Great Meeting -Last players- (2)

The room was quiet and each respectable players were already there, they were in their own areas of the large gathering hall they were in. Player 3 with still by the grand doors, player 5 was leaning against the marble pillar, player 6 was still having her conversation with her spiritual guide by the right side. Allen is known as player 7 was on the opposite where player 6 was at, having a casual conversation with Chad to past the time.

10 minutes of waiting went by for the four of them, they were usually the more quiet type, of the bunch making sure they kept to themselves.

Waiting on the more rude and rowdy people to arrive.

"So our introduction will be given by an announcement as we head inside?"

Allen spoke curiously about what Chad had stated beforehand when it was the time for the grand doors to open for all of them, a loud vocal announcement will sound out their names, and the names they decided on their empire.

"That was indeed what I just said, young master." Chad's answer was quick and simple, to give off a level of swiftness and professionalism.

"I see..."

His eyes wander around the large gathering hall until he reaches the two grand wooden doors, and behind those were suppose to be the meeting room.

"Hey Chad, you wonder why is she standing beside the door? She's been there for ag-"

Allen's trail of question about player 3 standing near the two grand doors was cut off by loud sounds echoing from the waiting room hallway. Sounds of shouting and words of disgusts and resentment toward one another.

"You're lucky that I was in a good mood for today, I still remember our first encounter."

Words of a British feminine voice stretch out through the hallway and then into the large gathering room, gaining the attention of everyone already there.

"What happened during our first meet up again? All I can recall was a guy... no wait was it a girl? I can't completely remember."

Then a second sound came through the hallway, it was a male voice with a Russian accent. Sounds of boots and heels were getting louder and louder bit by bit.

"You cheeky, Russian, cunt! Even when I try to be nice, yet you still act like a dick"

The female voice replies back to the male rudely response to her, seeming like he doesn't care about anything in this world.

"Thank for you the compliment, Ms. Tea bag drinker... Say that facial expression on your face looks lovely on you... I may end up falling for you."

The male voice responded back to the angry female, and a little snickered was heard after his last phrase.


The female started to sound embarrassed of the overall outcome, seeming like she was flustered by the guy.

"That's it, you have gotten on my nerves you damn ruskie!"

Judging from what Allen and the others can hear they expected the male to get punched or get hurt in some way. But to their surprise, a second male voice interrupted the two.

"Woah there, this place is not for that ok miss? We are here to mainly talk to each other, to talk about business."

The second male voice sounded African, as this guy was trying to defuse the situation he was in.

-Kind of feel bad for that guy now-

He said to himself still waiting for those three to come out of the hallway. Loudly stomping her way out of the hallway out of frustration of being near that annoying person.

Player 2 stilettos heels click and clatter from stomping onto the marble flooring, Her hair color was dark brown was long and flowy and was also tied into a ponytail that went past her neck and shoulders.

Her face was rigid but at the same time had a baby face, her eye pupils were a greenish-yellow, her curves were more slightly more muscles then curvy.

Being British her skin was a European white. Player 2 was wearing a ball gown, the dress length was just above her knee revealing her partially feminine and muscular legs.

Her blouse had thick cotton ribboning that went across the torso region, the top piece of the dress was also made out of cotton but contain a much less amount of fabric layers. While the lower part was made out of silk, allowing it to nicely sway in the air.

Player 2 didn't have a crown but a princess tiara instead that was mostly made out of gold, but some silver lining was seen. Another piece of jewelry wrapped around her arms, silver bracelets.

The dress had a combo of red, yellow, and orange color pallet, to even greatly compliment the colors, the stilettos she was wearing was bright red.

-God, I would have been fine with a shirt and some shorts, not this expensive and frisky clothing.-

Player 2 thought to herself as she took another look at herself, she was still not used to the whole dressing up all fancy like she was a person of royalty.

"Young miss, Please come back! you could have tripped on those!"

Sounds of a worried voice were next to be heard right after the clattering heels of player 2 stilettos on the hard marble flooring.

"Young miss!"

The mystery being was player 2 spiritual guide, and the physical appearance that this guide had chosen was none other than.

-Boudicca? That's her guide's physical appearance? I think that's a great fit for her... Explosive personality.-

Allen ponders to himself as he saw Boudicca slowly catch up to her master, she was wearing a white peasant-style dress that reach to her ankles, and a light reverted chain mail was placed over the dress.

She had a wooden shield with a certain ancient Welsh painted on the center, and the rim was made out of metal.

"I heard you the first time, Berta"

Player 2 slowly turns around to face Berta, seeing that she was now standing right beside her.

"Frilly dresses and makeup aren't my styles either, young miss, but please remember that you can trip while running with those heels... And don't let him get under your skin like that, Your stronger than that."

Berta spoke to the player with more of a casual tone of voice, and not professionally, or a good level of formality.

They were both now in the middle of the large gathering hall, standing next to each other until the remaining two players walked on out.

