Trial Of War -Shaky Business.2- (10)

All eyes were on set on Diana when she started to go down the hill, both Kyrielight and Mook soldiers raised up their weapons and their guards trying to at least mentally prepare for a battle that they think that's about to come.

Kyrielight lifts up her hammer off her shoulder and grabs the handle with both hands, and ready herself if Diana ever launches out an attack against her.

-This bitch better not start something with me.-

-Otherwise, I'll clobber her into the dirt.-

She cursed at Diana who was approaching them at a slow pace, seeing her ride her horse from the top of the hill and all the way down in the valley.

For Mook perspective seeing how Kyrielight has her weapon raise, and her guard up against Diana, made him feel like he should do something before she does something crazy.

-That fool, what kind of situation does she thinks she in right now?-

-I must go up to her before she decides to swing that hammer at her.-

Mook gritted his teeth and took a few moments to calm himself down and relieve some of the stress, then he secures his bow around his arm and shoulder.

He whips the horse leash and heads over to Diana, so he could meet her halfway.

"Emperor Mook." Once Diana was close enough to him, she halts her horse movement and stares at him, examining him from head to toe, whatever or not if she was satisfied with her opponent.

"Yes?" He quickly raises up a finger to open up the tab menu for the basic general information on Diana.

[ Specialized Soldier ]

[ Name: Diana Livia ]

[ Elite: Roman Praetorian Guard ]

[ Age: 20 ]

[ Owner: Allen Chen ]

-A Roman praetorian guard?- He glances between Diana and the menu screen, to double-check the information if it was correct or not.

-So he selected the Roman praetorian guards as his first choice?- Now he was only a few meters away from Diana, as she was examining him, he was inspecting her.

-She looks strong... And quite the beauty as well.- Her muscle frame and her feminine charm were both balances between each other, the battles that were all around her body shows the signs of a clear war veteran.

-Ashamed that she was summoned by Allen.- He tilts his head down and closed his eyes for a bit to only reopen them a few seconds later.

"I've been told to request contact between you two." Diana swiftly brought up a small message box, and then she shows it to Mook.

It was a basic message that reads if they want to accept an incoming call or not.

-A call?- Mook stares at the message and then turns his head at Kyrielight, curious about why did they need both of them here. So he raised up a hand to grabs her attention and waves for her to come.

"Huh? What do they want?" She slowly walks up to them, while she holds onto her weapon and never letting it go, in case this could have been a trap set up for her.

"So, What do you need me for?" She places her weapon across her shoulder and then leans toward a side placing a hand on the side of her waist. She continues to stare at Diana.

"Hello Empress Kyrielight" Diana would return the same glare at her, but she didn't do anything else besides that, sparks flew from their eyes colliding into each other.

She then proceeds to show Kyrielight the same message that she showed Mook, and then pulls it away from their face.

"I am here to say, That Emperor Allen would like to discuss an agreement between you two."

Kyrielight and Mook just gave each other looks of confusion, surprise, and suspiciousness. They both found it strange the chubby, Asian, glasses-wearing person was going to them to make an agreement.

"What's the agreement about?" Mook then turns his head back to Diana and crossed his arms together. He was intrigued by the proposals, but he didn't like the current situation at all.

"Accept the call then if you want to find out." She brought up two similar message box, she twists screens so they can see the text on them, and then pushed them over, as they slide along in the air.

Kyrielight and Mook stared at each other again and then back to the screens, at the same time they both press the accept button, as the system started to process the confirmation.


[ Call accepted: Loading ]

The two screens were now replaced by the same face cam that Diana was using, to communicate with Allen, back at the castle.

They can both see Allen, now sitting in his throne room, one leg cross over the other, and his elbow was on the armrest, and his hand under his chin. But once realizes they started the call, his attention switches over to them.

"Ah, you guys accepted the call, Surprise about this feature huh? Kind of recently found this out."

"Thank you."

He had a bright open smile and a friendly cheerful attitude, knowing that they accepted the call, this may work well for him after all.

-Now since they have accepted the call, Maybe they could hear me out.-

"You wanted to form an agreement, but what is this really about?" Kyrielight looks at Allen through the screen, her eyes resonating with a weird aura, her voice all monotone like.

"Just an agreement between the three of us, nothing more, nothing less." Allen was still using his friendly and nice personality, but how Kyrielight sounded, and how she is looking at him, he felt off about this.

"Fine... Go ahead and explain the details of your agreement." Mook glances back at Kyrielight, then at Diana, then finally back to Allen, since he wants to hear what Allen has to say, and choose if its something worth the effort to listen to, or to fully reject it.

"Ok then." Allen cleared his throat and snapped his fingers to change the video feed from showing his face and body, to a bird's eye view of all 6 castles, and the surrounding area.

"This is me, and this is your guy's castles and where you are located right now." A highlighted marker soon appear on the map, showing where Mook and Kyirelight was at, and where Allen was.

"If you draw a line right down the middle of how all these castles are position, the circle is cut in half." Then a dotted went from Mook castle, all the way to Allen castle, dividing the map by two pieces.

