Trial Of War -Armies Clashes- (5)

Mook hastily raised up one of his fists up in the air to gather the attention of his men that were nearby him, and then prepare himself with a deep gasp of air, this was something he to do something, or say something, cause his enemy is now on the move.

They were slowly moving down the hill and to the flatlands, each group was moving down the hill at different pacing, so establishing a defensive perimeter would take some time.


-Merde! Je dois réagir rapidement à ça ! C'est une ouverture pour moi!!-

(Translation: Shit! I gotta react quickly to this! this is an opening for me! )

"Cavalry units listen in!"

He opened his mouth and turns to look over toward his cavalry commander and shouted directly at him, his face was full of urgency, and stress as the cavalry commander responded with a quick nod, and then directed his units to follow him down the hill.

"All cavalry charge the flanks of the enemy center!"

Then he turns back to Kyrielight descending army that was still going down the hill, not all of the enemy regiments has officially made it down to the flatlands yet, and he open his mouth and shouted again, but this time it was directed at everyone.

"All forces charge! Double time into the enemy! They have yet to reform their defensive formation! Leaving them exposed for an opening attack! So we cannot let them regroup into their formations! Not to mention we will have the momentum of speed on our side!"

Everyone heard the command, and all of their faces became stern, they gave off an expression like each and every single one of them was bloodthirsty. At this moment everyone holds up their weapons in the air and a loud war cry was screamed out from their lungs.


"for the Gallia empire!"

"Let's go people!! Move it!"

"For the Emperor!!"

Mook lifts up a finger and then points straight forward shouting to charge down the hill and clash with the enemy. He needed to take the initiative on this, and quickly.


"Alright! Let's do this!"

Zhang grabs his Chinese Glaive from his back, and give it a few twirls above his head on his horse, and grab his horse control leash with his other hand and started to charge down the hill.

*Rumble rumble*


Loud rumbling was heard all around, everyone in Kyrielight perk their head up and looked up, even catching Kyrielight off guard as she looks upon at Mook hill, a smoke cloud was kicked up into the air, by the massive charge he is pulling off.

"What the hell?"

Kyrielight eyes widen out of fear, and the pressure that one singular charge was giving off was massive. It was strong enough to lock her mouth shut for a few seconds, but once she regains her mental stability, she focuses on issuing her orders to the rest of her army.

"Defensive formations! Defensive formations now! If you don't want to die get your defense up!" Kyrielight swung her club hammer up into the air, and sways it around to gather her forces while shouting at them.

It is true that this mock trial war was going to have 0 deaths, but this only applies to the players, and the people they control won't be able to respawn just like them, even if the weapons were blunted.

The only exception to this rule is the spiritual guides and the specialized soldier the players brought with them into this proto-mock war battle.

"Shields up! form a shield wall!"

A random officer equipped with a blunted sword, an iron cap helmet, and some light gambeson with some light metal-plated pauldrons for his should protection, shouted a command to a front row of shield spearmen to raise up their shields and spears to form a shield spear wall, as he waves his sword in the air frantically.

"Rah! Rah!"

The clunking of wooden shields with metal rims, and spears clashing together quickly to form up a spear shield wall.

The enemy cavalry that was fast approaching, using the momentum that they gain from charging down the hill. They were rushing to the center of her army ready to do some devastation.

"Brace for impact!"

Kyrielight duck behind her spear wall, ready to strike back at the charging cavalry soldiers.

"Brace for-... impact?"

To her surprise and the men that formed up the frontal defensive line, the charge never came to them, the enemy cavalry split off into two directions, left and right to attack targets on the side.

To the left was a large group of footmen that recently made its way down to the flatlands. They consist of 20 shield swordsman who didn't hear the orders in time to form up defensive positions.

Even if they did none of them had the equipment that could stop a cavalry charge, a total of 15 cavalry were heading towards them, their weapons drawn out.

The other 15 cavalry was heading to the right, and there target was a small group of shield spear infantry, protecting a group of archers behind them, a total of 30 soldiers were there.

"Rush into the enemy! Wipe them out!"

The lead commander on the left yelled out and waved his sword in the air, repeatly swinging it forwards.

*Rumble Rumble KRASH*



the group on the left took the heaviest hit, the cavalry slammed right into the front line, and then smash the group formation, some got heavily brushed by the blunted weapons. Others got themselves flung into the air by the impact.

