Trial Of War -Armies Clashes.3- (7)


Another infantry soldier was taken down by the last arrow that Mook had in his quiver, he waved his hand to signal a nearby guard to resupply his quiver pouch, with a matter of seconds he was handed a new pouch filled with arrows.

By sitting on top of his horse, the battlefield seemed like it was going to die down soon or become more relaxed, this is because the battle wasn't really a big battle in the first place, just a really small army skirmish is the correct term.

Mook had around 89 soldiers left on the field, while Kyrielight army took the initial hit at the start of the battle, losing her huge numerical advantage and had 92 soldiers in the field.

"Down with Britannia!"

A random Gallia soldier arm with a short sword who ran up behind Kyrielight blind spot, and lifts his weapon, ready to thrust it into her back that had the thinnest protection from her armor,

"Yeah, yeah-"

She quickly rolls her head around displaying that she didn't really care about what this person had to say, and then she twists her body around swinging her club hammer around, to slam right into the sides of the swordsman.

"Piss off already!"


The impact that the swordsman received made him skid across the ground and lose his grip on the short sword, and then the body ended up bumping into a leg. Zhang was standing there admiring the display that he saw, then he bends down picking up the unconscious soldier and then walks over to his horse, laying him softly on a horse saddle then smacking the horse butt sending it away.

"Empress Kyrielight, I humbly apologize for not giving you a proper battle, until now."

Zhang spun back to Kyrielight and walks up to her as he flung his glaive across his shoulders, a devious smile soon appeared on his face as Zhang stares down Kyrielight. She spins her weapon to where the hammer part of the weapon was planted onto the dirt ground, and she was using that to support herself, as she uses it to lean.

"The spiritual guide of Mook has set his sights on me huh?"

Zhang being at 6 ft and 5 inches tall, he towers over Kyrielight. He tightens his grip on his weapon and swings his weapon at Kyrielight, stopping blunted blade right under her chin, there was enough force in that motion that Zhang causes the air around him to blow in the direction of the swing.


"You trying to sike me out?"

Kyrielight stared at the blade of the glaive right under her chin, it shined and glitter under the sunlight, and then she moves her eyes back up at Zhang. She uses her free hand and nudges the blade away from her neck.

"It's going to take more than that to scare me."

She picks up her weapon and clutches it with both of her hands, and she furrows her eyebrows together and sets herself to lunge at him, as she gets into a battle stance, putting one foot in front of the other.

"Of course not, I wouldn't expect no less from you."

Zhang snickers at the little stunt that he pulled on her, and then he brings his weapon away from her, placing the end of the pole onto the ground.

"I'll make sure this battle is honorable as possible."

Zhang hastily got himself in his battle stance, they were staring at each other, like they were determined to kill each other on the spot, their smiles were devilish to each other.

"Make your m-"

-Son of a bitch!- Kyrielight voice was cut off by Zhang coming at her with a slash attack going upward, She stumbles back a little but still managed to keep her footing to not fall on the ground.

"I see how it is then!"

-Using that early strike advantage... Cheeky cunt- Kyrielight raised her weapon above her head and charges at Zhang who raised his glaive to block her attack, Over swinging ( Over swinging: Someone holding a melee weapon, and uses a huge swing ) Zhang predicted where she was going to strike and he holds his weapon above his head.


The ground below Zhang crack under his feet from Kyrielight club hammer landing right into Zhang glaive, blocking her down attack, and in return, Zhang pushes her weapon off of his and comes in for another slash in a horizontal angle.

-Damnit I was too shallow on that strike, I need. to deeper- The glaive only scratched the metal armor that Kyrielight had, protecting her body from any physical damage, she uses the chance right after Zhang finished his swing, and she quickly swung her club hammer down onto one of Zhang's arms.

-I Must dodge this attack- Zhang quickly took a step back, just barely avoiding the strike that was coming down onto his arms.

-If she was successful on that, she might have given me a broken arm- He looks at his arm, and then a small crater came from Kyrielight missed attacked, This cause Zhang to have a more serious attitude to this fight.

-Seeing the strength of this women, I need to avoid her strikes, if she gets one good hit on me I'll probably struggle on the long run-

Zhang prepares himself another for another attack, slowly scooting himself forward, he comes slashing down from the right once he felt like he was close enough to her.

-Damnit I missed!- During when she missed her attack, she pulls out her weapon from the dirt, and holds it up around her chest region, then she saw the swing coming from her left she immediately moved her hands to hold her weapon to the side to guard against the attack.


The impact of the glaive slamming right into her block made her skid a few inches to the right.

-Fuck!- Zhang quickly retracted his weapon away from her, and then he swirls around once with his weapon following suit, swinging from his left side, Kyrielight switched her guard from the left to the right, again with the same result.

-This guy strength is a whole another level- She could still feel the strength behind both strikes, in her legs and knees, Zhang was making her really put some effort into her muscles.


Zhang continues to barrage swing attack at Kyrielight, he swings from the left, then he spun his body around, and he swung his attack from the right, and then he spins around to the left again.

*Thump, thump thump!*

Kyrielight was being pushed back by Zhang at a slow pace, each time she tried to block his attacks, her legs shooked a little from the pressure alone.

-I need an opening- She watched closely to the rapid barrage of attacks coming her way, eventually getting the timing down from each strike.

-There it is! My opening!- After Zhang came swinging from the left again, and he pulls his glaive back to begin spinning, Kyrielight took an additional step back avoiding Zhang right swing, and then she steps side forward from her left.

"I got you now!" She screams out as she steps forward she swung her weapon from the left, as it got closer and closer his waist side.

"Ack!" With Kyrielight heavy hit, she manages to fully land a blow on Zhang's body, With his armor mostly covering the front, and behind leaving his side's expose to such attacks.

-This is going to be a nuisance- Zhang would stagger to his left, and winced and he took a knee from her attack. His side was in pain each time he tries to move his torso region.

-This fight became a whole lot harder.- He clutches his right side as he struggles to stand back up onto his feet, to the point he was now using his glaive to help him stand back up.

"God damn, You're a feisty woman alright."

He chuckles quietly at the sight of seeing Kyrielight standing there proudly, knowing that she managed to land a blow onto him. But he wasn't completely down for the count just yet.

"Do you need some help?"

Both in a teasing and a sarcastic expression she started to pace around Zhang, who was still trying to stand up straight. A grin with her teeth showing was on her face.

-Not yet- He took a moment of silence and he slowly closed his eyes, taking this silence to breathe in and out to regain his composure, he brought himself back up.

"Don't you think-"

He rushed his hand toward Kyrielight two-handed club hammer, and grabs onto the wooden handle, securely gripping his hand onto the weapon.

- W-What?- Kyrielight was unprepared for Zhang's burst of speed, and energy as she desperately tries to shake or pulls Zhang's hand off her weapon handle.


Using the chance Zhang created for himself he reels his head back, and he smashes it into Kyrielight's forehead. Then he lets go of her weapon.


She stumbles backward from the head butt, and she started to rub her bruised forehead. Just like how she pulls a fast one on Zhang, he pulls a fast one on her.

She groans a little from the pain but had to shake it off quickly as possible, She needed to win this fight as much as possible now, while being pissed off as well now.