Great Meeting -Militaristic- (13)

Each stage had outstandingly plentiful and very well detailed info with several glorious historical empires that gain fame throughout time. Either by their respectable leaders or the people of that empire.

"Not only does this wacky system has-"

Eli relaxed his body and leaned his body back against the chair, and then rest both of his arms on the arm rest. He wanted to sit in a more comfortable seating position as he scrolls down the lists.

"Our world miscellaneous items, but at the same time, nations from our world huh?"

Everyone could see it, Prussian, Macedonian, Celtics, Russian, Chinese, you name the kingdom or nation and the era of time, and this system menu list has them separated by perfect order.

"Kind of playing like god, don't you think?"

Abraham knew something was odd, and he knew that seeing the results of clicking this specific tab would create a weird sense of feeling inside of him then he had a weird look at the others.

"That should be expected, granted our powers come from the system... And you know who.""

Quietly Jae reassured Abraham feelings so his comfortable wouldn't deteriorate, but like her, and everyone around the table knew where their power came from, IT gave them this ability.

The ability to play God on a game of chess, but at highly more sophisticated levels, and actual blood will spill on the board.

"you're saying this like if its a bad thing Emperor Abraham."

Eli squinted both of his eyes and then raised both of his eyebrows, he looks like he has something to say.

"Just like IT said, there's no rules... so I would suggest that you watch your own back, not your outcome for now."

He devilishly smirked and glared his eyes at Abraham, his dark yellow eyes started to light up a little, but that was only in Abraham mind.

"Why do you must always be this cruel?"

Brier demanded an answer from Eli but knowing her, she couldn't be ready to go against Eli just like that.

"Why do tigers eat zebras? To live the next day."

He quickly turn his attention away from Abraham and was now looking at Brier, while leaking a dangerous sense of aura.


She hastily recoiled back at the creepy facial expression that Eli was pulling off, the kind hearted girl felt like she could have been killed just right there and then. But her spiritual guide had place a hand on her shoulders as she smiles, giving her warmth and a sense of safety near her.

Jae saw this happen and was in the middle of opening her mouth, to say something but Allen was a second faster.

"You must have a interesting life style, now I kindly ask of you."

Allen's eyes started to furrow a bit, then he grips both of his hands together and holds them at his mouth partly covering it. He soon released a sense of a deadly aura.

"To please leave her alone."

This immediately made Eli turn to look over at Allen as he felt a similar kind of pressure resonating off of him, and as if this was a hidden surprise he almost thought they were the same.

"Gladly, just the problem with that, were in the same room."

He never once dropped or lower the smirk on his face, for a man like Eli caliber he wasn't going to give in toward anyone that easily, but for now he knows nothing will be gain out of whatever this was, so he back down for now.

Brier began to feel the dangerous aura that leaked from Eli was suspended, then she gave Allen a quick nod and a smile to show a form of appreciation. Allen in return just open mouth smile back.

-Hm? Look at that.-

Jae spotted the small interaction, seeing the smallest social ques, to lips, eyes, ears, and their breathing if you want to survive though a business meeting with people, you must learn how to read your enemy.

-These two seem to be... close-

From how Allen defended Brier when Eli had his sights sink deep within her, it seemed like a little too much effort was spent on that. She was going to help push out Eli away from Brier but to her knowledge she didn't know that they have small amount of friendship set between each other.

Unbeknownst to Jae her hands started to shake a bit for a short period of time, and then clench into a ball of fists, but then she loosen her hands right afterward.

-Close... they seem close.-

"from what we can gather, in the troops summoning tab what we have available for ourselves are the empires in the ancient era of human history."

Allen spoke out stating the facts and the knowledge all of them had just took a look over, and now all of them know, this was enough to jolt Jae back into reality.

"And not to mention the kind of people and soldiers belonging to those empires."

He continues to give the presentation and the facts waiting for the next person to chime in and say something.

"A problem that I see, even if we were to spawn in troops with their equipments and such, knowing the kind of world we are in."

Mook was the person who chime in.

From how obvious how the audience were clothed, and how the giant meeting room they were in was built and design, it looks like it was made in the medieval ages. Coming from that evidence they can assume that this world was in the 11th-15th century of medieval european.

Meaning their weapons and armor for their soldiers will be highly out dated, compare to the native armies of this world, and not forget about wizards or dragons, or any grand magical things accompanying their military might.

"Our soldiers can only have native contact with the beings of this world until our equipment can match theirs."

This was something they can all agree about since if this world follows the traditional guidelines, of a fantasy world. The native empire would have steel plated armor, and steel weapons.

If a person with bronze equipment fought a person with steel weapons and armor, unless the bronze fighter is HIGHLY skilled in combat, the materials that make their weapon and armor is a major weakness and can lead to their downfall.

Cutting steel, or piercing through steel with bronze level of equipment is not highly suggested for warfare.

"But for us, I believe we can go on our solo or duos scouting missions, once you unlocked the levels and ranks to use your spiritual guides for combat."

The next person to come right after Mook was Jae, since she didn't want the thought of her mind wandering off into nowhere, and then she couldn't be able to participate in some important discussion.

"Each single one of us needs to focus heavily on research development into advancing into the next eras until you get into the early medieval ages they cannot find out your settlement."

Allen planted all 5 fingers of both his hands down on the table, and then he looks at everyone to see if they all understand what will happen if they were caught. Blood may be spilled, and potentially theirs if they aren't careful.

Darkness and dreaded feelings loom over everyone, knowing that one mistake and they could be easily found out, and knowing that an unknown settlement was being made to rival against the kingdom they flew into, issues may occur.

It's like if a person started to claim rooms in YOUR home as theirs, knowing that you own all of that unless they want to pay rent or in this case become a vassal of the kingdom they reside in.

That makes them weak and wasn't good enough to lead their empire into glory but force into disgraceful and humiliating subjugation.

Knowing their purpose of conquests and military dominance they cannot allow themselves to be subjected to being ruled over, they can fight back with outdated equipment but that would be pointless.

The best answer for native contact with each player empire they must remain hidden at all cost. Never to be seen unless they are ready to defend against when they are revealed. (The hidden leaf village cough)

"I hope everyone's luck is that good, and that you don't make any stupid and maybe deadly mistakes."

Allen popped out a childish smile on his face and two thumbs up, as he was trying to reassure people, but at the same time to say it in a comedic way to relieve some build up stress.

"Yeah... I better see you guys at the finish line."

Abraham decided to join in the fun, since to them this may be their last chance to casually talk with each other for the time being. And who knows when will they ever be able to joke like this?

"Trust me... I already see myself standing past the finish line, and standing above over your bodies."

Jae giggles again while partially covering her mouth with her left hand, she was really confident in that statement of hers. Knowing that every single one of them would put up a harsh bloody fight.

No one was going to sit there and take punches, or to be beaten back by one another, they don't want to die, or to see the people they represent crumble and then turn into ashes, cause what kind of great leader wants to see that happen to their people? Only a mental derange psychopath would.