Trial Of War -Shaky Business- (9)

-What the hell are they doing here?-

-What's going on here?-

-Are... do we have to fight them as well?-

Everyone's thoughts were running wild from the sudden appearance of Diana, and her troops coming over the ridgeline, her warriors fresh and ready for battle.

What made them even more nervous about their presence is that they randomly decided to march to this battle, and do nothing, they're just standing there and staring down at them, patiently waiting.

-What they do they want?- Kyrielight gritted her teeth from this situation, and she swings her weapon onto her shoulder then took a quick glance at Mook.

-What is he thinking about this?-

-More importantly, what is he going to do?-

Mook's mouth was wide open, seeing the new army up on the hill made this so much more complex then it needed to be. It was a simple battle between the two, now Allen has his troops ready and waiting on top of that hill position.

-What reason could they have to be here?- He clenched his horse leash and tightens the grip on them, the stress of Allen forces being here has made it extremely high now.

- Why would they be here?-

He started to ponder his thoughts and the questions that he needed answers for.

-Are they going to join in this battle? Fight both us at the same time? No wait.-

His eyes twitched and widen as he swiftly turns his head to Kyrielight, seeing that she was already looking at him before he even turns his head around.

-Could they be siding with her? Or could they be siding with me?-

He quickly switched between Kyrielight and the uninvited guests sitting on top of the hills, from the how uncertain he is about this.

To Kyrielight, Mook seemed like he was panicking about this whole ordeal, but it was understandable, she would be too if she was putting that much effort into her thinking.

-Why haven't they come storming down that hill just yet?'-

She starting to look around the battlefield, examining both of their soldiers that were left standing they were tired, injured, and unprepared for a 2nd assault, especially when this new potential enemy outnumbers them, even if they put their forces together.

-I only have 49 people left, and Mook only has 47, and we aren't in the best of shapes right now.-

Tilting her head slightly down she kicks the dirt floor and continues to look around the battlefield and the conditions of the remaining troops.

-Even together we only have a total of 96... against 150, I don't like those odds.-

Then she turns back up at Diana, who still hasn't given out any orders yet, the waiting could drive a person insane. Everyone had 1 thought that was similar to everyone else.

-What the hell do they want?-

(Upon the hill)

"Miss Diana?"

A random female officer slowly walked up to Diana, she had an iron cap helmet on and was wearing a full gambeson armor under a dark yellow wool shirt and the main weapon she was carrying was a rapier.

"I am here to inform you about the tasks."

"All task preparations are completed as scheduled."

Diana cracked up a small smile and spins her head at the officer, her towering look which came from her sitting on her horse, and the determination on her face gave a strong morale boost to anyone who saw this.

"Good, Thank you for notifying me, you can leave now."

The female officer would take a step to the side, away from the valley direction, and stops. She turns back to the valley and looks down at the valley, and the people located down there.

"Miss Diana, what is going to be the next phase?"

She looks back at Diana lifting her head up again, a slight curiosity had entered her mind.

"Hm? The next phase?"

Diana's eyes move to the top of her eyes, tilting her head up at the bright blue sky, the time of day hasn't really changed, and stared up at the clouds, wondering, pondering, for a few moments and then she brings her head back down.

"If you don't want to explain the details, I'll take my leave, Miss Diana."

The female officer was about to turn around again, and walk away from her to head back to the main group until she felt Diana hand swiftly grabs onto her left shoulder.

"Uh... Yes, miss?" She spins her body back around and looks up Diana when she lifts her hands off the female shoulder.

"Sorry for not telling you earlier."

"And spacing out on you." Diana quickly holds up one of her hands and slowly waves it like she was trying to apologize for her bad manners.

"Oh no, Miss you're fine." The female officer said, reassuring Diana then she stood there waiting for Diana to explain to her the details of the next situation.

Diana opens her mouth and started to explain the plan, and what to do next to the female officer "Alright then, The details on what to do next..."

===Scene change Roughly 30 minutes to 1 hour ago===

*Krunch Krunch Krunch*

"Keep marching!"

Diana was on the sidelines of her main army, riding on her horse next to her infantry line, she was waving her sword around issuing orders to her troops.

"Steady formation! Steady!"

She shouted some phrases here and there, to keep then in line, and in order to make the most effort out of them, then she slides her sword back into her waist side sheath. The total 150 soldiers were marching forwards, each step made a loud thump and a crunch on the ground.

-Good at this rate we can make it to the gold mine located in the center of this region.-

The goal that was given to her by Allen was to be the ones to capture the gold mine located in the center of all 6 castles and quickly. And hold it down for long as possible to have more gold than the others.

-We should arrive within another 30 minutes or so.- The gold mine wasn't too far from her position, it was in viewing distance, but for a large group to move forwards it would take a while to reach there.


She tugs on her horse leash turning it in a different direction and whips the controls on her horse, and started to gallop ahead of everyone in her army, and place herself right in front of her troops when a holographic message box appeared right in front of her.

"Geeh." Seeing the message box randomly appearing right in front her of face was surprising, and something she wasn't used to, which startled her a little.

[ New message ]

[ Incoming call from: Emperor Allen Chen ]

[ Accept: Y/N? ]

-Allen huh? And he called me?- She still thought of that man as nothing too special, he was ok with words and was good on strategic thinking and tactics, but until she saw him in combat in person, then she may give him more credit. But for right now her attitude towards him was average.

