Great Meeting -Ceremonial greetings- (1)

The Sun was set high above the bright blue sky, the time was 8:43 Pm And Allen overslept with the early morning hours of the 7th days coming to a end. Even when it's an important day, the day when all 7 players meet up again, after 7 whole days in this world.

No one was here blame him though, both literally and figuratively, Allen had went through a tough battle yesterday with large amount of his mana being used, and possibly death even.

The sunlight began to irritate Allen in his sleeps as he rolls over to his sides and grunted.

"5 more minutes mom"

A breeze blew past and then over him, with a few seconds going by he frantically fling his fur blanket off of him.

"Oh fuck! Did I over sleep?"

Seeing how the sun was already past sun rise and was already almost middle of the day, he hastily put on his boots, and then wash his face and hands.

"I can't be late, and unprepared... for the... meeting."

Allen started to run out of the cave until a notification pop up in front of him, slowing his movement to a stop.


[ System message: The grand ceremonial meeting between all emperors and empress will commence within roughly 1 hour ]

[ Countdown: 00:56:43 ]

The message provide proof for some major relief for him, knowing that he could have been late for the first meeting which could seriously made him lose face, and not to mention he was the LAST player to gather during the orientation.

"Sweet relief... Thank god I still have a hour left."

He blew out a quick sigh of relief while rubbing the back of his head rustling his black spiky hair.

Something new and blue quickly caught his attention seeing under his health bar which was upgraded from 701 to 852 with the stats increase in defense.

[ MP: 682/682 ]

-So I can finally see my mana huh?-

Another interesting factor for today was that his mana bar was now unlocked, and was a seeable thing.

He glance at the count down again which was counting down within the hour, Allen started to feel like he need a game plan for this event, physiologic warfare is the battle field he is about to enter to.

"What should I say? How should I act like? If I remember correctly with the amount of information I have on the others, Player 1... he seems rather rude, and cold to others, his kind of personality trait may prove troublesome in the future.... Russian accent for sure."

He started to categorize the different players with different personality traits and, knowing which one he needed to keep an eye over.

"Player 2 she seems to have... more of a explosive personality and more straight to the point person... despite being a women, I don't think I can easily handle her... British accent, or Australian, possibly Canadian accent?"

Allen started to pace around the floor taking 5 steps to the left, then 5 steps back to the right, repeating this loop and his focus switch between the trees and the skies.

"player 4 barely said anything during that time... I'll consider him a mystery man, a unknown variable and a person that I may need to keep a eye out... And what seems to be an African Accent?"

He finally stops pacing back and forth in front of the cave, and just headed back inside to sit down on the makeshift chair, that Chad had recently made using sticks and vine rope.

"And player 3, and 5, one female.. one male, and they both stood their quietly, without saying even a single word... Two more unknown variables that I need to keep a eye on... And them not speaking I can't determine their accents to tie them down with a country back home."

Allen ended up leaning against the chair and closing his eyes to go deeper into thought.

"And lastly, player 6, Female... Sounded like an american? With her tone of voice and her posture, could she be a introvert like me? she may be the most easiest to target and crumple..."

He thought he could related to the shyness of that person, a introvert who wasn't good at social events. A small lingering sensation of wanting to help her out in this event pop into his mind.

"Maybe I should..."

He ended up clutching both of his hands into fists, feeling like he should help her, but at the same time there was no strategic benefit or gain from helping the weak, Not when their in this world.

=== Roughly 1 hour later ===

Allen was standing in the middle of the open, on top of the hill near his cave entrance. Both hands were on his waists and his legs were spread out, his posture and pose he choose was stoic. His eyes scan over the tree line and further back.

"In almost a minute you will be transported to the ceremonial meeting, young master."

Chad was standing right beside Allen in a butler like position, his legs glued together, and both arms straight down, even with all the muscles he has.

"Thank you for notifying me Chad, say will IT show up to this meeting?"

Allen question that the fact about IT and what purpose IT has in all of this, was he a god? Will he interfere? Or more of a overseer?

"Yes IT will be there, but not physically there, but hiding behind the scenes."

Allen eyes squinted, and sighed.

"I see then, Thank you for telling me this."

