Trial Of War -Hidden strike- (12)

Many humanoid figures swiftly and silently ran through the forest surrounding the gold mine, with the forest thicket providing shade to block out any sunlight from lighting up the ground floor, and the forest was thick enough to have adequate cover from patrols walking around on the wooden walls, or the ones doing overwatch on the watch towers.

"How do you feel that you were summoned by a guy like Allen?"

Diana grunted and turns to look at Maria with non amused face, like she wanted to just leave this post but she couldn't do that when she has people under her command.

"He really isn't anything too special, I would leave him truth be told, but we can't nor am I interested in the idea of desertion at the moment."

"I see" Maria leans her head to a side, as she was getting to know a lot more about Diana.

Then she turns back to look at the treeline, the two would talk some more but this peaceful moment will be tossed aside. Several humanoids under some tree shadow hop onto a tree branch landing softly and quietly on it, and pulls out a short bow, then they reach back into their quiver full of arrows and started to aim at the tower that Diana and Maria were still in.

"Enjoy the surprise you Roma bitch" One of the shadowy figure mutters and then released the arrow from the bow, as it flies out from the treeline, and the couple of arrows were right behind that one heading toward Diana.

"I should get doing now, bye then." Maria started to turn her body around, to walk over to the tower ladder and climb down.

"See ya later it was fun talking with you Maria." Diana lifts up a hand and waves goodbye but as she does this the arrow that was directed at her came flying straight into her face. As she saw the first arrow just slowly inch it way to her forehead, her eyes widen out of shock.

"Ack! Fuck!" The first one struck her in the forehead, but they didn't pierce through her skull since they blunted tips, but it was still enough force to cause her to stagger backwards, then the others was less effective cause they only landed on her chest.

Which was protected by armor, that had soften the blow.

"Diana!" Maria freaked out from what she just saw happen, and she quickly puts on her helmet and ducked for the wooden shield that was still leaning against the railings. She quickly grabs the shield and equips it, to block out any arrows that was still flying to them.

"Are you ok?" She rush over to her side, and got close to her seeing the bruised forehead cause by the arrow hitting her there.

By the time Maria had done all of this, the hidden archers all around the forest were releasing arrow volleys at wall guards, and the people standing on the watch towers, this cause chaos at the ones standing guard.

Diana, at this moment had a hand on her forehead, and her face was expressing anger. She spun around and walk pass Maria, and to the side that was facing the interior of the gold mine.

"Enemy assault! Prepare yourself! All archers get onto the walls now!" She pulls out her sword and shouted at her forces that were located behind the gold mine wooden walls. While they were still be pummeled by the arrow volleys.

Diana forces heard the shout, and saw the rain of arrows arching up in the sky, and come flying straight down at their comrades. One of them had a metal bell with them, and a hammer, so they started to hit the metal bell with the hammer sounding the alarm, to everyone in the gold mine.

She then spuns around again, and turns over at Maria, who was still receiving in coming fire by the archers. She reached her hand and grabs the back of Maria, and pulls her back to jump off the tower with her.

"We must get off of this tower!"

"H-huh wait!" Maria shouted as she felt the tug on her body, as she was pulled away from the tower, and free falls onto the ground, but she was being carried by Diana.

"I said wait!!"


Both of Diana feets landed on the ground hard, while she was carrying Maria in her arms, she made sure Maria was safe before her and gently lets Maria down, and holds out a hand and waited for Maria to give the shield back to her.

"You should had let me prepare myself first." She pouted and crossed her arms, then she notice that Diana was waiting for something and it was the shield still strap onto her arm. She hastily pull her arm out of the strapping and returns the rounded shield back to Diana.

"Then that means we would have been pummeled with more arrows." Diana grabs a hold of her shield anf teasingly smirk at Maria, and raise up one of her hand to flick her in the head.

"We don't want that do we?"

Quickly Diana slides her arm into the shield straps and securing it tightly onto her arm. Maria winched at the forehead flick and continue to pout from being flicked at.

""I would been fine, you didn't have to do that."

Maria was acting all childish toward Diana, making her seem like a younger sister to Diana. And a friend that she needs to watch out for.

"Aaahh-" *Thud*

A random guardsmen came tumbling down from the wall backwards and lands near both of them, because he was getting shot in the head and torso by the raining arrows flying into the gold mine.

The guardsmen would also be knocked out from receiving some heavy blows to his head and body, then including the fall from the wooden walls.

Diana and Maria stared down at the unconscious soldier, and back to each other. A surge of emotional energy soon rush around Diana entire body, a feeling like she couldn't hold within for long.

"You ready to battle?!" Diana whole heartily smiled, as she grabs the back of Maria head slamming them into each other, then she stares deeply into her light blue eyes.

