Great Meeting -Politics?- (14)

Minutes past and they exit out of the empire system entirely, no holographic screen can be seen floating in their faces including the bigger one that was hovering in the center of the wooden table. They finished with discussing the system capabilities on military management, with the other tab options are easily self-explanatory.

The remaining three that they could check out were the research and development, buildings and construction, economic, and population management category tabs. But checking out what subcategories would still be up to the rest of the group, whatever to inspect them one by one, or just ignore them and move onto different topics.

"Does anyone of you guys actually want to check out the last three categories?"

Allen looked around the table and gathered everyone's reaction and answers to see if they wanted to divulge into the remaining categories left for them to take a peek at.

"I say that we leave that to our own self-discovery."

Jae didn't mind at all whenever if they open the menu again, or not. But for right now she rather leaves those for another time, and when they can take a look at it themselves.

"Yeah... we have really been focusing on the *systems* discussions for too long."

Boredom was getting to Eli since the last two conversational topics were on about the player menu systems, and the things they can buy and do with it.

Things popped out as surprises and interesting facts, but that feeling wouldn't last too long for him and was quickly switch back to boredom.

"Let us carry on."

He stated to further push the agenda along to a new topic for them to talk about in general.

"what do you have in mind then? Emperor Eli."

Kyrielight titled her head to the right and spoke out in a curious expression she asks him what should be their next topic. Since to her, Eli seems to be pushy on moving to a different subject.

"How about... something relating to *political things.*" *chuckles*

He suggested the subject change with each word he says his speech becomes slower, and once he finally reaches the word political everyone paused their breathing for a brief moment, and then they just looked at each other not sure how they should proceed with Eli's propose idea.

"Political discussions? You think we should be discussing those sorts of things as of right now?"

Abraham replies back to Eli who wasn't really that keen on the topic of political discussions, everyone was already barking at each other like some wild dogs as it is, and bringing in any form of politics could somehow make it much worst.

And for what reasons he thought, this is the first meeting they ever had, and maybe could be their last. He doesn't see the reason why their casual conversation should have to include politics.

"What's the problem with a little political business?"

Eli responded back to Abraham's unwillingness to move onto the new subject, even though he knew that the subject is all about politics and knowing politics means some dirty work effort will be needed, but still he really needed something to challenge against his mind.

"We could set up pre-establish trades negotiations, or establish a *trade embargos* so nothing is official, or set in stone just yet, we can change however we feel about the agreements we make, everything as of right now is base on vocal agreements, is anyone actually benefitting from this?"

He now started to list out some examples of political ideas that they could begin to discuss. Since having this set up earlier rather than later was his incentive on bringing everyone to agree with his suggestion.

And he was right about there being no official documents could be significant or contracts that could be made, nothing they would talk about in this one meeting would be set in motion because the agreements that they would have is mostly or all vocalize.

-I don't think there any could be any good logical statement to go against that-

Allen would try to think of a logical and reasonable counter-argument but nothing came up, then he notices something at the corner of his eyes, that Jae and Brier were looking at towards him, which confused him because he didn't have a single clue of why would both of them be looking towards him? This made him feel weird about their stares so he just shrugged out of being confused.

-What? What do they what?-

"Economic agreement, Research Alliance, Sanctions, nonaggression pacts.

Eli began counting with his fingers with political topics that they could start discussing right now, but once he had was on his last few fingers he took a brief moment of silence and smiled a little knowing that the next three things he's going to say one of them will catch at least one of them interested in what he has to say.

"Defensive Pact, Military Alliance... *Guarantee of independence*"

Everyone reacted in one way or another, either by tiny amounts of physical body movements, minor facial expressions, or they're emotional states changes a little. Those three things could lead people to their own beneficial gain, but that's for the long game, and that's if people even want to play the long game.

Eli was slightly wrong about people not being able to benefit from these agreements, yes they are nonofficial as of right now so anyone can easily opt-out from one, or deny the entire existence of the deal they made, but as easy as it is to break the political agreement, it's also easy enough for someone to keep the other person in check, by making sure they have no reasons to back out of it, or can't.

-Kind of like a double edge sword huh? They are presently nonofficial but these agreements can lay the starting foundation to a political trap-

Allen knew something was off with Eli's idea to begin discussing politics just in their first meetings. Why? How should they even act? And another factor is everyone around the table is either 18 or in their early 20s, it would be strange for people of this age to talk about politics.

-Real clever there... Fine I'll play along to your political game.- *quietly chuckles*

"I see no issues with this? my vote on yes."

Eli's mental thought process staggers back a bit, unaware that Allen was going to be the first person to side with him on this one, knowing their tense relations between each other something feels odd about him being the first.

-Thank you for agreeing, but what's your end goal here?-

Eli started to ponder the ideas of what Allen was going to do or say for his political statements. Which brought up his guard.

To Jae's perspective, she still didn't know whenever to say yes or no to conversation topics such as theses. The subjects are intriguing and she rather would casually talk about these things, but they can't do that, can they?

And she also didn't expect Allen to agree with Eli's idea in the first place, to her Eli was already bad enough to be in the same room as him, the arrogant, annoying personality of his can easily make anyone hate him, in one way or another.

So Allen agreeing on something that Eli said, was a real honest shocker for her.

-What is this idiot doing? Oh, my god.-

She wanted to complain and give Allen a real ear rape, like an Asian mother scolding her child for doing something bad.

In a room like this and the purpose of coming here was the mains reason why she stays calm while under pressure, no matter how much she wants to yell at Allen right now.

-He better not try and convinces me to agree with h...-

Right as she was thinking about saying no to whatever Allen was going to say to her, Allen turns his attention back to Jae, and she knows that he was going to have something to say to her.

-.... God damnit.-

After she internally sighs for a bit, to prepare herself mentality to hear Allen's statement to try and convince her to agree with the discussions of the political subjects.

"Empress Jae, may I hear your opinion on this?"

Allen's voice sounded sweet and kind but that didn't really matter overall, the more important thing is the question itself. He was asking for Jae's opinion first, rather than try to convince her to say yes.

"My opinion? Ok, I'll give you my opinion."

Her arms were crossed together but she opens up her arms, and then gently rest them upon the table surface. The cold temperature that she felt on the table felt nice, but it wouldn't be enough to break her guard.

"I did say before that I didn't really care whatever we are going to talk about next."

She then stops her speech, to look from left to the right side of the table, making sure she locks eye contact with everyone else.