Turn of events -Strength.2- (2)

"your holiness!"

Someone spoke out after the quieting silences, and it was none other than Allen, he would gather everyone's attention and their eyes as they all focus on the person who just shouted out.

"Yes, Emperor Allen?"

The NPC pope leans himself forward to look down at Allen, gripping onto the railings so he doesn't fall over then he stares at his brown colored eyes.

"May I ask, what is the process to determine the best of us? what are the factors?"

The NPC narrowly squinted his eyes towards Allen, as he was studying him from afar and was debating whenever or not if he should explain the detailed reasons why Eli was picked. But he heard another voice speak out asking the same question.

"Yeah I'm with him on this, what were the traits use to determine that he was the strongest out of all of us?"

Abraham, along with Allen was now asking the same question, What were the reasons or Eli qualifications on him being in the lead, from what every one has seen so far Eli couldn't have taken the lead, so seeing that that was a real shocker.

"Is that something that all of you wish to hear the answer to?"

the pope slowly turns his head towards the other remaining people.

"Yes, please! I would like to know as well on how this... *person* became first, your holiness."

Jae was the next person to ask the pope to explain his reasoning, then it was Mook, and right after Mook, it was Kyrielight. At this point, everyone demanded to know the reasoning behind it.

"Very well, since all of you have asked for this information, I'll explain the details."

The pope cleared his throat again and then stared at all 7 of them, then back at the crowd of audience members sitting in their seats eagerly waiting for the answer that he was about to explain to them.

"The given reason why Eli was selected at being first, and the strongest is..."

Everyone in the audience seating area scoots themselves to the edge of the seats at the anticipation of the answer, but the 6 of them were standing there perfectly still and patiently waiting, with no signs of eagerness, or emotional expression.

"Actually no... I will not, not like this anyways."

The pope quickly stated something that seems reckless and something that could have riled the people up, and not to mention some of the players as well, by denying their request to answer the question.




"What do you mean no?"

Everyone was annoyed, mad, and outraged at the pope who wasn't going to explain the qualifications that Eli had over the rest of them, even some of the players shouted a little. The pope was once annoyed by the yelling as he was pinching the area between his eyes, and with his open hand, he clenched it into a fist and slams it on the wooden railings.

"Enough!" *Boom crackle!*

A strong and big lightish blue magical wave force blasted from the pope slamming his hand onto the railing, shaking the internal area of the room, this was enough to subdue everyone emotional uproar once more, but he needed a little show of force to do so.

"If you listen to what I said, I wasn't going to explain the qualities simply like this."

He raises his hand back up away from the railing, and facepalm, letting out a long soft sigh, to clear his mind of the annoyance that was being built up.

"But in a different method, a way that your very own eyes can see that thrown, and try to grab it with your own hands."

Slowly letting his face go and then dropping his hand back to his waist side, he leans in forward and clutches the railing with one hand, and was starting to explain the plan that he thought of before he was cut off with the shouting, and rude mannerisms.

"A method that can make you forcefully grab that thrown away from the others, a battle among all of you, a battle of ambition, if you choose to do so."

With a quick snap of his finger, the room began to shake, and rumble again as the magical circles appear once more again.

"If you do not wish to participate in this battle of strength, and ambition please step off the platform, And I give you my word, no death will occur in this battle."

Allen would turn to look at the others to see who was going to step off the platform, and one of the answers was pretty obvious. Brier was the only person who steps off the marble platform, and then she notices Allen was staring at her, she brought up a gentle smile and nodded at him to show a sign of good luck.

-Is he being serious?-

He then began to have second thoughts about this whole battle thing, and he was sure that someone else was thinking like this as well. Was being labeled the best, and the strongest really worth the effort like this? Even if this wasn't a battle to the death someone could easily get extremely hurt from this, and possibly ruin their relations to each other.

He wanted that spot badly, a show of force and pride, but his main goal here wasn't combat or violence, but he ended up needed them anyways.

-So be it, if its a fight you want...-

He glances at all the other participants, and then looked straight up at the pope with his a harsh stare.

-I'll give you a fight alright-

"I will now teleport you remaining 6 to a pocket dimension, where you will battle it out together!"

With a quick motion of swaying his hands in the air, the pope started to chant a few strange words, as the bodies of each player were being teleported away.