- What does he even want?-

She raised up her right hand and press the Y button with her pointer finger. The message box quickly flashed a green borderline neon color and starts the call.

[ Call accepted: Call started ]

"Hey, can you hear me?"

The box was soon replaced with what seemed to be like a face cam, Diana could see the chubby looking face that Allen had, as he leans against the stone castle wall Behind him was Chad. But she was quite, letting Allen speak up again.

"Hello? Can you hear me? Diana? Hell-"

Allen was waving his hand around until Diana interrupted by responding back to him.

"I hear you, I hear you." She. turns her head at the screen and glares at Allen, with her dark red eyes glowing to give off a more demonic and scary look. Allen gulped some saliva, letting it slowly go down his throat.

"More than that." She started to smile and shooked her head to prevent her from laughing out loud.

"I can also see that chubby face of yours, your highness." She chuckles at her own joke, while she turns her face forward. Allen let out a sigh and facepalm the center of his face.

"Dear God." He muttered quietly and then Chad stepped up on the screen, and then he points at her with his left hand. "Miss Diana, I must ask of you to refrain such behaviors."

Allen looks up at Chad, then raised up a hand and placed it on Chad's chest, his other hand was still placed on his forehead but he drags it down and away a few seconds later.

"Alright... Fine, Fine" She rolled her eyes for a bit not really caring about what Chad said, but not openly too disrespectful to him.

"It's ok Chad Let her be, We need to tell her our strategy anyways."

He turns back to Diana, who had her eyes raised up from the moment he said the word strategy. -What kind of plan does he have now?- She wonders.

"I have noticed on my map, That both Emperor Mook and Empress Kyrielight are in a battle with each other." Now he was going to start explaining the new strategy that he came up with, but it will require some form of diplomacy if it was too produce some successful results.

"Those two are fighting each other? Isn't that like... Ironic?" She looks up at the sky, and realized what this means. - A French man and a British woman were fighting each other... really is Ironic- She then lowers her head back down, and face Allen again.

"It is, but that's not the matter we are discussing, I want you to change your direction, to their battlefield." He pops up his mini-map on the face cam screen, and turns it around to let Diana see, he points where she was, and where the battlefield she was heading to was located.

"What's the reason for the change of course?" She crossed her arms together, and leans into the face cam, to get more details from the map, like the quickest path.

"You want me to fight both of them? I understand that with their forces slowly dwindling down." Once she had enough information, she pulls back from the screen and then spun her head forward.

Allen shooked his head, with a no, he didn't need violence for this strategy at all, maybe a little show of force, but no violence.

"Quite the opposite Diana, I want you to march your forces onto a nearby hill, and display a show of force."

She turns her head back at the screen again, and looks at Allen straight dead into his eyes, and didn't say anything to him, for a few moments.

"What? That's it?" She wasn't going to say anything to him, but she was indeed confused about the orders he has given to her. - Just a show of force? is it just that? Nothing else?-

"No, Not only will you show strength, which is phase 1 of this plan, but phase 2 you begin contact with them, for me to request a call with them."

Then it clicked, She now realized what his goal was for this plan, sure she didn't really mind doing this but. -So he wants to do some diplomatic stuff?- She ponders the idea for a bit then she spoke.

"What makes you think they want to agree to any political agreements now?" She opens up a plan of her hand and directs it to him.

Allen turns his head to look over his side, and he places a hand under his chin, even he couldn't fully trust that this strategy would work.

"I don't know Diana, But we wouldn't know for sure if don't try." He spins his head back around to look at Diana through the video feed, and then shrugged at her question.

"If this plan of yours goes down then..." A small cheerful smile start to appear on her face, she perked up and was now a bit more gitty, Allen had a guess to what she was about to say, and sighs a little.

"If this goes downhill, Then you can fight them." He said while being uninspired by this idea, he didn't want to make enemies this early on into the battle.

"Thank you, m'lord" She giggles with a smile, now that Allen couldn't go back on his word, since he admitted to allowing her to use brute force if things went south, and toss his plan away.

"Just... get there before one of them kills each other." Allen was really not inspired by what *could* happen next, and he hopes for his outcome to come true.

"Right away." She said with her smile still plastered onto her face, as she raises up a hand to end the call between the two, with a few final words from Allen she disconnects the call. "Good luck Diana."

[ Call has ended ]

Now she had a new plan given to him, she pulls out her sword and holds it above her head for her the people behind her to see.

"I have just received new orders from the Emperor! We are to change course!"

She swings her sword in a different direction, and then she led her army to a New area of this huge battle arena.

===Scene change===

"That is the next phase of the plan I was given."

Diana now finished with explaining the details from what Allen had told her to do, as she points at both Mook and Kyrielight down in the valley.

"Really? that's it?" The female officer was intrigued by the plan, but now she knows, even she had her doubts that this idea was going to work in the first place.

"And the Emperor thinks this plan is going to work?" She said in a questioning manner, but she doesn't rudely reject the idea entirely.

"Who knows, I believe this part is more on him." Diana shrugged and shook her head left and right, it was getting to the time for her to descend the hill, since all preparation for an assault if things went horribly, was done.

"Return to the main army now, It's time for phase 2 to begin" She waves off the female officer, and then whips the horse leash, to make her horse move down the hill until she reaches the edge of their battlefield, but no too close where someone was going to run at her.

"Very well, Good luck Miss Diana." The female officer quickly bows, seeing Diana slowly heads down from the hill, then she walks back to the main army.