Trial Of War -A little chat- (11)

As soon as the call had ended, Allen quietly sat on the chair leans against the chair back frame support, his right hand pressed on his face, his eyes shut, and his legs crossed over each other. The room was lit up from the windows, the only sound was the flapping of the flag banner in the middle of the throne room.

-Whatever that was... I did horrible.-

-terrific job me.-

He wanted to slap himself for the poor show that he displays to the two others earlier, he is locked into the alliance agreement to provide assistance in a battle, but nothing is a guarantee for Allen in this diplomatic deal.

-Will, they even help me if I'm in battle?-

-What a stupid predicament I got myself into.-

He pulls his hand away from his face, and rest both of his arms on the armrest and then stares out into the throne room, his eyes slowly gazing at every tiny aspect of it. From the tiny cracks on the walls to a small bug flying around in the room, then his eyes wandered over to a window.

"No..." As soon as he spoke, he lightly squeezed his hand on the armrest and pushes himself up from the chair, he angrily gazed out and started to walk out of the throne room, passing by the flag pole.

"I shouldn't be dragging myself down like this."

"Not like this, and not ever."

He hooked his head to the sides, and then he focused his attention on the flag banner in the middle of the room, he stares at the flapping banner with determination and high spirit.

"If they can't proceed with any good results, then what's the point of having them as allies in the first place." He clutches both of his hands into a ball of fists, as he gets rid of his worries, he walks up to the door and reaches out his left hand to pull it open, and his right hand was reaching out for his spear that leaning against a wall by the doors.

-This is a battle for dominance- He swiftly tugs on the door handle swinging it wide open, and he started to raise his right leg to step out of the room.

-And if they are worthless, I'll just have to cut them off, this is a battle that I will succeed- With a loud slam he shuts the door right behind him, and started to walk down the hallway to head down from the third floor, each step was in a hurry with his excitement surging around his nerves.

===Scene Change===

The flag banner of Roman Tempus was flying high above a gold mine, with them holding onto the center gold production, Allen receives an extra 300 gold per hour. But eventually, someone was going to try and forcefully take it away from him, and have it in their own control, so Diana was standing watch on a watchtower, pre-built around the gold mine, located behind some wooden walls for protection.

She and her total of 150 soldiers that was surrounded by a forest of trees, and were set as a garrison force to protect, and hold onto the resource production as long as possible.

"Ah... So boring!"

Diana let out a groan of boredom so she rests her chin on both of her hands, her elbows resting upon the tower railing. She scans the tree line of any movement but nothing.

2 hours have gone by for her, the first was to get to the mine and capture the structure and establish the guards and patrols. The second hour was just her basically guarding the mine, boring stuff. A total of 700 gold was earned by these two hours,

"I want someone or something! To fight." She started to shout and complain again, but this time she grabs her shield that was leaning against the railing and equips it, and pulls out her sword.

She started to flail her weapon around in front of her, and at the forest out of desperation of boredom.

"Come on, Is that too much to ask for?" She groans again, and her face became droopy, a frown was starting to occur on it.

"Ugh... I regret being chosen as the offensive leader." She would slide her sword back into her sheath, and then unequips the shield from her arm, placing it back where she originally had it. Then she rests her head on her hands again.

"This sucks..."

"Must be tiring and stressful huh?" A familiar voice was heard right behind her, she turns to see who it was and it was the female officer she talked with before. She was climbing up on the tower since she heard Diana complaining and shouting.

So she decided to have a chat with her, maybe even cheer her up a bit.


"It's you again." Diana spun her body around, and she leans her body against the wooden railings, crossings her leg and arm together she stares at the person.

"Yes, it is me again." The female officer giggles quietly, and she sounded peppy and nice, she had a friendly aura coming off from her, as she finally arrivals all the way to the top of the tower.

"Hello, Miss Diana." She casually waves a hand in front of Diana, and her eyes gazed at the treeline right behind Diana.

"Must be pretty boring to watch a bunch of trees." She said with an open mouth smile, and her head tilted to the sides. She leans on the opposite side where Diana was leaning against, and she grabs onto the railing behind her.

"Yeah, I was chosen to be on the offensive group leader." She then sways her hand at the treeline, showing the calm, and peaceful nature that lies in their eyes.

"But there isn't too much of an *offensive* here is there?" She silently chuckles and shook her head to the sides shrugging her shoulders. What could she do in this situation? Runaway from the gold mine, but abandon her troops?

She could always take them along with her, but both Chad and Allen would probably give her an earful of complaints about that move later on.

"I kind of enjoy that though." The female officer walked on over to the side where Diana was at, and then grips the railing, calmly and quietly looking out into the forest.