"Ow..." She winched at the sudden head butt, and when she felt the hot breath of Diana brushing against her cheeks, she opens up her eyes to see Diana blood red color eyes stare right back into hers.

"I, uh..."

"Are you?!" She shaked her heads and then pulled her away from Maria, while her big crazed smile was on her face still.

"Yes! Yes I am!" Maria shouted out of sudden anxiety attack she had, and the pressure that Diana was giving off.

"That's the spirit!" She gave Maria a thumbs up, and then she spins around at some stairs that reaches the top of the walls. And start running over to it.

"Don't die on me Maria! You hear that!" Diana tilts her head back, as she took her first step on the stairs and started to run up to the top of the wooden walls.

"Aahh~ she really is something." Seeing Diana all cheerful and excited for a battle field, she frown and narrow her eyes, and it made her feel a slight regret in following her group in the first place.

-But I can't let her get hurt.- Maria reached for her rapier weapon handle, and grabs it tightly and swiftly pulls out the weapon from the sheath. She begins to chase right after her.

=== Scene Change ===

[ Purchase finish? ]

[ 300 Shield swordsman ]

[ 300 Shield Spearmen ]

Total price 3000 Gold

[ 100 Archers ]

Total price 1000 gold

[ 50 cavalry ]

Total price 1000 gold

[ Leftover gold: 700 ]

"That should do it."

Allen was in his strategic command room, and was standing right beside his holographic map display table, as he was in this arena shop menu and he was buying additional troops from it. A total of 750 soldiers was bought from a total of 5000 gold.

-Now with a total of 750 and my pre existing garrison forces of 150 I would have a total of 900 soldiers.-

He lifts up a finger and presses the accept button on the shop menu, and watches the 5000 gold he had before quickly drops in number until only 700 was left.

All together he would have one thousand soldiers under his control.

Some of them would be spawning inside the castle, while the majorly of them spawned on the outside of the castle walls, since the castle couldn't house every single one of them inside.

Then he moves his eyes back to the holographic map, and then he placed a hand on top of the flat surface of the tap. His eyes slowly examines the other players castles and sighs.

-Though that just means I'm on a equal level of manpower...- He glance up to one corner of his eyes that had the amount of gold he had left, which was 700.

-Because we all started with 5k gold each... and they also got the 250 per hour while I got the additional 300 extra.-

He scrunch his hand on the table, and then he closes his eyes and wonders what to do next, what should his plan be right now?

-Should I just spend my 700 and get more troops? Should I just save it for situations when I'm in trouble?-

He step away from the table, and puts his pointer and thumb finger under his chin and open his eyes, then he started to pace around the room.

-If I spend my 700 remaining gold I would have more forces then Jae or Eli or Abraham...- He moves his eyes from side to side, or he locks his focus on a random wall or a object in the room, with how mentality focus he was on thinking. -That means I can launch an attack with an army size they can't exactly predict, not to mention I'll out number them with those advantage I can probably secure one of their flags-

Then he shook his head, and he spun around and started to pace toward the other direction, he needed to make sure he covers all variables within his strategies that be comes up with.

-No, No, That Strategy would work more like a one time thing, and if then? If then I loose its game over for me, I would be defenseless and I would have to wait for another hour before I can buy my reinforcements-

He began to pick up on his pacing and was now pacing around the table, but he was looking at the holographic map as he walks around the wooden furniture. His eyes inspecting any crazy movements or dots moving around on the map that wasn't under the fog of war.

-But a solution to that problem I could send out my forces, just as soon as an hour ends, so I'll have my 700 gold again to buy back my losses?-

-Though do I really need to act that aggressive right now? I could save up my gold and then find a way to chip away at my enemy forces with the troops I have right now.-

He moves down to the side of the table that had his castle, and he tilts his head down at the image of the structure and squinted his eyes.

-Play it safe and be in for the long game... Or play it hard but more risky?-

A bright flashing light of a red marker appears right above the gold mine, which made his eyes wander over to there with curiosity.

- Whats going on over there?- He wonders

To his surprise he saw multiple blue dots on the gold mine defences which is the forces he controls, and enemy colored dots of red surrounding the gold mine main point of entry.

A number count appears right above both armies and it was a total of 300 vs his 150 garrison.

"How in the hell!" He ferociously slams his hands onto the table, seeing a giant force of 300 move around the map without him noticing was surprising to him. There was a reason for this and they come out of the fog of war to launch out their sneak attack.

-Bloody fog of war.-

He reach across the table and taps on the enemy army to bring up the flag banner they represent, as a image pops right above the army.

"What you know... It's that Egyptian bastard." The flag image flying right above the army was none other then Abraham forces. And whatever or not He was leading his forces in this battle was still a mystery to Allen.