Trial Of War -Looming death- (16)

One after another, the garrison soldiers were continually being pushed off from the walls or they were Kiya's new target which meant death was assured for them, with only a few strikes she manages to take out a couple of guards in under a minute. Quickly she readjusts her standing posture she holds up one of her arms straight out and points forward with one of her scimitars, and the other arm was used to rest her 2nd scimitar on her shoulder letting it go cross her shoulder and neck.

"Who next?!" Kiya shouted at her foes that lie in front of her, she had a snarky smirk on her face with some blood trickling down on the edges of both scimitars and then slowly dripping down onto the floor.

"S-shit!" A guard shrieked at seeing her fallen comrades being single handily being beaten off by Kiya, she was wearing only with some light gambeson and chainmail, and only equipped with a spear, she would scoot herself back behind some other fellow guards to move further away from Kiya.

"How strong is she? Why did this person show up just recently?" The guard muttered under her own breath, sweat was rolling down her cheeks from the extreme anxiety-filled moment.

- She-She just too strong for us!- Her legs were shaking from the fear that was brought by Kiya, she tightens her grip on the spear and was struggling to even take a step back.

- Where the hell is the garrison commander anyway?-

- She needs to be the one fighting against her! not us- She turns her head around hoping to spot Diana somewhere in the battle, but she mostly kept her eyes on Kiya who hasn't even moved from that one spot. She was patiently waiting for the next opponent or opponents to step up to her.

Abraham forces stood themselves a few meters away because some of them knew and seen what Kiya can do and none of them wants to barge into Kiya fights, so they stood back and let her finish the job for them.

"s-... Surround her!"

She turns her head to the side to see two more guards that were even further away from Kiya came rushing at Kiya, and run right past her with both of their weapons drawn, and at the ready. Once both of them were close enough to her, they swung their swords from the sides one was coming from the top and the other from the bottom.

"Try blocking both of us at the same time then!"

Kiya smirk turns into a frown, from the moment she saw them prepare their swing her mood instantly dropped.

"Tch... Too slow"

She slides one of her legs back and bends both of her knees, and she moves both of her arms into a position to block both incoming attacks. With a metal clank, her scimitars block the swords strike from the two guards.

"Haven't I already cause enough drama over here?" Kiya whines about not able to fight a certain someone, and that someone was Diana. All the rabble she had defeated so far still haven't garnered the attention she wanted.

"Don't underestimate us! You bit-"

As the two swordsman pulls their swords back, from Kiya to prepare another swing at her, Kiya quickly took the initiative and step forward to strike them first.

"You saying something?"

She watches them tumble around the place and then, she smiles seeing their bodies go limp topple over to the sides. The metal swords in their hands fell loose and clink and clank onto the floor.

"Hm?... I guess I was mistaken."

"Impossible..." Everyone who was left standing against Kiya was now frozen in place, the only people who had the courage and the nerve to fight against Kiya now lies all around her.

Kiya saw the frightened looks on their faces and decided to test something out by taking a step forward. The Roma's soldiers saw as she stepped forward and shrieked and they stepped back as she steps up.


"Do I really scare you guys this much? I'm surprised you guys manage to hold out for this long with how fearful you can get."

She chuckles seeing how they react and respond to her simply taking a step forward, how they shake in their boots each time she moves her arms around. You could hardly tell if these people were supposed to be soldiers or not.

"I pity you people..." Then she raises one of her weapons up into the air, and points at a flag pole that still has the Roma Tempus banner symbol flying in the air.

"Pitiful for having *that* as your chosen Emperor."

Everyone near her knew what she had meant by that phrase alone, She was judging a book by its cover. Who wouldn't be? Allen's physical body was chubby he was wearing some plastic glasses and he would look like a generic nerd, no one would expect him to be a great fighter or especially a good leader.

"And where are your reinforcements to be found?" She sways one of her weapons to the side of the wall facing out toward the forest, that was still crawling with Abraham forces. No one, not a single soul was seen out there in the forest here to relieve the stress for them or to give aid for the garrison.

"Nowhere to be seen..."

"Real... Pity." She flung both of her scimitars up into the air as they rotate a few times and grabs them as they come falling back down, then she charge out at her enemies. The first was holding a short spear and a shield, the guard flinched and raised up his shield to block Kiya attack.

Kiya was fastly approaching the shield Spearmen and she sidestepped into a twirl, effectively bypassing the shield guard completely and created her opening to strike from the Spearmen sides. The guard watches as Kiya was coming at him from the sides, he began to swing his shield and thrust his spear out at her, but it was already too late.


The guard was dealt with as the body fell down onto the ground as his previous comrades have done before him. Kiya body count of beaten soldiers just continuously grow in this siege battle, with enough pressure put on Allen's garrison, they were eventually forced off the walls.

-I'm losing soldiers by the seconds! I need to get them off the walls already... I need to re-organize my defensive with the remaining soldiers I have left.- Diana's eyes zoomed all over the place, seeing the wooden walls were approaching their limits and troop morale collapsing on her. She ran over to a set of stairs and lifts up her sword up into the air.

"Off the walls! Off the walls! Off the w-"

Diana stood next to some wooden staircase that leads off from the walls, swaying her sword up in the air to gain her soldier's attention, but a charging enemy soldier with a one-handed ax was coming from her front. Diana's head was faced away in a different direction but her eyes were able to catch this attacker ax swing, she dodges the attack by leaning her body back as she sees the metal part of the ax go by her head and she shields bashes the ax-man in his chest which stuns him a bit for him to be knocked off from the walls.

She goes back to what she was doing beforehand and resumes shouting the same command to the remaining soldiers that were left on the walls.

"After them! chase them down the walls!"

"We have them on the run now!"

The garrison forces hastily pull themselves back from the conflict, to quickly run over to the staircases and down the steps. -idiots- Kiya ran ahead of everyone and stopped her soldiers from pursuing the garrison by having her backs to them and holding both of her arms out. They were confused as to why she was stopping them from pursuing the enemy forces that retreated from the walls.

"Do not pursue them! Guard the walls to prevent them from re-taking it!"

"This is our opportunity to take control of the main gate! Do not let this chance slip by simply because they have retreated from the walls!"

Everyone took a few seconds to register what she had said and nodded. They stopped their pursuit and were now focused on securing the walls and taking over the gate controls.

She does some weapon handling skill display and slides both of her weapons back into their sheath cover, then she turns to face them with her eyes closed. Just when she was about to take a step forward she turns her heads to the side and opens one of her eyes to stare down at Diana and her struggle of forming a shield wall, with what's left of her army.

-How much longer do I have to wait?- Kiya turns her head away from Diana and walks into the crowd of soldiers that were still standing on the wooden walls.