Trial Of War -Risen Tension- (15)

Rain of arrows flew high in the sky suppressing the Roma's garrison of the gold mine, with a high chance of an arrow hitting their mark if they have no protection against the barrage of arrows. Both sides would still be struggling to take control of the wall, people swinging their weapons into each other, or some even tried to push each other off. But with Roma's forces being limited and the advantage that they had, which was Diana was starting to show some fatigue on her body, they are now on the losing side.

Each meter of ground Abraham forces had pushed the Roma's back from the defensive walls, slowly moves the sharp edge blade closer, and closer to the singular thread that is holding up the garrison strength and securing their victory.

"Hold! Do not give them a single inch!" Diana cupped her hands onto her mouth and shouted at the soldiers on the walls, she was desperately trying her best to fend off enemy soldiers. She braces her arm that had the shield strap and slam it into an enemy spearmen colliding into them, and then swung the same arm to send the spearmen toward the battlement wall.

The spearmen let out a groan from crashing into the battlement walls, he stumbles off from it but once he manages to reform himself, he saw a metal blade come from his side to his head.



Diana swung her blunted sword into the spearmen's face, knocking them to the side and onto the ground, skidding away.

"We must hold until reinforcement arrivals!"

"We must hold- Until... reinforcements..." She continues to shout at her forces but when she spun her head around to see the clashes on different areas of the wall, her voice soon trails off into silence to the dire situation, the footholds that their enemy manages to secure earlier on the wall had gotten worst before the footholds were at 10 enemy soldiers at most, now she could see almost 25 in different areas on the walls.

She hung her arms on her side, from being physically fatigued from the battles, and the enemy forces seen on the wall was showing a depressing mental sign for her, both of her shield and sword was pointing straight down at the ground floor.

-You got to be kidding me.-

- We... Were going to lose this fight.-

-I... How can we...-

She started to have her doubts, the thoughts when she was so confident with herself earlier she could win this battle alone before, she was so sure that her strength alone was enough for them to push them back, but she isn't strong enough to support this assault all by herself, all she can is delay the inevitable lost on their hands, her head was tilted downward as she looks straight toward the ground.

- I-I... -

Her body was tired from the battle with each muscle fiber in her body was starting to ack in pain, the mental exhaustion was beginning to become too much for her, but she knew she must push on and continue the fight, she can't let her hard work in defending this place go to waste, she tightens the grip on her sword handle, and she gritted her teeth and grin.

-Allen really needs to hurry his ass over here!- She looks up from the ground and back to the ongoing battle, another push came from the enemy as they lost more troops and a meter on the walls.

"Ah!~ Fuck that!" she swings her arms up into the air flaring the sword and shields around and stomps on the ground.

She quickly positions herself to run and dash into a charge at her enemies, bringing her shield and sword close to her body for more protection during this maneuver.

-Allen better get here in time, otherwise, i'll have all the fun- With a quick smirk on her face, she immediately took off running at more enemies on the wall, she grips her sword hard and tight, and let out a scream, like a war cry of death surging its way to its victims.

"m-maria!" A random soldier holding a war ax and a pike shield in his hands, stood close to maria, his physical strength and mental capacity were weary thin. His clothing and armor also showed the signs of the battle he has been through, the tattered fabric on the clothing and the bloodstain on the armor, and clothing.

"w-we cannot hold! We must push back from the walls and reorganize our defense!" The soldier pointed his weapon in front of their own troops, struggling with the enemy as they were slowly being forcefully push back.

Maria, in the same condition as the soldier standing by her, her hair was a total mess, blood was splattered all around her face, each couple of seconds past by her was a heavy inhale, and a exhale.

She stood there watching the mess right in front of her and just continues to watch so far.

-What do I do? What do I do!-

-Should I jump back into the fight? Will that even make any difference? But I'm already nearing my limit-

-And when will our reinforcements ever arrive? Will, we be able to hold out for that long?-

Maria's thoughts started to run wild around in her mind, not knowing the right answer for the problem she had, frozen in this perpetual mindset she was shaken by the soldier, which brought reality back to her.

"h-huh? What?"

"Miss Maria, I say again we must pull back from the walls! We are just piling up bodies here!" The soldier's face was full of fright, from each meter, the enemy gains the fear within this soldier grew.

"That's... That's not..." Maria switches between the soldier and the confrontation, and then she shook her head so she could clear her thoughts about this.

-If we lose the walls, then they will gain access to the gate controls.-

-If they have control over the gate, even more of them will flood into this gold mine-

-This means that their victory is guarantee... But-

If we continue to stay here, we're just going to get slaughter here, which means the same result-

-The enemy securing victory over us-

She spun her head to the soldier and gritted her teeth, not sure what to say to him because both of the outcomes mean certain defeat for them all. The only hope remains is the reinforcements make it there on time.

