Trial Of War -The plan and the battle- (13)

"This guy pulled a fast one on me"

As he continues to look down at the map at the gold mine, seeing his 150 troop garrison slowly drops in numbers. The dots showing the people he owns slowly disappear from the map.

He had a puzzled grin on his face, and he started to sweat a little.

-Using the fog of war to sneak by my lookout...-

His eyes wandered over to a more shaded area of the map display, indicating that area is where the fog of war is.

"Good one on ya..."


"How is the situation going, young mas-"

Chad came inside tye strategic room to check up on Allen, and to see what kind of progress has he done so far, but the giant red marker hovering over the gold mine was a clear dead giveaway. And the fact Chad can clearly see an unpleasant look on Allen's face.

"Yeah... It's bad all right."

Allen motion his head at the red marker, and witnesses the ongoing battle at the gold mine.


Allen screamed out at Chad, as he quickly spun his head toward him to raise up a pointer finger at Chad.

-Knowing them, Abraham must be leading that 300 in that battle right now, So with haste I need to get there as fast as possible!-

-I must quickly reinforce the gold mine defensive, and then have another group ready and is waiting to cut off his escape once I force him away from the gold mine And Diana's location.-

In the overview map Allen had thought up a plan to re-secure his gold mine, and it was him leading a group size of 250 soldiers to reinforce the gold mine garrison, hoping that he could reach there in time to force him away from the structure, and to relieve his garrison forces from the trouble of being outnumbered by 1 to 2.

But he wasn't done just yet, he wasn't going to let Abraham escape with his life. Not after when he was attacking the important structure he receive bonus gold from.

-I'll be taking a life away from him... That's for sure-

"Prepare 250 people to reinforce the gold mine garrison, I'll also be leading them, Then also prepare the 2nd group of 150 to cut off Abraham once I force his army into a route, get a random person to be assigned head officer in leading that group!"

He gritted his teeth, and furrow his brows, then he moves his pointer finger away from Chad and to the map screen, and points at Abraham's army that was hiding in the dense forest where he was using to launch his assault from.

"We must leave none alive! So hurry!"

"Right away, Young master!"

Chad rapidly responded with a quick bow, and an acknowledgment on the commands Allen had just issued out, and he quickly exits out of the room to start organizing this setup. A total of 400 soldiers were to leave from the castle to fight off the attackers, with a leftover of 350 to remain defending the castle walls.

He glances back at the forces he had garrison in the gold mine, seeing that Diana popped into his mind as he started to worry about her a little, and the current event she was in right now, he hated that he couldn't have sent in a much bigger garrison force originally but he didn't have much to work with before, then he turns away from the table and steps away to head out to equip his armor and to grab his spear that was leaning near the room doors.

-You better have not died out there before I even get to you Diana, and Abraham.-

A quick flash of Abraham's appearance pops into his mind, he slams the door right behind and walks away from the room.

"I'm coming for you so you better watch yourself."

=== Scene Change ===


A female archer on the wooden wall who was shooting back at the enemy archers was shot at and fell right off the wall and onto the hard dirt glow below, that broke a bone or two.

"Shit! Those damn archers!"

Diana saw the female archer fall down onto the ground below, with the number of arrows they could send back at them, double the amount was sent right back to them.

-Those guys are a real annoyance in this battle right now!-

She swiftly raised up her shield to block a couple of arrows that was flying to her, as they were deflected off by the shield and lands right outside the wooden walls. -God damnit!-

"All forces retreat from the walls! I say retreat!"

A random officer was shouting out commands to order a retreat from the walls, but this would allow them access onto the walls, and then the controls of the gate to let even more of them inside the facility.

"All forces retre- Oof"

As the officer was still shouting the order to retreat, he was walking backward and bumps into Maria and fells forward as he angrily looks turns behind him and looks up at whoever was blocking his path.

"What Idiot was blocking my path!... Oh"

He saw Maria standing right above him, he may be an officer in Diana group and was in charge of some troops but Maria holds a higher position then the officer on the ground did, she had one of her hand on her waist side, and then her rapier pointed directly at his face, and her light blue darks coldly stares down at the officer.

"Stop ordering such nonsense! We were given specific orders to hold the gold mine, And we shall! You're a man as well! Even I have more courage then you!"

She pulls her rapier away from the man's face, who was frightened from the battle, and the chance he could have offended Maria from his actions alone, she reaches down and grabs him by the arm and pulls him up in a standing position.

"Then now, Continue-" She bent down again to pick up his weapons, and shoves it into his chests and points at the forest, and the other people who were still standing along the wall.

"The fight!"

The officer looked at Maria and blinked a few times then hesitantly nodded, and grabs a hold of his weapons, and started to run back to his defensive position to take command of it again.

"Nice work there Maria." Diana came up from behind Maria and patted her on the shoulder, she took another step forward and spun around to face her and smiles.

"Eh... It's no biggy, we can't really be force to lose morale right now anyways."

Then she looks behind Diana, and then all around the battlefield, she tightens her grip on her rapier handle from how rapidly their soldiers were getting shot or knock off the wall.

-We really can't afford that-

Diana saw the change of expression on her face and nudges her shoulder to make Maria look at her.

"We'll win this, trust me..." She then lifts both of her arms to flex her muscle biceps, and chuckles, and which made Maria smile, and lessen her worries. "I'm unstoppable!" She cheers.

"Y-yeah with you, we will win this for sure!" She went along with her little act, agreeing with her statement by oogling at her bicep muscles. But their fun had to be interrupted by an arrow flying right by one of them.

"Back to the fight?" She leans in against Maria with one of her eyebrows raised, who responded with a thumbs up. "Back to the battle." She smiles.

They depart from each other and headed off to separate direction, and as they pass each other they gave each other a high five.

Time went by as both Maria and Diana struggles to hold onto the walls, the rain of arrows were starting to decrease in their fire rate but another trouble had occurred and it was siege ladders, they were recently brought out from the forest and are now being put to use. The enemy forces would lean their ladders against the wooden walls and start to climb right up onto them.

"Oh no, you don't!" Diana saw a recent ladder that was set up against the wall, she ran over to it and grabs the top of the ladder with both hands, the soldiers that were in the middle of climbing it looked up and saw her.

"Go down, go back down! She going to push the ladder off!"

Diana sneered at the soldiers on the ladder, and she lets out a creepy laugh, her eyes staring deep within their body.

"Too late!" She shouted and pushes the ladder off the wall, letting them tumble backward into the ground, and potentially injuring them in the process.

"That's what you get for trying to climb up my wall!" She screams out at the fallen enemy soldiers, and then walk away from the section she was into another area where she was needed.

As much as they can push the ladders off the walls the enemy kept bringing them back up and eventually, some even got a secure foothold on the wooden walls.

"Oh no..." Maria saw a few enemy shield swordsman already on top of the wooden walls, and they were making a foothold to allow more of their comrades up.

"Push them back! Don't let them have this foothold!" A guard shouted at his teammates who were having issues forcing the enemy soldiers back down from the walls, while one of them in the back was signaling the rest of the army they have a secure breach on the walls.

"Move out of the way!" Maria came running on over as she hops over one soldier and thrusts her rapier into an enemy shield swordman breaking their formation long enough for the rest of their men to push against the attackers.