Trial Of War -Uninvited Guests- (8)

*Thump! Thump! Thump!*

Kyrielight and Zhang were ferociously going at each other again, Kyrielight was wildly swinging her two-handed club hammer at Zhang, and Zhang welding his Chinese glaive was struggling to block the attacks coming towards him.

-She may have cracked a few of my bones- Though he couldn't keep it up for much longer because Kyrielight had swung her hammer into his waist side that had no armor protection was now throbbing in pain.

-I can't be defeated by a single attack!- Each time he moves his chest muscles they just kept throbbing, so simply blocking was already difficult enough for him, he blocked an attack from the right, then from the left, then above.

-This woman is insane!- taking a quick step back and leans his upper body back avoiding a swing that was aimed for his head, once the hammer was clear away from his head he pulls his upper body back up and comes swinging his glaive hard from the left. - She over swung!-

"I got you now!"

-I messed up!- Kyrielight eyes saw the incoming attack that was heading straight toward her lower chest region, the blade glimmer under the sunlight as the blunted blade fastly approaches her torso.

"Sh- Ack-"

Zhang had landed his 2nd blow against Kyrielight, as his weapons pick her off her the ground and into the air, tossing her a few feet away, and skid across the grassy dirt ground. With the metal-plated armor, she was mostly safe from weapon strike, but with the weight of the attack and how she came crashing back into the ground, she was injured by the blunt damage.

*Cough* "Ah, fuck..."

She pushes herself off the ground and was on her hands and knees, trying her best to recover from this attack when she saw the same glint from Zhang weapon coming closer to her.

-Jesus fuck!- She quickly grabbed her club hammer and rolled to the side, avoiding a downward strike that was going for her neck, if she didn't spot the glint in time she surely would have lost her head, even knowing that they are immune to death in this simulated war. She wasn't used to actually dying in the first place, none of them were.

After her dodge, she stood back up and holds up her weapon up to her chest area. And waited for the next move that Zhang was going to use against her.


A soldier holding up a bow and half of his arrows were already gone from his quiver slowly fell to his knees, and then fainted forwards, Mook kept picking off lone targets that were being a real nuisance in this battlefield.

Then lowers his bow and place it on his lap and then he looks over at Zhang and Kyrielight battle, to see the result of the battle between the two.

"He really is going at it... surprised that she is managing to hold out for this long."

All-around them, their soldiers were still attacking each other, swinging their bladed weapons against each other, screaming out at each other.

-All of this is really un-elegant.- The dirt below them was trampled, and bloodstained from the bodies that liters the battlefield, weapons lay scattered around, spears stuck into the ground.

*Clip clop*

Mook slightly turns his head around to see who was approaching him, and it was his one specialized soldier, his flamboyant, red-headed, women chaser, Vicar Androu.

"Your highness."

Vicar was slowly moving up to Mook casually gave him a wave and the horse casually strolls up from the previous event that it has gone through. And Vicar wasn't in a hurry to meet up with him.

"You made it back, I assume you went through a problematic event?"

"Yeah, Didn't expect to run into Boudicca in my first run."

Mook swiftly turns his head back around to the battlefield, and Vicar was awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck while chuckling quietly. Mook became silent right after then he pulls out another arrow, and releasing it into the air.

"How the situation been ov-."

-Enemy archer! where are they?- Vicar slowly spins his head until what he saw surprised him, an arrow came flying right by his face but it wasn't a friendly arrow that he knew for sure but an enemy archer was now targeting them.

"Enemy Archer get dow- Woah!"

Mook was busy with targeting against other people and didn't realize until it was too late, Mook was the 2nd person that received an arrow flying right past him, as the arrow skimmed his cheek. Then two more arrows came right after those two but this time it was aimed for their horse's head. Startling the creatures, and kicking up into the air forcing both Vicar and Mook to fall off.

In slow-mo with both Mook, and Vicar falling onto the ground they had caught a glimpse of an archer sitting on a horse far away from them, who was aiming his bow at him.

"Enemy archer! Enemy Archer! Shields up!"

"Enemy archer! protect the Emperor and the commander!"

