Turn of events -Strength- (1)

"Ah, why did a random loud ass bell started to ring?!"

Kyrielight yelled out as the loud sounds of the metal bell ring throughout the giant meeting room, everyone including her was covering their ears to block out a portion of the sound waves, that were ringing from an unknown place, and echoing all around the room.

Allen's eyes darted around the room trying to locate where the bells could be coming from, but there weren't any structural designs to house large metal bells inside the room as if the source comes from a mythic space inside the room.

-You seriously had to ear rape us huh?-

He mentality scorn IT with the ideas of playing noisy bells inside the room, this could have been all a prank for IT. And they were the victims of the bell pranks.

Surprisingly only the 7 of them would be affected by these insured loud bells sounds, no one in the audience area or the NPC pope ever flinched.

The NPC pope would adjust his clothing to become parallel on the other side, then he raises up his hand. Shortly after the loud bells would finally fade away, allowing the 7 of them to uncover their ears.

"Well, That was surprising wasn't it? Nothing like a good bell to shake people up."

Eli had an open grin on his face and a casual childish attitude to what just happen, the loud deafening rings of the metal bells didn't seem to affect him at all, on the outside.

Everyone else just groaned and rolled their eyes not wanting to deal with Eli and his little act, they were just happy that the bells finally stopped ringing so they can hear properly now.

"Tough crowd."

With the passing silence, there was one thing that was on everyone's mind, and it was why were those bells ringed? What were they for? What purpose? The only thing they know is that the NPC pope stopped them somehow, so they awaited whatever he was going to say, or do next.

The NPC would quietly clear his throat, and then lifted up both of his arms upward in a praising motion, he calmly began to open his mouth to speak.

"The time has come! The ceremonial meeting has ended! The announcement of the leading being will now begin!"

The NPC pope shouted into the room, exciting all the audience members once again, with cheers and laughter with music being played over top of it.

-RIGHT! I forgot about the announcement about whoever is in the lead so far.-

Now everyone knew what the hell those stupid loud bells were for, to inform them when the part of announcing the leading player will start. Which was right now.

- What aspects or traits are they going to use to determine the best player so far?-

-Is it by our levels? The creatures we killed? Or is it general fighting skills, the ability to lead?-

-What the hell are they using?-

Questions, and more questions he had thought about, but important kind of questions was asked.

Then the ground shook and shake a little, as 7 circular marble platforms rose straight out of the ground, there was a platform for every single one of them located a few ft behind their chairs.


Allen Stared at the changing floors behind him, unsure what to do next, then he turns to look up at Chad to see if he knew what those platforms were for, but he just kept quiet and still for this part.

"Now Emperors, and Empresses, Please, I ask of you to step forth onto the platforms!"

The NPC pope shouted out at them, high above in the podium.

Everyone turns their heads around back at each other, after seeing the platforms come to a halt, they were only a few ft tall, but the width was roughly 2 meters wide.

They exchange looks, and glances and then a nod all together, one by one they scoot out of their chairs until Allen was the last one to walk up to the circular platform.

-Here goes nothing.-

Allen raises up a leg and then walks up onto the platform, and stood in the general center of the platform, he then turns around to face the others.

Magical circles soon appear from small, to medium to large all around them, 4 small circles with some small amount of arcanic writings and symbol patterns running along the circle sides were in 4 corners of the ground.

A medium-size one was on the platform itself, with even more writing and symbols, and patterns compared to the small ones. And the large was hovering right above their heads.

"The spell has been set, and the procedure is underway!"

The NPC pope shouted out again.

-Uh... I feel weird-

As he stood on the platform, a light aura soon covers Allen, and the rest, as he felt a small tingly sensation start from feet going all the way up to his shoulders. This feeling wasn't harmful in shape or form, it just felt a bit odd.

"Now time for the leading player to be revealed!"

Soon every single magical circle disperses, but with only one platform remaining that still had all of its magic circles.

"The leading person is! Emperor... Emperor Eli Ashiden!"

The platform with the remaining magic circles was Eli, he was now shown as the leading player for the first meeting.

-What the hell...-

Allen couldn't believe it, Eli the person who seems the laziest and arrogant among the 7 of them, was the person in lead.

"Good job your highness!"

"Like we said, our Emperors the best!"

The audience for Eli broke out into loud cheers, and musical trumpets were being played beside the cheers, but like a good hardcore, spots fans some of the other audience members scream out their own opinions.

"Bullshit! Your Emperor must have cheated!"

"Yeah! He's best at being a fraud!"


"What?! I dare you to bad mouth, my lord, again!"

"Come over here if you still wanna speak up!"


"Look at those idiotic people! The clear answer is our cute and adorable Empress Brier!"

"Yeah, her cute looks and friendly personality should be given as bonus materials!"


"That just her as a person! not as a leader you morons!"

"Our Empress Jae should have been selected!"


"Ha, you guys over there are real clowns! Emperor Abraham should be in the leading!"

"Your leaders must have somehow cheated!"

All 7 of them just stared up at the audiences who were thrashing out at each other, to Kyrielight this kind of view was something she was already used to. She even participated in these kinds of things back in their old world from time to time.

Seeing the crowds having bloodlust for each other made her crack a small smile, and a little feeling of nostalgia came over her.

As much as Allen wanted to achieve first place, this was another punch from the harsh reality he lives in, he knew he wasn't the best, the strongest, or the smartest.

That would make him unrealistic (COUGH) he started to feel a bit down, knowing that he lost to a person like Eli.

-God damnit, seriously this guy?-

He wanted to leave the room so much, his competitive feeling of loosing was starting to become rabbit. And his warrior pride felt some sorrow.

This was one of their first meetings, and probably the ever last one they could ever meet up. But they have yet to know the true answer to this question.

But with this being the first meeting, the leading position could eventually change, and someone new could take his spot.

Eli was just quietly standing there in a heroic stance, and a big smirk on his face he looks around at the others, and then he turns around to wave toward his audiences.

Now everyone knows who is in the lead, which was Eli, but being in 1st place means that other people will be gunning for that spot, by putting more effort into their training, and bettering themselves. They also can become extra wary of Eli since they aren't sure what he was going to do for future events, being number 1 for now.

The screaming and shouting kept going for a while longer, as the NPC pope raises both of his hands into the air with a huge loud voice he would shout into the crowd overpowering them.


The shouting quickly died out to the yells that the NPC pope did, and he seemed angry at the display that he just saw from the audience members.

"Emperor Eli is in the lead because of specific reasons and things! No, he did not cheat this! I give my word that is impossible!"

With a furious voice tone, the NPC pope expresses out his voice and screams at the audiences who managed to shut them up.

"This is a ceremonial event! Not a battlefield! If any of you dare sully this event, you will be punished you damn heathens!"

The once loud room that was filled with screams and shouting was now quiet again from the NPC pope, seeming like he can control everything in here so far... Strange.