Then he swirls around and gave Chad a pat on the shoulder and a childish giggle. He turns back to the forest.

" meeting will begin at 20 seconds... 15 seconds... 9 seconds."

Chad began to countdown with each second, Allen stomach started to be filled up with butterflies and a small amount of nervousness, Allen would feel a muscular hand on his shoulder, Chad was trying to give him confidence with a small smile.

"3, 2, 1."


Allen had a change of thought, with his nerves feeling a bit lighter and returned a small smile of his own.

His vision started to become distorted and more blurry by the second, Allen had only blinked once until his entire surrounding had completely changed.

Both Allen and Chad were now in a small waiting room, white walls with a red, gold yellow color patterns decorating the walls, the framing was made out of wood, with a light brown. In the center of the waiting room was one wooden circular table, and two wooden chairs, a sliver platter was on the top with two glass cups and 1 pitcher filled with ice cold water.

To the side was two small two seater couches, with red velvet cotton cushion seats, and a dark wooden frame. The floors seem to be made out of polish smooth marble, with the light source was from a chandelier hanging from the roof, light bulbs was seen on it.

-Light bulbs? That kind of ruins the immersion.-

Allen gave a mental complaint on that one particular design in this room. Allen then notice a clothing cupboard with fancy model design to it.

All of this gave him a serious feeling like he was really out of place, a nerdy guy who is 5 ft and 4 inches, and a bit chubby in this luxurious room.

"Should we get you changed up as well, young master?"

Chad voice was now more formal with more of a professional attitude to it. And this time his clothing and garments looked like a 18th century butler outfit.


Allen eyes glance at the clothing cupboard that was on the side of the wall, and then back to Chad, a small blush started to appear on his face.

"I- uh- I- So you uh- Do I stripe naked and- and- do you put the clothes on for me then?"

Allen stuttered wildly with his body beginning to freeze up with the idea of striping down naked in front of Chad, not to mention the sizable difference of a certain thing between the two.

"If you feel uncomfortable with me doing that, I can wait outside the room, young master."

"Yes please."

Allen quietly responded to Chad suggestion and his face still had a light plush. Once Chad had left the room and close the door, Allen walked over to the cup board and swinging it open to reveal a multiple pieces of an outfit, and one shiny circular one.

There was a medieval style tunic, that was made out of leather and the color was whitish and a leather belt was strap around for the waist. The tunic also had a red silky robe to strap on from the right shoulder going all the way down to his lower left torso.

His pants were made out of cotton and were also dyed black. He switch between his peasant boots to more fancy style boots, and finally the last piece was a gold crown, with small pattern designs and a lining across the golden metal crown.

"Ok... I'm all set."

He decided to check himself out in a stand up mirror near the cupboard, finger snapping at himself and a smirk, the usual stuff.


Allen grabs the wooden door handle and left the room, Chad was waiting patiently for Allen to leave the room.

"Are you all prepared and dress up, young master?"

"Yep, Lets go."

Allen responded quickly and then took off walking down a hallway, different rooms were set far apart from each other but they were all in the same hallway, Allen just had the room in the end, label 7 above the door.

The hallway had a red carpet with yellow line decorations and designs to give it the feel of luxury, and the walls were white, with fancy designs going along the side of the walls and the roof.

Until then he approaches door number 3. The sounds of a click of a door being open, which force him to look. This time he should be able to see their body features and how they exactly look like, not a outline figure like the first time.

"I uh- Holy."

What lies before him was player number 3, the third unknown variable person, she had a curvy jawline, a nose that wasn't too sharp, her pupils was a light violet, and her hair was a lightish brown.

Her body waist and her overall curves shows the sign of not reallying caring about looking pretty in the eyes of others, but enough to stay in shape, her skin was white, and she was also wearing a golden crown with its own unique design.

She had some white royal gloves on, she also had some white pump heels on her feet, and was wearing a empire waist dress, the skirt went all the way down to her knees, the material was made out of cotton, and the dress was a mix of green and yellow. her breasts were the size of B's large and was mostly covered up, and what seems to be 18 or 19 years old.

"Hm? Can I help?"

Player 3 spoke with her feminine voice that ringed and echo in his ears, she also had a light German accent, something soft and new but not new was heard once again.