Player 1, who had the Russian accent, his hair was a dirty blond and his eyes pupils a dark yellow, and his nose was sharp with the end a bit curvy. His clothing wasn't really too much of a difference compared to all the other men being gathered here.

His skin was a Russian white.

"So this is where everyone is at? Seems were the lasts ones here."

Player 1 sounded lay back, and incredibly senseless to the situation that happens beforehand.

"Please don't talk to me for right now."

Player 4 was holding a hand out at player 1, trying to show that he wasn't with him and was trying his best to wave him away.

Player 4 skin was black, the color of his eye pupils were dark blue and his hair was black, short, and spiky, his nose was more spread out and flat on his face, player 4 also had glasses on him. His outfit was still similar to the rest of the other guys.

Then in came their spiritual guide, Ivan the terrible the first tsar of Russia, and Shaka Zulu the great tribal leader of the great Zulu empire in Africa.

Both of them were wearing an outfit closely related to Chad's 18th-century butler outfit. Their faces were devoid of any emotional expression since the earlier outburst happen made them feel embarrassed about.

"All 7 of us are finally here... What do we do now?"

Allen looked up at Chad, trying to see what they should be doing next.

"The doors will open in the next 5 to 10 minutes, young master, Please use this time to socialize with the rest of the players."

Allen thought to himself about what Chad said, so he started to look around the gathering hall at all the other players.

-Player 3 maybe? No, I already messed up my introduction with her... So player 6?-

Allen's pointer finger and thumb were right under his chin as Allen stares down at the marble floor trying to determine who he should talk to.

Then a decision was made to approach player 6 casually with a friendly smile on his face. Not wanting to give off a weird vibe at the start he rathers wants to keep it simple.

"I'll be back Chad."

Allen waved goodbye toward Chad as he starts to walk across the gathering hall, everyone was now staring at him since everyone was in their own separate area in the large room. Their eyes landed on player 6 seeing that player 7 was going over to her area.

"And where do you think you're going?"

Player 1 immediately blocked Allen's path to prevent him from getting any closer to her. Knowing something was fishy and odd with how player 7 behaved he wanted to stop any schemes from happening if two players were to talk to each other.

-Just what is your goal huh?-

Player 1 was calculating what words or actions Allen would do, from the sudden interruption.

"I'm off to talk with her, is that a problem?"

Allen's response was harsh, and dull which reinforce his tone of getting to the point, but also hiding his true meaning which was kind of hard, player 2 towers over Allen from his height of 5 ft and 9 inches, and Allen was only 5 ft and 4 inches tall.

"Well, you can do all the talking in there."

Player 1 points to the grand doors that were still shut, His arms being raised up completely stopped any more attempts of getting past him, and wouldn't move until the time has gone by.

"Come on man, There no harm in talking."

Allen tried to play it off like he was innocent, and friendly, to not cause any sense of threat for others.

Player 1 squinted at Allen and let out a small quiet sigh, he turns around to face player 6 and her spiritual assistance.

"Do you want to talk to this guy?"

Player 1 was asking on behalf of Allen which he didn't want, the situation that was caused by player 1 was already awkward and bad enough as it is. Now he spoke to her before he could.

Both player 6 and her guide gave each other a look, and then back to player 1 and Allen. Player 6 hands were interlocked together and place on her stomach area. Her head was now tilted down, from the facial expression alone she had a hard time deciding what to do.

"Uh~... No."

Player 6 voice was quite shaky and silent but was loud enough for both of them to hear, and anyone else that was close by.

"You heard the lady, She doesn't want to talk to you."

Player 1 took a step closer to Allen and poke the top area of Allen's chest with his pointer finger, forcing him to reel back a bit. Allen's nerves weren't good enough to mentally prepare himself for this kind of event, and especially when the guy in front of him is way taller then he is.

The towering domineer was already a worst enough for him to deal with, but there were also other eyes gaze upon him, player 1 was already giving out ideas for the other players to think about him.


"No buts... Go back to your area."

Player 1 move in closer, and now was only a few inches apart, he stares down at Allen, and Allen stares right back up at player 1.

"Even with hearing the word no you still pushed it, I can only assume that you were both trying to set up a deal behind our backs? What other reason could you have?"

Player 1 now began to question Allen's motive again for the reason of wanting to meet up with player 6 so badly. Hearing this Allen felt the stares grow even sharper among his peers. And player 1 was trying to create two artificial sides, him and the other players against Allen and player 6.

"I'll say it again, I just wanted a chat, but if she doesn't wanna talk to me, that fine, I'll take my leave then."

Trying to recover from this the best way he possibly can, to save face and to prevent any more distrust among all 7 other players, and to make sure no one else was targeting player 6 because of his actions. He retreated from this and walked on back to Chad.

"Well, that was lovely... That guy is really a pain in the ass, and real trouble in the future."

Allen muttered to himself standing right next to Chad and was waiting until the doors finally open up for them.