"And? When are you going to ger straight to the point?" Kyrielight wasn't going to stand there all day, and wait for Allen to finish explaining his minor details, and just say what he wants to say.

"Fine... Fine..." He snapped his fingers again, as he switches the screen back to himself, and the throne room background. He took a moment of silence to think then he speaks again.

"I want to make a military alliance agreement with each other." This made both Mook and Kyrielight eyes widen, and maybe even drop open their mouths a little, how should they really respond to this?

"A military alliance? With us two?" Mook quickly looks up from the screen and stares at Diana, Who just shrugged at him, then he looks over at Kyrielight who had a similar expression like his on his face.

"Yes, an alliance with just you two."

"Why, what's the problem?"

What's the problem? The problem is that they couldn't understand why Allen even insist on allying with the two of them, they heard alliances were allowed for this, but this early on?

"What reason do you have for this alliance? This can't be that simple." Mook then turns his head back at Allen, and then he wanted to know Allen reasoning, with that Allen pop the map onto his screen.

"It isn't that simple, but if you take a look at how we are position."

First, it was Allen castle that was highlighted, then it was Kyrielight, then Mook. All three of them were right after each other and on the other side of the circle.

"It kind of is... I'm located right next to you, Kyrielight, and you're next to Mook." He claps his hands together and then draws the same line down the middle again.

"We're on the same side of the circle, So I rather have my ally close to me, rather than oddly place around."

Those seem like reasonable reasons, but that still wasn't enough for them to fully agree to this alliance, something more was needed.

"You say things that seem reasonable, but that still isn't enough for us three to ally." Kyrielight exchanges a glare at Mook since she still wasn't ready to lower her guard around Mook, just yet.

"I can agree with that." Mook had pulled out his bow from his arm and shoulder, but he hasn't pulled out an arrow from his quiver.

"Alright then." Allen rolled his head around, and groans quietly so they couldn't hear it, then he tilts his head down, with his hair covering the top part of his face, and lets out a loud sigh.

-This is going to be difficult- He thought to himself, may as well force it out from them.

"Might as well drop the act..." He quietly spoke to them, muttering under his breath. He clenched his chair armrest.

You ally with me, or." He slowly raises up his head, his glasses shine from the sunlight hitting the lens, he then his pops out his thumb and slowly slides it across his neck.


She twitched at her name being called, but she got the hidden meaning of this and quickly raised up her shield, and pulls out her sword, and points it up into the air, then she swings it back down, pointing straight at them, who raised up their guard by this hostile action.

"Are you trying to force us into this!?" Mook barked at Allen through the holographic screen, his eyebrows furrowed, and his voice all loud and demanding.

"You really must be a bigger idiot than me!" Kyrielight laughed at how this ended up, she felt happier that they were given a reason to fight against him.

"You think it's wise when I outnumber you by 50 men? And most of your army is injured or extremely tired out."

Allen wasn't going to back down, and his face shows that he wasn't going to do that either, he stood up from his chair, and then pushed up his glasses.

"I rather not resort to violent intentions, but that's up to you." He shrugged his shoulders, and then he walks over to a window built in the castle keep, and then he places both hands on the walls on the side, as he looks out from there.

"Violent intentions? You're already ready to fight us if that isn't violent intentions." Mook was displeased with how Allen was acting, and especially his rude behavior, what a way to ask him to agree to an alliance.

Allen hearing this he tilts his head down again, he clenches both of his hands into a ball of fists, and then he spins around, with his entire body visual to the screen.

"How about this? Not only are we on the same side, but I'll guarantee, that I'll help out in any battle."

A compromise was needed to be made from the heightened tensions between the three.

-I wish I can do this by myself, But knowing that the others could teammate, I can't take my chances-

Kyirelight and Mook exchanged a small look at each other, and then they turn back to look at Allen.

"Fine, only if you stay true to your word" Mook stated, it seemed like he was pushed into a corner by Allen in this current situation, but he wasn't going to end them just like that.

Everything was now finalized, a new message box appears in front of all of them, with a signature on the bottom.

[ Military Alliance ]

[ Signing this agreement will lock each other into a team, sharing map views, and long-distance communication is available, Breaking such alliance will result in a penalty of 2k gold deduction, and delayed respawn timer ]

[ Sign here ___________ ]

All three of them quickly wrote down their names with their pointer finger, as the message didn't simply disappear, but was burnt away in a blaze of glory.

"That settles things now."

Feeling happy, Mook tugs on his horse leash and heads back to his army, so he collects his wounded, and head back to his castle, now that Kyrielight can't lay a single finger on him.

"Best of luck...camarade" ( Comrade in French )

He waved hand waves as he slowly walks away from Diana, and Kyrielight looks up at Diana, and then she also walks away.

"Real smooth, Allen... Real smooth." Both of the floating face cams disappears, as a new one appears in front of Diana's face, she had a small teasing smile on her face.

"Oh be quiet... Just get back to the previous goal." Allen facepalms himself, and walks on over to the throne room chair, and sat back down. He snaps his finger and ended the call.

"Sure thing..." Before Allen had ended the call, Diana two-finger salutes him and then she looks up at the sky for a bit, taking in what just had happen, and then sheathing her sword and heads back to her army.