Allen just stood there like a frozen idiot not saying a word. But just standing and staring.

"I- Uh... I..."

Chad gave him a nudge forward to provide him with some reality again, and to make his master seem less like a bloody idiot in front of another player.


*cough* "Right, hello there, You're player 3 right? I'm player 7, pleasure to meet you and not just some shadowy figure."

Player 3 just looked at Allen from head to toe, being 4 inches shorter then Allen, see notice the boy in front of her had a slight chubbiness to him, but a free sense of a child.

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance, player 7"

She spoke calmly and wanted to keep the conversation simple between the two, remember their potential enemies. And she didn't go in for a handshake.


Allen confidence took a minor hit as he lowers his hand back down to his waist side.

Some one new come out and it was player 3 spiritual assistance.

-Holy lee shit, is that... is that natalia poklonskaya?!-

A recent popular russian female government leader who has put into her position and gain some major internet fame, especially the guys.

"Young miss, I do believe it is time for us to leave for the meeting hall."

She glance at Chad who was in his Julius Caesar form again, and gave him a nod. And Chad gave her a casual wave back.

"Right, right, lead the way, Natasha."

Both of the females left the area and down the hallway and past a corner. Allen stood there dumb founded with the sudden appearance of these two women in his eyes.


Allen tugged on Chad butler sleeves wanting a request done.

"Yes young master?"

"Slap me please."

Chad pause for a second on his requests and smiled a little, but not to much to reveal it to Allen, then he slowly raise up his right hand.


"Ow fuck sake!"

Allen was rubbing the right side of his face where Chad gave him a good old slap to the face, and this one wasn't gentle at all.

"Now we really should be following those two, young master, we don't want to be late."

Chad just grabs onto Allen arm and started to drag him down the hallway.

"Hey! I can walk on my own."

He shook Chad Muscular hand off his arm and fixed his clothing, and then he started to walk down the hallway and around the corner, which lead into a bigger room, what seems to be a large hall, pillars up to 10 meters tall supported the roof.

A single red carpet line up and down the hall, the marble floor shined under the artificial light that was provide in that large room. There were two large wooden doors at the end and almost everyone was gathered around in this room.

Player 1, and 2, and 4 were the only ones who hasn't shown up yet. Player 3 was up by the door with her hands place on the wooden door, as she looks up at the huge doors.

Player 6 was standing beside the right side of wall in the hall, her clothing was a one shoulder type dress with her dress covering below her knees, it was a pure black dress and she was wearing red color kitten heels. Her breasts size was around C size small. Her skin color was also white.

On top of her head was a crown that looks similar to player 3, but this one was more silver like, and the design was different along with the small amount of gems.

Player 6 had brunette color hair, that flow past her shoulders and near her elbows. Her pupils were colored brown, She a soft jawline and a smooth nose. Her body and curves were smooth and round enough to just be fit. Possibly be around the age of 20.

Her spiritual guide seems to be.

- so we have natalia poklonskaya? What does she have? Kim Yo-jong? -

He joked about player 6 spiritual guide was Kim yo yong, but who it really was, was joan of arc, dress like a modern day female business secretary. They were both casually talking to each other.

- Is that suppose to be Joan of arc? Kind of ruins her story dress like that... even if that's the look her guide choice.-

Next was a guy, player 5, a male who was exactly 6 ft tall, he had long white hair that went below his neck a little, his face was quite feminine but still remain most of his mascular traits. He was leaning against one of the pillars arm crossed.

His body build was slim-ish, with some muscles build on him, his skin color was weirdly pale in a strange way. His clothing was similar to Allen but instead of a robe he had a over jacket over his tunic. A sense of mystery and maybe even a little hint of magical aura was sense by Allen sense mana ability.

-He seems interesting.-

His spiritual guide was none other than the leader of the yellow turban rebellion of ancient China, Zhang Jiao.

Zhang Jiao was clattered in ancient Chinese metal armor and robe as he was whispering into player 5 ears.

"We got some interesting set of people don't we, Chad?"

He turns to look at Chad with a smile, then he sat himself down beside a wall on the left side of the large hall. They would Chat until the remaining players arrived into the great Hall.