Guards soon rushed to their aid, and they hold up a shield wall to block out any more arrows coming towards them. But some were picked off as an arrow went straight for their head, the aim of this person was on the level of an expert.


One random officer ran up to Mook, and strap his war axe onto his belt and holds out his hand to help him up, but he kindly rejected that offer and chose to stand back up, and then he peeks out from the shield wall in the direction of where the archer was.

He opens up a tab to see the general basic information about this person, and what was the reason for his incredible aim.

[ Specialized Soldier ]

[ Name: Sattar Nassour ]

[ Elite: Persian Archer ]

[ age: 31 ]

[ Owner: Vlad Kyrielight ]

-Sattar Nassour? I need to get a better picture of him- Mook quickly stood out of the shield wall, and he grabs his longbow with him.

"Your highness, please don't leave the safety of this shield wall." Vicar tries to urge Mook to stay within the shielding, but Mook didn't hear him and was standing right out in the open for Sattar to see. He stares at the enemy archer who was now smirking at Mook.

Sattar was wearing a white tunic with a leather belt strap on his waist, he had a leather cap on, and had some peasant-style shoes his skin colour was a dark brown, his eyes green, he had a pretty masculine jawline and face, his hair was a black. What he was using as a weapon was a composite bow.

Then Sattar whips his horse leash and ran in a different direction like he was done teasing him.

"Your highness?" Vicar slowly appears out of the shield wall, issuing the order for the guards to go back to being on stand by, and walks up to Mook.

"I was wondering when her specialized soldier was going to show up."

"But yet, once he made his appearance he was toying with me."

Mook cracked up a smile, and he raised up a hand covering the top part of his face, then he started to cackle a little, the display that was given toward him stung his pride as an archer, then he lets go of his own face to get back up onto his horse.

"Do you want me to pursuit this archer?"

Vicar helps mook up onto his horse, and then he walks over to his and swiftly hops onto his saddle, then he turns to look at Mook waiting for whatever or not to chase down this enemy archer.

"No, No need."

Mook holds up his hand at Vicar and then brought up his tactical map menu, to see the results of this battle so far. 47 soldiers were left remaining for him, Kyrielight had 49 soldiers left on her side.

-This battle is almost over anyway, no point in trying to pursue an enemy now.-

It was now down to two groups of soldiers, and no longer what you would call an army. Roughly 50 vs 50 is now what's happening.

-Wait? Whats... what's this?-

-This can't be-

His eyes widen out of surprise, or shock, or maybe even a little bit of fear, but not only was his tactical holographic map was showing the birds-eye view of both of their groups, but a third color was had just appeared on the edge of his map. He quickly places two fingers on the holographic map and zoomed out to see who they were, as a banner image soon appeared right next to the army.

"Two spears... and a Roman Helmet."

"Hm? What did you say?"

Mook spoke out loudly as Vicar turns his head toward him when he said, two spears and a helmet, he could clearly see that Mook's face was in a tense expression and with his mouth wide open. He leans toward the map to get a clearer image, now he knows what caught Mook off guard.

They both swiftly turn their head behind them to the right, over towards a hill, and almost immediately, a single loud war horn was sounded off in the distance, something similar to Erebor horn, and sounds of drums were being beaten in the distance. This made everyone fighting in the little between the hills stop what they were doing, and look up at a hill, this even stops both Zhang and Kyrielight who quickly looked up at the same hill.

"What now?!" She exclaimed furiously as her eyes changed from, anger to surprise.

"What's going on... now."

What everyone was seeing in that valley was now a 3rd group, holding up the Roma Tempus banner as they flap around in the wind, the Two spears and Helmet design was clearly visible to them, Soldiers lining up along the top of the hillsides, arm with spears, polearms, swords, axes, bows, fresh cavalry, fresh soldiers.

The loud war horn going off and the drums had already set them on edge, but now clearly seeing 150 people on top of a hill frightens them even more, when they were already tired out from fighting each other already.

A lone figure sitting on a horse was on the side line of this huge group, who suddenly decided get themselves involved in their battle. Diana was up there staring down into the valley battle.