Great Meeting - More discussion- (6)

*Tap Tap Tap*

Eli was taping the table surface with aggravation toward Allen, the short chubby childish person really had spoken up and directly insulted him in his face. Feeling like that should not have gone unnoticed he wanted to punch the bastard of a person, but that would provide more material for others to use against him.

Everything was kept away at a distance to avoid close contact, you couldn't have gotten out of the chair and take a step to the person you want to punch and then swing at them.

Getting out of the chair to hit the attainted person would take more than a single step. Unless they want to be the first to start a scene.

Eli saw that Allen's arms were arch up together with his fingers interlock with each other, while still giving his cocky smirk.


Keeping his emotions in check he decided to use this time to see how the others would react to Allen little *comment* about them.

"You guys wanted me to say something so I did."

The smirk turns into a smile, he clasps his hands together again and lays both of his arms flat on the table and turns to looks at an Abraham.

"You guys can thank him for that."

Abraham clenches his hands under the table to avoid people seeing him do this, he knew he couldn't back down from this anymore.

Something bad was being painted right over him and what was the comment said towards everyone, but that time he didn't know what Allen was going to say.

"Just a moment, Emperor Allen."

His deepish tone with a little bit of softness he was the first to speak out against Allen comment.

"You say that were no lesser than some... *Monkeys* Exclaiming that all we have done is hurled insults to one another."

Allen raise up an eyebrow who was now interested that it was Abraham who responded first, he thought it was either Jae or Eli, so this came as a surprise to him.

"That is correct, Emperor Abraham."

Deciding to respond swiftly to Abraham's statement, Allen wanted to know what kind of game plan was Abraham going to do.

"I cannot deny your accusation, arguing you with that subject will be no fruit. Since we all cannot deny the fact that it is true."

Abraham turn his head away from Allen and was now switching between the other people seated on the table. Enticing the truth fact, in case one of them stumbles in the future for denying this.


He clasps his hand together with them pointed upward.

"But what?"

Allen now knowing that Abraham was going to retort back against him, he waited, momentary silence went by then he finally opens his mouth again.

"But... That means just now that you're now no longer standing on any high ground." (It's over Anakin I have the high ground!)

A few lights cough to clear his throat, and he began to look at the other players once more than he turns back to Allen.

"Yes, we have rudely targeted and insulted one another, but you came running along deeming us unworthy and also calling us monkeys."

Abraham leans forward against the table, and it was now his turn to smile against Allen, who was smiling at them beforehand, but he soon dropped it.

"Pardon me, but don't think that we have much differentiation between each other... Otherwise, you sound like a serious hypocrite, Emperor Allen, you say we are tossing around frivolous insults, but you just ended up insulting all of us."

Abraham sways his arm to the entire table, everyone was in agreement on that matter on how arrogantly Allen spoke out to everyone in the table, But Brier, she wholeheartedly wanted to speak up, but just kept to herself from trying to help Allen in any way possible. Survival of the fitness is a natural instinct for every living being.

"You're quite right indeed Emperor Abraham."

Allen responded to Abraham with a tone that he wasn't going to deny the fact that he targeted every single one of them just like that.

When any intelligent beings ever pull these kinds of dangerous, and risky maneuvers whatever if its something physical, or a verbal statement the person behind it better be prepared for the outcome, and if they weren't ready for the backlash they shouldn't have done it in the first place.

"So you're agreeing with us?"

Still unclear with the angle Allen was coming from, Eli and Jae raise up their mental guard by a little, to see what Allen is going to say next.

"Yes... 100 percent completely."

His glasses shines as he pushes them up his nose adjusting them on his face.

-Maybe I do need to reconsider my initiate of him.-

Jae originally expected that a guy like Allen could only give out a half-ass statement, but he manages to throw a few good punches in his statement.

She crosses her right leg over her left and had her mouthed cover with the smooth and soft hand of hers, and silently chuckles.

"I am indeed in the same role as everyone here, the same type of filth, but my goal is not base on meaningless insults to be lobbed at each other."

Allen gave mook, Eli, Kyrielight, and Jae a head nod to point out the starters of the chaotic nonsense.

"My, I'm impressed with your attitude Emperor Allen, my original thoughts were mistaken."

Jae said with her smile now being uncovered by her hand, she let them rest gently on her lap.

"You flatter me too much Empress Jae."

Fake or not fake no one can really tell if the smile Allen was giving to Jae was legitimate.

Everyone was now at a standstill if they all had American midwest revolvers and were standing up. This could have been called a Mexican standoff.

Everyone had said what they wanted to say to each other, but the guns have yet to lower and then put back into their holster, guns for them were their words.

The bullets were their effectiveness of using specific kinds of words and coming at an angle to get under the skin of their opponent.

"Now I believe we have finish our little, shall we say? Ice breaker? We really should move on and stop wasting our precious time."

Jae would gather the attention of everyone with a few clap of her hands. Seeming like a bit of her cold hard exterior businesswomen had loosened up. She wanted to move onto a different kind of topic assuming they were on a timer, and being inside with no windows no can tell the time.

"Why not... I've gotten bored at poking at everyone's flaws." *chuckle noises*

Eli also wanted to move along to a different topic unless they could have spent the entire day, bad-mouthing each other without any actual business done. But he didn't want to show the others that he was openly willing to agree with her.

"Y-yes, lets please move o-on to something else."

The quiet and friendly but shy Brier finally said some words after a short period of silence, of letting the more confident people speak their minds since she didn't want to aggravate them too much.

"Ok, then what can we discuss then?"

Responded by Kyrielight who didn't want to talk about boring general stuff, but was more curious and keen on what knowledge does the other people have and know.

"Well were in the world of Novarius, that's for sure... How about we talk about that? What do you guys know?"

She quickly pointed out at the NPC pope who was still standing on top of the high podium overlooking the entire meeting room. And the fact that the architect didn't bluntly remind them as they were surrounded by it.

The symbols and paintings of fantasy races and mythical creatures they thought were made up or fake can be seen on the flooring, and on the dome-like rooftop. A real magnificent art masterpiece and also structural design.

Something felt odd about the NPC Pope as Allen inspects the NPC pope from afar, but he couldn't get a clear understanding of the sensation so he shrugs it off as an overflow of emotional anxiety.

"I guess that's a conversation starter."

Allen decided that it was his turn to speak up in the conversation and to seem like he has an important opinion.

"We are in the world of magic, swords, dragons... you name it and this world probably has it."

Mook raises up a hand signaling the others that something was on his mind, and wanted to divulge the info.

"But we cannot forget, IT, mention scientific discovery is a driving factor in this world as well, so therefore the rules of science can apply in this world as well."

The moment Mook mentions the word science they all immediately knew what he meant, guns existed in the system weapon stores, but not their world kind of firearms but more magical aspect to them. What else can exist?

Science VS religion? Who knows what will they expect in the unknown lands of the world of Novairus, only time can tell that answer to that question.