"That's not my decision to make!"

The soldier tilts his head down from frustration and fear, he furrows his brows, and then he shook his head to the sides angrily. "God fucking damnit!"

He walks over to the side of the wall facing toward the dense forest, he places a hand on the battlement and his eyes move from one enemy archer to one siege ladder leaning against the walls, seeing more enemy soldiers still climbing up "Where the reinforcements!"

===Scene change===

Roughly half an hour ago, located inside Allen castle walls, men and women were quickly assemble into a march formation. The group of 250 would lead by Allen to strike at Abraham forces, and the other 150 to block off his escape.

"Hurry up people!"

"Get into position!"

Allen was positioned in front of the 250 people group, different genders, age maybe, but all under his rule.

-Speaking to them was way easier, leading them is another thing-

He felt weird and unprepared for this kind of scenario like maybe he should have let Chad handle the problem of leading this group. Especially that Chad knew how to control a horse, and ride it into battle.

-This is already embarrassing as it is-

-I'm the suppose Emperor of this so call empire, yet they can clearly see me cling onto this person-

Allen was positioned in the front of everyone else, but what really happen was Allen clinging onto the sides of a random cavalry soldier.

-This is so embarrassing-

He then heard some horse steps come from behind him, and the soldier he was clinging onto nudge him to turn around and face the person coming up to them.


"Everyone is ready and prepare to march, on your command my majesty."

"Good, you can return to your post."

"Yes, your majesty." the messenger would spin around, and walk the opposite direction. And Allen would grab a hold of his spear that was strap onto waist side, and he halfway turns his body around, then he stares at the 250 people right behind him, he gulps from merely the sight and he slowly begins to speak to them.

"Soldiers of Roma's Tempus! Heed my words, as of right now we will begin our March toward the center gold mine!"

"The Empire of Misr had the audacity to think they can take that from us! Well, I say ney! The Empire of Misr thinks they can win! Well, I say bullshit!"

He quickly grabs a hold of his spear that was strap onto his back and holds it up for everyone to see, a way to symbolize something that he hopes would perform an act to boost morale.

"They will have to pry that location from our own two hands if they want it! I ask of you, to lend me your strength in this soon to come battle! And I will ask nothing more!"

"We will show them what being part of this empire is all about! For Roma Tempus!"

Moments of silence went by for Allen, he was scanning the crowd in front of him to see how would they respond to the little speech he pulled just then. But nothing, not even a peep could be heard from this 250 group of people.

-fuck... What could I do now?- Once he feels like he had enough time to wait out any responses, he turns back to the front and straps his weapon onto his back again. He was about to issue the command to march forward, but he was startled by an uproar of voices coming from behind him.

"For the Emperor! For Roma Tempus!"

"For the Emperor! For Roma Tempus!"

"We fight today! We die today!"

Hearing all of these cheers he needed to turn around to see almost the entire 250 cheer and shout out other random kinds of stuff.

-Holy crap... These people are really insane for following me-

Allen had a weird smile on his face that he couldn't resist showing for some reason, he felt strangely happy from this as he spun his body around again. He saw Chad standing on top of a wall not far from him, seeing that he was waving to him.

"I heard all of you shout out your spirit! But we must make haste! Push your body and run as fast as you can!"

"Double time march!"

The gates of the castle slowly rose up allowing a total of 400 men, and women to march on out of the castle. They swiftly storm out of the castle, causing a loud rumbling of footsteps ad they head forth for the gold mine.

===Scene change===

As things weren't already bad enough for them a female figure was climbing up one of these ladders that had a secure foothold on the walls, then this being would reach over to the battlements and climb on top of them. This person was seen short, and she stood on top of the battlements to set her sights on the fight, she took a big gulp of air and cupped her hands onto her mouth.

"Well fought Roma's you manage to hold out for this long! But this got a whole lot worst for you!" She rocks back and forth on her heels and giggles like a child, and even sounding childish as she spoke even though she a full-blown adult.

"I hope you can still keep this up, while I'm here, so don't bore me!" She jumps off from the battlements and over some of Abraham's forces, and landed in front of an archer who wasn't prepared for this sudden engagement.

Kiya had finally entered the battlefield, she swiftly reaches for her sides and pulls out two blunted scimitar.

-Really wish these were sharp and not blunted-

-Here goes nothing...-

The archer stumbles backward but Kiya was already too close to him, all she needed to do was step one foot closer and, she comes in with two downward slashes leading off to the sides at the archer.

"Argh!" The archer scream of pain and death was short live from the rapid strike that Kiya and done onto him. The body would topple over and fall off from the wall.