The people on the right faired a much better outcome, that the Spearmen manage to soften enough to cause some of the riders to fall down, and be beaten to death.

"Loose arrows!"

The ones that survived the initial assault were now being targeted by the archers behind the Spearmen.

Kyrielight was relief that the right side of the central part of her forces were still intact, but once she turns back to look over at her left, the cavalry were pulling back from their charge.

They almost wiped out the 20 size group of infantry, and left the ones who survived injured, or frighten from the show of strength they slammed them with.

"Boudicca! After them!"

Kyrielight yelled out for her assistance, as a horse jumped above her, blocking the sunlight and then landing right in front of the spear wall.

"Yeah, I know! No need to yell!"

Boudicca shouted back, she brought with her were 15 sword cavalry with herself included she was worth at least total of 20 men. She started to chase down the runaway horsemen.

"Oh no you-"

She swiftly gallops her horse to the enemy cavalry, and grabs one of them way in the back from her clothing and forces her off the horse.



The fallen female cav soldier felt the harsh pain when she landed hard onto the hard dirt floor, she tried to get back up and was on all fours, but she turns to look right behind her, fear soon and encumber her.

"Holy fuck!"

-Gotta get out of here!-



the cavalry that was following along Boudicca was charging directly at her, as she tries to get away, but they trample over the fallen female cavalry swordsman, with the weight of the horses and the people on top eventually crushed the person below.

Boudicca did this a few more times as they were tossed behind her, to be crushed or heavily injured and couldn't move by her cavarly. The left branch was now down to 11 cavalry in total with the right branch having 6 cav soldiers left, as they were soon to regroup with them.

"Get back here! and fight me like a man!"

Despite being a female warrior she screamed out and demanded, she was tired of chasing after them, and she didn't want to move to far away from the main army, she needed to end it quick.

She grabs the spear that was strap onto her back and holds it in her right hand, she gallops up to one of them preparing for a strike on the back, but her spear clashed with a enemy shield as she thrusted her weapon out.


"As you wish madam!"

The main commander sounded off a cocky attitude as he appears blocking the straight thrust attack from her spear from using his shield.

This strike cause both sides to halt and paused their movements as they were now spectating to what seems like a 1v1 duel between two commanders.

They quickly back away from each other and created distance between the two. One two handed spear user, a broad sword and shield user.

Both of them gave each other cold stares, but Boudicca holds her spear up and points at the cavalry commander, she was curious to know the name of the warrior who blocked one of her strikes.

"You must be the person in charge of his cavalry units."

The man was wearing a metal cap helmet that had leather straps and metal buttons attached onto the strappings, and was wearing chain mail under a full body gambeson armor.

"Why yes I am, Ma'am Boudicca."

Through his helmet his eyes were a bright red, and his skin a dark almond skin color, a few clump of hair strains peaked out under from his helmet and it was a dark maroon color. He had a slight muscular build frame to himself, at thr height of 5 ft and 9 inches tall. He was 22 years old.

"What is your name?"

Boudicca lowers her spear down to the guard, and started to size up the enemy commander, and determine how much of a threat he could be to her.

"Specialize soldier... Companion cavalry."

He smiles a little and grab his helmet taking it off of his head, and lets his hair flow in the wind.

"Or in Greek "hetairoi" cavalry, Elite cavalry of the Macedonians the name Vicar Androu."

-Hetairoi cavalry huh? This guy may be a issue if he's in this battle.-

-I must get rid of him-

She tightly clutch her spear, and then brought it above her head and twirls it around, showing a little dramatic display in front of Vicar, and points her weapon at him again.

"Very well, Prepare yourself Vicar! For I Boudicca will remove you from this battlefield!"

She drops her body to a level that was easier to defend against incoming attacks with, then she grips her weapon with both hands. Vicar responded in kind as he lowers himself and raise both his shield and sword upward, holding his guard up high.

"I'll accept being remove by a pretty lady of your beauty... How about, after this battle we can *talk*"

Vicar chuckles lightly and closed his eyes for a bit, giving Boudicca enough time to close the gap between the two she thrust her spear at his head, this spooked him quite a bit as he quickly reacted to this and leans his body back avoiding the attack and letting the spear barely touch the top of his nose, and was using his shield to block any quick strikes that could come directly at his chest region.

"I take that as a no."