Great Meeting -Novairus can and can't- (7)

"I assume that everyone here has already looked at, or at least presumably peaked at the system menu? right?"

With a flick of a wrist Jae, lightly snapped her fingers bringing up the same system menu that the others were using, you would expect that with different personalities their systems would be different in style but this wasn't the case.

The usual holographic screen that appeared out of thin air was right in front of Jae's face which covered most of it, she reached up and grabs onto the bottom of the screen and twist it around, pushing it toward the center of the table with her minor movement.

"As we can see, in the Empire section and the store both objects and types of people can be brought into this world from our systems."

With a quick few swipes in the air, the menu began to change and split into different two holographic screens, the shop menu, and the Empire menu. Each with their own separate buttons, and labels.

"Right... from the system store options, I found out that you can buy yourselves some soap to provide a nice clean bath."

Soap bottles, bathroom towels? magical pistols? And other countless items that exist in their world, or have taken inspiration but weren't quite similar exist in the world of Novairus.

"Soap, towels, and food as well as white bread, or ice cream can be bought."

Brier had something new about the system store and it was on complicated type of food, that you can buy in the food section. Since Allen never check it out, believing it only to be normal medieval style, grain, meat, and vine or milk.

-Speaking of ice cream... I wonder can you buy fries? Or even burgers?!-

Allen's eyes light up with the happiness of the idea of having a large table full of fast food right in front of him. Eating berries and Ram Deer meat is fine, but the good smell and taste of fast food was something he was missing from his old world. His mouth began to water a little from his thoughts alone.

"Are you feeling alright there? Emperor Allen?"

Abraham reached out as far as he can sliding his hand across the table seeing that Allen had a weird looking face.

"Hm.. what? where? Fried chicken? Ramen noodles? huh-"

After breaking his little food trance and coming right back to reality, he fumbles on the chair and started to look around the room with confusion.

"pffft- Hahahaha!"

Eli broke out in laughter from how dumb and retarded Allen acted and how his face looked. He almost fell backward on his chair.

"I... I... Oh brother."

Seeing how he got the attention of everyone with that embarrassing little performance he used both of his hands to hide up a blush on his face. He wanted to die right there again to get rid of this embarrassment.

"I can relate to you Emperor Allen, I admit I was also daydreaming about food when she mentions ice cream."

Even with her tomboy attitude, Kyrielight wasn't a total pro athlete in sports or in exercising, she too was attracted by the lovely smell of food and the delicious taste their world can give.

She also was scratching the side of her cheek, and slightly turned away from revealing the little secret of hers.

*light feminine chuckle*

Jae found the amusement of both of these people who were simply daydreaming about food.

"How care free of you two huh? Anyways back to the system at hand."

She snaps her fingers again to multiple the amount of screens to appear in everyone's faces. Every single one of them now has two holographic screens in front of them, one shop and one empire menu.


Both Allen and Kyrielight awkwardly chuckle as they both exchange glances with some minor embarrassing facial expressions.

"Since we already know the features of the shop, and the miscellaneous items we can buy there is indeed the special interest topic."

The shop menu had changed into the specialized troop's selection, revealing their personal side of view of unique pre-generated personnel. Everyone had a different person than they can see.

"The specialized troops... From what we can see we can buy and potentially spawn in... in."

Jae was struggling to remember the names and the classifications of each special elite type unit names since they were all base on their history and present time elite soldiers.

"Ancient Roman praetorian guard."

Allen just interrupted the stuttering and struggling Jae who had a hard time remembering the names of the elite soldiers.

He just smiled while giving the answer to Jae willy nilly.

"Thank you, Emperor Allen."

Jae responded in kind but didn't appreciate that someone else had to step in and answer for her, a bit of her pride just took a hit.

"With what we can see is the ani-"

"Hold up."

Once again interrupting Jae, Allen spoke again holding up a finger in the air. And then he slowly lowers it back down onto the table.

"Why don't I handle this part of the inspection? So you don't struggle with this?"

Jae's eyes blinked once, then twice and then three times, as she heard that recommendation from Allen that he should be the one to talk about this part of the systems. Regretfully she sighs and nodded a yes for Allen to take over.

"Thank you, Empress Jae."

Allen's smiles grew a little bigger since historical warfare is more of his expertise, so knowing the terms, names and classification are a must-have for all nerdy military historians.

*ahem*."What we can see from the ancient Roman praetorian guard, we can assume that these specialized troops are from our world history with no gender exclusion."

Truly there weren't any kind of gender restrictions, with almost a few decades ago, women could start freely enlisting into their native nation military. So the much older generation of the elite soldiers being female was weird from a historical standpoint.

"I'll be naming a few at random now and the ones I took notice... The British SAS.... the French GIGN... The US airborne troops.. the Polish hussars... and many other historical elite soldiers from our world."

They all felt like some serious information and business was now finally being talked about, seeing how they can buy and spawn in an elite soldier if they have the right requirements for it, and the financial resources for them.

They wonder what kind of special type of soldiers would they have to deal with in this world? Could their own men handle the magical soldiers of this world?

They won't be used to fighting against wizards, clerics, mages, dragons, and all the fantasy realm beings. Only ever between human to human conflicts using human knowledge is what these special type of warriors are used to.

"No matter the era they are in, and no matter the gender, we can buy them, and spawn them in as our own."

A quiet Ahem was heard behind Allen as he turns around to look at Chad, who seems to have something to say.

"I must inform, your highnesses, that we are created by your powers, but remember that we have our own minds... our own personalities."

As Chad soon finished with his mini-speech, each of the spiritual guides gave their master a look and their hand's place on their shoulders, to reinforce the idea that they have their own free will.

"Right... We cannot forget this fact, we can't order you to simply cut your neck, or charge into a suicide battle can we?"

Allen's response was with humor and he started to slap Chad lower chest area and a little laugh. Then every other player soon follows along with Allen's act.