Trial Of War -Armies Clashes.2- (6)

When Boudicca retracted her spear back Vicar swings his shield at her, trying to shield bash her in the progress of possibly knocking her off her horse and onto ground level, she twists her hands around to change the guard handling as she holds up a vertical block with her weapon.

-This person strength is also a problem for me to deal with-

The wooden part of the shield slams into the spear wooden pole that causes a loud thump, and the shield bash had enough force in the swing that both of their horses skid away from each other.

"Quite the swing you got there, Vicar."

Boudicca had to quickly calm down her horse that was kicking its legs around like crazy because of Vicar shield bash, but once she had her horse under control she gazes back at him, with a smirk, she was going to have some fun in this duel.

"I appreciate the compliment."

Once his horse stop sliding across the ground he smiles back at Boudicca, as he readies his sword and shield once more, he grabs the horse leash and charges right at her.

"Prepare yourself!"

Vicar rapidly closes the distance between the two, and once he was close enough he lifts up his sword and prepares a downward slash.

"Come warrior! Face me!"

Boudicca clutches her spear with one of her hands and uses the free one to grab her horse leash, and also charge right at Vicar. Going blow for blow she holds up her spear for a horizontal slash.


Boudicca had the advantage of her weapon having a longer reach then Vicar broad sword she swung her weapon at him forcing him to use his sword to block the spear blunted blade tip parrying the swing. The spear was angled away from Vicar as he slides his sword against spear pole, Boudicca counteracted by twisting her body changing the angle of how the weapon was coming down on her armor to lessen the blow on the armor structure.

thankfully she was wearing some chainmail over gambeson cotton-padded armor, with their weapons blunted the weapon couldn't inflict any serious injuries on Boudicca body, the weapon couldn't slash through the riveted chainmail armor ( Do some actual medieval warfare research people COUGH ) as Vicar was finished with his attack he loops his weapon right under Boudicca arm shoulder disengaging from her.

Boudicca pulls on her leash to turn her horse around and twist her body back, while she swings her spear at the back of Vicar body who was still in the middle of getting away from her, but only manage to skim the top of his gambeson cloth armor.

They quickly spun around and charged at each other again, they clash their weapons again, Vicar swung his sword from up above and Boudicca had to block the downward strike, they lean in close to each other seeing two massive grins on their faces.

"It's a shame that a man of your caliber is not on our side."

"Could really use a warrior of your skill level."

Both of their arms were shaking under each other strength pressure, one applying force and the other trying to repeal it.

"Ah you're giving me to much credit, Madam Boudicca, but I'm happy on this side."

They continued to grin and smirk at each other that they seems to be growing rivals between the two, a sense of a challenging opponent that they can test each other capabilities, and not a single sense of bloodlust can be felt.

Vicar swiftly lifts up his sword again and started to hammer down on Boudicca spear guard, she winches everytime he comes down on her guard, but she wasn't going to let him break it.

"Your open!"

Using the chance she got from Vicar raising up his sword for another strike, she swings the butt end of her spear at Vicar pretty boy face, giving him a nice smack to the face, he tried to block with his sword or shield but he was a little late on this action.



His center of mass was set off balance riding on top of the horse, gravity was slowly pulling him down, but he tightens the grab on his horse leash and reels himself back up. A bruise was seen on the side of his cheeks as he rubs his jaw.

-I can't make mistakes like that again, man that hurt.-

He refocus his attention to Boudicca and slowly raises up his shield and sword, prepared to charge at her again. But they were interrupted by sounds of metal hitting against metal, people screaming out in pain, and shouting, he turns his head toward the direction of the main battle field.

-Shit, I need to get back with the main army.-

Then sounds of the right branch bringing their 6 remaining cav soldiers, they ganter up to their position.

"There you are commander! w-"

Then noticing Boudicca they drawn out their swords and readies themselves to charge.

"Hold! This is my fight!"

He holds up his shield in the way of the new arrivals, ordering them to stay out of their 1v1 duel.

- What do I do?-

-I have to get back to the Emperor... But she probably won't let me get back to him, will she?-

"Everyone, fall back, we're returning back to the main army."

