started to feel scared and fearing the incoming death.

Skin bruised and slightly bleeding, his clothing ruin and his armor damaged, this felt like a near-death situation.

-Am I really going to die like this? To this kind of animal? Not on a battlefield far off in the future?-

His hands soon went from open palm place over his chest area, into two balls of fists.

- No, I can't think like this... I will not lose to some low-level Animals, that will be more disgraceful then death! I still have roughly more than half health left, I just need to bear the pain and I should be fine.-

Getting up once more he sluggishly pulls himself up into a standing position as he looks straight at the Animal face.

"Not attacking me when I'm done huh?"

The Greater Ram Deer stood in that one place, with major bleeding happen all around its body, seeing this he hopes the Animal was to bleed out to death but, only in his dreams.

Steadily approaches his spear that was sticking out of the ground, he grips it with both of his hands pulling it out of the ground, then he turns toward the Animal ready to face it again.

"Now... Should we continue this battle?"

Allen spread out his legs having one foot in front of others pointed at the Animal as he raises up his guard.