Trial Of War -Abraham- (14)

Within the surrounding forests located half a mile away from the main battle of the gold mine, soldiers would be carrying their wounded comrades on a wooden stretcher back to some medical tents somewhere around the forest, others would be running about the area, securing supplies and moving boxes full of arrows to make sure the archers were still fully stock with ammunition to keep the barrage going.

"Get those boxes right over there and have them prepare to be moved out!"


"This tent has some open spaces for the wounded!"

"Ah, thank you!"

A tent sat further away from the frontline battlefield, that had a flag pole poking out from the top, it was under between two large trees with the branches crossing over one another, the size would be bigger than the other tents that were put up in the forest.

Within the tent was an armor stand a personal weapon rack set to the sides, a bed at the back of the tent, and a wooden table in the center, Three people would be huddled together around the table.

The table had a large paper map like the ones inside Allen castle keep, and a holographic display was showing them, their enemies, the gold mine, and the general surrounding area.

"Seems like the Roma's are putting up quite the struggle, even being outnumbered by a ratio of 1 to 2."

A cheeky, and snarky voice spoke out, a female warrior wearing a cotton shirt, and pants and her shoes were made out of fine leather, standing at the height of 4 ft and 11 inches tall.

Despite her height, she was 20 with the color of her hair black, as it goes past her neck and shoulders. Her skin color was between light and a medium brown, her eye color was green. She had a tiny build, but you can't let that fool you.

[ Specialized Soldier ]

[ Name: Kiya Tanit ]

[ Elite: Medjay warrior ] ( Ancient Egyptian Warrior )

[ Age: 20 ]

[ Owner: Abraham Heartsmith ]

"They can try to hold against us, But at some point, they won't be able to withstand our assaults."

Abraham hovered over his hand onto the map, and tap selected some units on the map, and then directed them to attack a different defensive location.

An arrow sign showed up arching over from their location to the area Abraham selected, those units can be seen moving from one area to the next.

"If this battle drags out any longer, then our enemies may have reinforcements coming our way."

Shaka voice had a clear understanding of how bad this little siege could turn out to be, most of their entire army was still at their castle, and if this continues to drag out further not only will they have to fight Diana forces, but as well the reinforcements that are surely coming their way.

"Not to worry." Abraham sounded calm and prepared for something like this, but he wasn't so sure he could win a total victory if the reinforcements did arrive.

"With Allen forged an alliance with, Mook, and Kyrielight, his entire right side isn't providing any danger to him."

He spun around, quickly stepped away from the table, and walked over to the tents entry point, he grabs the cover and pulls it to the side and looks out at his encampment.

Then he spun his head to the side and stares at both Kiya and Shaka.

"The only danger that's left for him, is on his left, so us, and he has the advantage by having control of the central gold mine."

He lets go of the tent fabric cover letting it sway back down, as he walks back to the table and studies the map even more.

"And the plan was to get rid of this advantage he has?"

"I still believe its kind of risky don't you think?" Kiya leans forward into the table and tries to get in front of Abraham's view, with a brow raised and a firm hand place onto the tabletop.

"Great rewards cannot be achieved without some form of dangerous risk, and not to mention we have the map, and our scouts to keep watch over that." Shaka holds out his left pointer finger at Kiya moving it left and right, and he clicks the top of his mouth with his tongue while doing so.

"That's not what I... you know what nevermind." Using her open freehand and had all 5 of her fingers onto her face, from being annoyed at Shaka teasing attitude and gently shook her head to the sides.

The three people inside the tent converse among each other, and would point out different sections of the gold mine defensive walls at different times. Additional forces would be sent over to these areas, either to force a new crack in the defenses or to apply more pressure on the footholds they already have on the walls.

"Incoming report! Incoming report!"

A messenger ran past multiple people, yelling out at the tent Abraham was in as he was running over to it, quickly he brushes the tent cover to the side to get inside the tent, and he knees down in front of Abraham.

"Important report, M'lord!"

Everyone turns their heads to look at the messenger, and Abraham took a step toward him and awaited the report that he was about to receive.


"Yes, M'lord!"

The messenger hastily stood up and stared at Abraham, Shaka, and then Kiya.

"The control of the gold mine defensive walls are still underway, The main issue is the garrison commander, the outcome is in our favor but the enemy commander is not making it easy for us."

He then lifts up an arm and motions his hand over to Shaka or Kiya, then he turns back to Abraham.

"We request assistance from one of those two, effective immediately m'lord!"

All three of them gave each other looks, but it ended up with Kiya and Shaka both staring at Abraham, waiting on his decision to pick whoever was sent out to deal with the garrison commander.

"Who do you want to send out?" Kiya moved her waist and foot to the side, and then place a hand on her waist. A tiny smirk went cross her face seeming like she was ready to be sent out into battle.

-It's boring staying inside this tent, just send me out already- Then she looks over toward Shaka who had both of his arms crossed together, as he stood there calmly and maturely.

-Looks like he doesn't want to go-

"Kiya." Abraham turns his head back to the table and looks upon the ongoing battle on the map display. Kiya perked her ears up and her eyes twitch from having her name called upon.


-Shaka is probably more suited to help me with strategy, I need more of a fighter on the battlefield right now-

He looks up from the table to stare into Kiya eyes, and he tilts his head to the tent entrance, giving her the signal to head out into battle, to which Kiya smiles and nodded in response, she eagerly spun around and walked up to the messenger.

"Go get my weapon for me." She said with an open mouth smile and then marched on out of the tent, flinging the tent cover entrance above her and then flopping back down. The messenger gave Kiya a nod and turns back to Abraham.

"I'll take my leave, m'lord."

He quickly bows and proceeds to walk out of the tent, leaving only just Abraham, and Shaka left inside. Once the messenger had left the tent Abraham looks at Shaka and lets out a sigh.

"You think it was wise to send her out?"

Shaka's eyes moved over to the tent entrance and then back to Abraham, then he stares down at the table and closes his eyes, so he could gather his thoughts to process what the answer should be.

"Knowing her she doesn't seem well suited for strategic thinking."

"She is more of a frontline fighter that is for sure."

Shake slowly reopened his eyes and took a step closer to the table, and points at two spots on the map, it was showing that their troops were being steadily forced back from the walls because the only opposing force was just regular type of soldiers, which makes it easier for Diana, and Maria to deal with.

"One of those two people is the main issue that we are facing, but with how long the battle has been going on for."

He reached over to the two signatures on the map, and place both of them into his hand, and slowly raised both of them so Abraham can see at eye level. He crushed both of them in his hand, which cause the signature to fade away and reappear on the map.

"I could assume the garrison commander is running low on stamina, with how long this battle has been going on for, which could give Kiya the advantage in her fight."

He took a moment of silence to breath in some air and he rolled his eyes from side to side, he watches as Kiya dot marker moves around the map.

"I don't think wisdom is what you needed for this, but the right intuition."

"intuition? Hm."