Great Meeting -Politic.2- (15)

"But if we're discussing politics."

Jae swiftly turns her head at Eli giving him a small glare, then she turns back to Allen with a nonsatisfied expression on her face. She didn't like this one bit as so it seems.

"That's something entirely new, not just for myself but for everyone, and I must ask, why agree on such things? Emperor Allen?."

Her tone change from sweet and nice to forceful and blunt. Something feels off about the sudden idea to begin political discussions now, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

"Knowing *him*... surely he has a secret plan with that.. politics is a like walking through a minefield blindfolded if a person is like that is around."

Then she quickly raised up a hand and rudely points at Eli accusing him of something, and that something was his idea of politics. She sure as hell won't allow a person with that mindset, and personality to sweet talk the discussions.

"What were you thinking in the first place?"

She demanded and slowly leans in forward onto the table, her face showing a mix confused and a disappointed look. She then places both of her hands down onto the table awaiting Allen answers.

"I uh-."

What words could he have said to Jae? He wanted to allure Eli into a political trap but with Jae's reaction, she could really give off a bad attitude for the rest to have any kind of political discussions.

He slightly turns his head away from Jae, and then quickly checks on the others, who were staring at both of them, making this even weirder for Allen.

"Just what makes you think that I'm trying to scheme here?"

Eli retorted back at Jae, feeling like he was rudely accused out of mere speculations that he may have a hidden motive hiding right underneath his suggestion, but she wasn't wrong though, Eli did have a plan in mind if they went through with his idea, but he couldn't blatantly show it on his face.

"Oh stop with your fake innocent act, Emperor Eli, Or should I call you Emperor Eli the Arrogant?"

Jae barked back at Eli, with a firey like force, and a spicy attitude that lost any notion of feminine charms, and style.

"Emperor Eli the Arrogant? Is that what you think of me? How sweet~ Thank you~"

Again, Eli's fake persona never quivered once at the insult that was thrown at him, or any words that labeled him, he just kept a smile, and then a light chuckle making it seem like a joke to him. Nothing really seems to phase this guy, which makes that part a bit frightening for the others.

"You see what I mean his kinds should never be around politics."

As Jae turns her head back to Allen, she sways her hand at Eli pointing and his casual smile and his nonchalant personality. He manages to piss off or get on the bad side of three other people around the table, first, it was Kyrielight, then Allen, then it was Jae.

three out of six, seven if wanted to include himself in the pile, anyone decently smart enough could see that this situation was close to becoming dire, someone respectable and wise would try to patch the problems but he wasn't going to do that.

"Y-yeah, Nevermind I take back what I said."

Feeling like the present cons were outweighing the pros even if the advantages would be helpful in the long run, the uncomfortable and certainly problematic turn of events was pushing him to rethink his original thoughts.


He mutters quietly that no one can hear what he had to say, he was urging himself to drop the idea of starting a political discussion during the first meeting session, but a little part of him still wants to do it.

"I say that settles it? We move over the idea of any kind of political discussion until we know that there will be more meetings reserved for that in the future."

Jae was the one who finalizes the turn of events as she was putting the final nail into the coffin, ending the little ramble about starting up political talks, of any kind. Especially when it comes out of the mouth like Eli.

And then Jae was slowly returning to her usual self of being relaxed and gentle like person, but she could become prideful and confident in her speech in a matter of seconds if she so chooses.

"Agreed... I second that..."

Now, with most of the table was in the majority of keeping the political stuff for later, from the reasons that this was the first-ever meeting, and second was that if they were to begin political discussions, then it must be fair, unplanned situation, where everyone is on an even playing field.

-Well, shit-

Eli's plan seems to bear no results, his idea of starting up some kind of political talks was rejected by the rest of them. This was something he really hoped that it didn't fail, but the reality is harsh and nothing is fair in life.

"If we're saving the more serious discussions for later, when should we begin?"

Mook asks curiously, even he wanted to start talks about political things, but seeing how the event unfolded he kept that to himself.

Jae was in the middle of opening her mouth to answer Mook's question but once again, Allen was just a second faster than Jae, as he was going to answer Mook's question very soon.

"This is the first meeting... This was to talk about much simpler matters, so I suggest the 2nd or the 3rd?"

Making sure that the political topic was going to come right after the first meeting, or pretty close to the first, Allen had to stop anyone else from giving out an answer to the set date.

"That seems acceptable."

Mook responded as soon as Allen finish his sentence, putting a vote down to the 2nd or 3rd meeting reserved for political discussions. Then other people follow suit to give their answer and of course, Eli agreed to it.

To Jae, this seem abrupt and a very rushed vote, the topics for politics should have been thought over for a much longer time, and with more in-depth details. Though the people had voted in agreement for this so there was nothing she could do.

"I have something we can talk about."

Brier had gotten a sudden idea, a different kind of thing that they could talk about, and it was discussing the places they have landed at, the kind of creatures they discovered, or the natives they have encountered.

"What is it?"

Abraham replied

"How about w-we talk about the location we all landed at? Like t-the animals? The natives? N-nothing too details if you guys want to keep it a secret."

Brier stutters a bit and struggles to say the entire sentences since this could give people the knowledge of their locations.

"I'll go first..."

She quietly exclaimed as she was holding both of her hands close to her chest.

"I landed in uh... In what I can say is huge chains of islands... Tropical beaches, Sandy shores, aquatic life, from what I can gather I'm on a large unoccupied island, but I am indeed located inside a kingdom."

Then she ended it there, trying her best to set up an example for the others to follow along with the idea. She said some information but the world of Novairus is a gigantic planet, finding her exact location is going to be hard during this time.

"I see... I think I'll go next."

Abraham didn't mind giving out pieces of information on his general location, as long as he kept more of the specific details hidden away.

"One of the main continents, dry terrain, and also very hot... I also landed straight in kingdom territory."

Soon one after another people told the basic, and very general descriptions of their landing locations. Eli was in a cold environment, Jae was in a dense hilly area, Mook was in a marshy grassland area, Kyrielight was also on an island.

And everyone was located in some random kingdom, because the moment they checked their global maps, settlements of villages, large towns, small cities up to capitals were scattered around.

Another thing was that none of them has yet to make contact with the native people of this world, even if they come across another human of this world, they couldn't understand their language.

The people culture, the lifestyle that they have, everything will be new to them, and the natives alike, they would need to be more prepared if they want to venture out and meet the locals.

"I see, we're all in different and unique environments."

After everyone was finished explaining their info, Brier clapped her hands gently to finish up the discussions.

Then a sudden loud bell ringing sound effect rang across the large meeting room, and then just echoes around the area. If only this place was for a choir band then it would have been the perfect spot.