"Hm?" Diana watches as she approaches the side of the tower where she was leaning against, and raise up an eyebrow curious to what she has to say.

"I do kind of enjoy that no one is attacking us...'

"That just means we get to have more gold!" She lifts up her left up, and forms a fist in the air with it, and maybe Diana imagination but she swear she could see money symbols on her eyes.

"Joking... Joking..." She waves off the little acting stunt that she pulled off in front of Diana, and then she grabs her iron cap helmet and took it off.

She shook her head to let her hair down, her hair color was a darky blond that flow down from her neck and almost reached her shoulders, her eyes alight blue like the clear sky above, her face jawline was bulky but with a hind of a feminine touch, her skin was white, the height of 5 ft and 6 inches tall and she was at age 18, She had a slim build but don't let that fool you, she was skilled enough to get herself in a commanding position for reason.

"But really." She wrapped an arm around her helmet and placed it between her arm and armpit. Then turns over to Diana with a tiny smile.

"I do enjoy this, I enjoy these peaceful times we have, to have nice conversations like the one we're having right now, Kind of nice to spend your time not worrying about what person you will last see before you die." The female officer giggles from her joke, while she does the neck crossing off with her thumb.

Diana thought about what she said, and she had to agree with her in a way, she also enjoys the nice quiet, and peaceful time that they are in right now.

"I understand... Yeah, it is kind of lovely isn't it?" Then she smiles a little, with how nice and enjoyable the situation is right now, she slowly lets it sink into her mind.

"But don't get me wrong, I'm not afraid of going to battle or anything, I just like these moments better than having a weapon drawn against me."

A small breeze of wind blew over the two, their hair casually swaying in the wind, the cold gentle breeze washing right over them felt enjoyable.


"May I ask what's your name?" She turns her body to the female officer and points at. her, since Diana had now just realized something and it was a thing she had forgot to do way earlier in this conversation.

"Of course Miss Diana, its-" She was cut off by Diana when she holds up the palm of her hand and holds it against her face.

"Before you do, please drop the formality." Then Diana lowers her hand to let the female officer speak.

"Ok then, if that's what you want."

She cleared her throat, and then open her mouth to speak again.

"My name is Maria Melton," Maria exclaimed with a big smile on her face, and then she popped her friendly aura again.

-But a person like her is here?-

-She seems way to cheerful to be a warrior.- Diana initial thought on Maria wasn't something too complicated, Maria seemed to be like a good person and a nice one at that.

"Maria melton? Pleasure having you with me" Diana gave Maria a smile in return of her over the top cheerful attitude to this, then she turns her head back around to the trees.

"sooo..." Maria rocked back and forth on her legs, and then she lets her arm freely swings forward and backward. She rolled her eyes from one side to the next, landing on Diana.

"How did it go?" She raises up an eyebrow since she was curious about how did the phase 2 of the plan work out. She knew it was successful since she didn't have to fight them, but she wanted to know the details.

"How did what go?"

"Phase 2 of the plan, The one that the emperor gave you?"

Diana eyes twitched, and then she smirked at what Maria was asking for.

"Well 1st, you can stop calling him Emperor, he's to much of a child to be called that."

Diana laughs a little as Maria furrow her brows, and tilts her head to the side, unclear what Diana had meant by this.

"I meant he doesn't mind you calling him by his actual name."

"Allen Chen?"

"Bingo." She snaps one of her hands into a thumbs up, and then she rests the arm on the railing again.

"Noted." She nodded at the first rule Diana had given her, and then she waits to hear what had happened during the negotiations.

"2nd, it was kind of a mess, but it worked out in the end."

Maria crossed her arms, and then she twists her body to the side and leans against the railing, her eyes widen from curiosity.

"Messy as in how?"

"Oh..." Diana rolls her head around, and patted the wooden railings, then turn her head to Diana.

"Allen gave them a reasonable reason for an alliance, but."

"But?" Maria holds out an open palm hand at Diana like she was holding it out for more information to be learned.

"It still wasn't enough, so a little threaten here... a little compromise there." Diana lifts up her left hand and started to mimicking talking with that hand.

"Yada, Yada, The agreement was made."

Maria stared at Diana who just summarized the entire ending of the conversation, she let out a quiet sigh and pressed her hand against her face.

"So Allen had to threaten them?"

Diana just gave Maria a thump up on her question, and then drops her hand back down again. The two lovely ladies continue to stand and talk on the watchtower, having a nice casually conversation between the two, but in the forest below them, the shadows would start to move a little, and bushes would rustle and shake, twigs would snap.