He was still focus on watching the main battlefield Vicar turns his head back to Boudicca, shocked and surprised to see her pulling out of this 1v1 duel.

"Where do you think you're going?"

He raises up his sword and points at her. Boudicca in response slightly turns her head around and lets out a quiet sigh, swinging her spear onto her left shoulder.

"This battle is more important then our 1v1 duel."

"I recommend you get back to your side, I won't chase you down and waste my time... leave"

She then spins her head back around and whips her leash to move her horse forward, Vicar lowers his sword and slides it into his sheaths, and tugged his horse around, he didn't know what to think of this right now, but what he knows right now he had to rejoin the main army again.

"Lets battle once again!"

He shouted back at Boudicca as he whips his horse to gallop away to where the headquarters was located.


A random male shield Spearmen was flung a few ft off of the ground, showing Kyrielight standing there holding her two handled club hammer, she was a a force to be wreaking with. A prideful smile was seen on her face as she turns to new opponent to deal with.

"You're next!"

She ran up to a shield sword woman and she jumps up into the air, and prepares to swing down at her enemy, the female swordsman shrieked and holds up her shield to guard against Kyrielight heavy attack.


The enemy spit out some saliva from the club hammer slamming down into the shield, all of the strength in her knees was gone and she falls onto her back crashing into the dirt behind her, cracking her skull, and Kyrielight causing a small crater on the ground.

[ name: Vlad Kyrielight ]

[ Gender: F ]

[ Blood type: A ]

[ Race: Human ]

[ Height: 5'6" ]

[ Age: 20 ]

[ Lvl: 17 rank recruit 4 stars ]

[ Class: ??? ]

[ Occupation: Empress of the Britannia Empire ]

Kyrielight lifts up her weapon off the now dead female swordsman and stands around holding her weapon in her hands, a sense of satisfaction and honor soon filled up her emotions.

In a different area of the battle field, was Mook way behind his infantry he was with a group of archers, he was shooting at the enemies in the head.

"Loose! Arrow volley!"

He shouted at the group of archers who release a huge swarm of arrows into the battle. He pulls out an arrow from his back and then pulls on the bow and aims it at an male enemy cavalry, he calmly inhales and exhale slowly releasing the arrow from the bow letting it soar through the sky hitting the soldier in the head, and knocking him off his horse.

[ Name: Mook Malkovich ]

[ Gender: M ]

[ bloodtype: AB ]

[ Race: Human ]

[ Height: 6'2" ]

[ Age : 19 ]

[ Lvl: 15 rank 4 stars recruit ]

[ Class: ??? ]

[ Occupation: Emperor of the Gallia Empire ]

*Clip clop*

Zhang came back to Mook at a slow pace, then he stops right next to him, he was holding his glaive along his right shoulder with some minor blood dripping off from the edge of his blunted weapon, and onto the grassy dirt ground below him. Even if the weapon is blunted it doesn't mean it can't kill still.

"You having fun yet?"

Zhang calmly and slowly turns his head back to Mook, a sizeable smile was on his face, and knowing that Mook didn't need to hear a single word out of him.

"It seems like you enjoyed yourself."

"You should really wipe off the blood from your weapon."

He pulls out another arrow and releasing it into an enemy that was on his final move to kill their opponent, but was the down soldier was saved by Mook arrow.

"I have, Though Miss Kyrielight is putting up quite a fight."

Zhang points in the direction of where Kyrielight was standing at, and where she was beating all of her enemies by slamming her club hammer into them, with great heavy force.


She was seen swinging one huge heavy swing blowing 3 guys away, and knocking a fourth female soldier down onto her ass.

Mook watches this, and readies himself a new arrow, placing it on the bow and prepares to shoot the arrow away, but he didn't this time and lowers his bow onto his lap, and he rolled his eyes over to Zhang.

"May I ask of you to deal with her?"

Zhang flung the blood off his glaive and smirked at the question Mook asked him, he then points the tip of his weapon down at the ground and replied with.

"Why didn't you ask sooner? Of course."

He snickers quietly, and then whips his horse leash quickly galloping in Kyrielight direction.