- And I'll make sure I'll beat him, IT mark my words.-

Allen was the last one to be teleported away into the pocket dimension, with the last thing he saw was the pope standing way above him, now knowing that being could really have been IT all along.

*Ka-woosh! shoosh!*

Allen's sight was blinded by a pure white light coming from the teleportation spell which faded away quickly, revealing a vast landscape of grassland, and some hilly grass scattered around the terrain.

"Huh... This- this isn't what I had in mind by, *battle*"

But the thing that caught Allen by surprise the most was that he was now standing on a stone wall that he estimated was 5-6 meters tall looking down from the battlements, and 2 meters wide to allow people enough room to walk through.

He notices that the battlements also had machicolations, a design in medieval stone walls for battlements, machicolations were floor openings for battlements that were supported by corbels (The stone wall battlement supports you see on medieval castles) Allowing archers to shoot down arrows to any enemies who arrived near the walls.

Since if you have a flat wall, the enemy could run-up to the wall, and hug it avoiding arrows or any projectile thrown at them, since the range soldier would require to lean out and over of their battlement cover to shoot them, but that would leave them exposed, to the enemy range soldiers.

He then saw that the castle had 4 towers in each corner to cover all the angles, and these towers also had machicolations running along the edge of the tower battlements.

And his flag banner the dark maroon background, with the two spears leaning against each other, and in the center of it all was a Roman helmet, was hung up along the side of the walls and towers.

"God damn..."

He then saw that far in the distance was the 5 other castles, similarly design to his, from what he can figure out was that they were all line up in a circle facing each other.

"Who would have thought?... I may have the advantage if the battles is like this."

A creepy smile soon appeared on his face, as his blood was surging around his body, and excitement filled up his mind. He could clearly see his total dominance, his warrior instincts started to kick in, and his passion for TOTAL WAR.

But he kept to himself from cracking into hysterical laughter, to seem less like a madman.

"Attention! Face the Emperor!"

*Lots of thudding of footsteps, and then cheering*

"Urah! Urah! Urah!"

Sounds of cheering made Allen turn inward at the castle and walk to the opposite side of the walls, there was 1 large stable for cavalry, two big barracks with two floors each and some tents outside of the barracks, and then a little shooting range with three dummy targets, and then a castle keep.

A large group of soldiers was seen gather together in a large parade formations, a mix of swords, polearms, spears, archers and javelin throwers and cavalry were in a parade formation, who were looking straight up at Allen, and cheering out, and they were standing in the large courtyard.

But these weren't professional, or actually trained soldiers, at least the majority of them wasn't.

"H-holy shit."


[ Special battle : First trial ]

[ First trial battle between Empires and leaders will commence in one hour, and a half. ]


[ Rules ]

[ Everyone will have an equal balance of power, and resources, to create the best even playing field. ]

[ Everyone will roughly have 300 soldiers, you are able to purchase more with the allowed options for this trial session. ]

[ Max limit is two thousand soldiers ]

[ Each person will have 1 specialize soldier given freely for this trial combat ]

[ You are allowed to make alliances with others ]

[ No death will occur for each player, everyone will respawn back at their flag pole if they are in a near-death situation ]


[ Victory Conditions ]

[ To simply beat your opponent you must capture the flag point within the enemy castle keeps, and then bring it back to your own flag. ]

[ To win you must capture everyone Flags ]

He saw the message pop-ups, with these messages confirming his theory, even more, this was going to be war, a small one, but still a war.

"Caught you by surprise didn't ya?"

A familiar voice was heard right behind Allen as he swiftly turns around to see who it is, and it was Chad.

"Y-yeah... it really did."

He awkwardly chuckles seeing the sight of this, he felt like this was extremely over the top, for a battle to just simply be labeled the strongest, and the best.

But he wasn't going to stand there and complain about it.

"I thought the kind of battle he mentions was going to be like a duel among the 6 of us."

Allen would scratch the back of his head and then leans against the stone wall behind his back.

"This is a battle among Emperors, and Empress, so you must be given proper representation of it, young master."

As usual Chad's response was easy and simple to understand, then he motions his hand to some staircases leading down to a courtyard in the castle.

"I believe your *army* is waiting for you, young master."

Allen turns his head around to see that his troops were still standing in the courtyard in formation.

"I guess so... Lead the way..."

Allen got off the stone wall and was walking right behind Chad as they both descended down the stone walls, and then into the courtyard.