Trial Of War -Armies Staredown- (4)

We set ourselves between the two leaders that sat on top of a grassy hill, the sky was bright blue with some light clouds hovering high above. Both armies were now ready and prepared to charge into each other, their spears, swords drawn, archers ready to fire. Both of their banners were raised high, and flaps around in the air.

An army size of 200 vs 170, who could win? What will happen? Surely the forces with a bigger number should succeed correct?

Mooks was sitting on his horse, his armor was a thick cotton padding a gambeson to be more specific, and some light riveted chain mail over his cloth, protecting more vital spots on his body, and to allow more mobility.

The weapon of choice that he had with him was a long bow, a quiver with loads of arrows. And Kyrielight had a two handed club hammer for her main weapon.

Something that Mook really must stay away from, blunt damage from such a weapon can easily injure someone even if they have armor on them.

As both Kyrielight and Mook stood their ground, their armies across from each other stared at each with anticipation, no one has yet to make a single move.

[ Kyrielight Army compositions ( 200 troops) 30 cavalry : 40 archers : 70 ( Shield ) swordman : 60 ( Shield ) Spearmen ]

[ Mook Army compositions ( 170 troops ) 30 cavalry : 40 archers : 50 ( Shield ) Swordman : 50 ( Shield ) Spearmen ]

"The odds are against our favor."

Zhang had both of his arms crossed together, as he takes in the view of the opposition army. A trickle of sweat ran down his face a sense of doubt and worried surrounded him, but he still kept his morale high, not only just for himself but for Mook as well.

"Were only out number by 30 people."

Mook calmly and quietly stared as he examines the formations layout that Kyrielight had put out Nothing to complicated really, the infantry were place ahead of archers, and the cavalry were set on the sides, ready to flank, but she could instantly change it if Mook decided to switch up his formation setup.

"May I ask, Your highness, Why haven't we begin the battle?"

A relax quiet sigh was all Zhang could hear coming out from, and then turn to look at Zhang.

"They do have 30 more men and women then I, But I notice that our hill is somewhat bigger then hers."

He casually raises up a finger with an angle deviation pointing down at Kyrielight, there was some height difference between the hills.

"This is my advantage, Knowing Kyrielight attitude she would get impatience, and then charge her forces down her hill."

He then begins to slide his finger from pointing at Kyrielight hill, all the way to his, and then clasp his hands together into a ball of fist.

"Across the flat grass plain located between us, and uphill resulting some stamina lost for her soldiers, making the fight more even for us, and getting rid of her army."

Zhang just listens in to Mook strategy that he devised for the terrain that the battle was located around, intrigued with the kind of approach he decided.

"Using your terrain to your advantage? That's one way to do this, I would try to engage first, test the strength of her army."

Then Zhang pause for moment, and ponder some thoughts, knowing that every plan won't be 100 percent perfect, and there will always be potholes on the path to victory.

"What about her spiritual guide? She may oppose a threat to your plan."

Mook glaze was return back to Kyrielight army, and slowly return to his mellow, and calm look on his face.

"She is a threat for us, But this plan is simple, if she helps devise a counter strategy, then we must do the same."

Zhang continues to listen to Mook strategic plan for right now, knowing that he doesn't need any help with forming up a strategy at hand.

"If you believe this plan will succeed, I have nothing to add, Until more problems occur."

A mental chess battle is assured when one is trying to create the best formation to defend or launch the attack on the opponent. But for Kyrielight, all this waiting, all this staring was starting to become a bore. That She started to tap one of her foot on the ground.

"This oaf is taking his sweet time."

Her tapping become faster and faster as she luged her weapon onto her shoulder, and then placed a hand on her waist side, Her eyebrows furrowed a bit.

"Like come on! We're here to battle! Not just stare at each other!"

She swinged her two handed club hammer, and points in the direction of mook, then she swung her weapon but onto her shoulder, The person behind her was of course Boudicca had to duck under the swing. She was welding a spear as her main weapon.

"Be careful where you swing that thing, You almost wack me in the skull."

Boudicca stepped up along side Kyrielight, and crossed her arms together, as she tilts her body back a bit to look up at the opposition hill and she squinted her eyes.

"What? Do you see something?" Kyrielight turned her head towards Boudicca, curious to what she was looking at. her head was titled to the side and a eyebrow was raised.

"The height difference, the hills he is on is taller then ours." Boudicca stated as she turns to look at Kyrielight, and then placed a hand on her shoulder with her left hand, and then points with her right.

"Message received." After Kyrielight heard what she said, she turns to look at Mook hill more closely, now clearly seeing the slight height difference, to one individual that means nothing.

For a large group of 200 men, and women to stay in formation, and charge into a literal uphill battle, the slight height difference is massive.

"So he has the terrain advantage over us?" Kyrielight face frowned a little from the terrain result she heard between each other.

One had the terrain on his side, the other one has 30 more soldiers then the other.

"Look at you! Using your head!" Boudicca laughed a little, as she smiles from hearing her say something that should be easily recognizable. "Just joking."

Kyrielight rolled her eyes and stared back at Mook position, and sighed a little with her head lowered a little.

"So what? Are we just going to sit back and stare at each other the whole time?"

She sounded annoyed, and the fact remain that was still also bored from the amount of waiting between each other. She was itching to clobber the pretty boy frenchie, and wipe his looks off his face. And give back the insult he had thrown directly at her during the meeting.

"Maybe? Maybe not, Depends on what he's going to do, and how we should respond to it." Boudicca shrugged, and then turn around to head back to camp, but before she took a step away from her side, she turns to look at her again.

"I know your bored, but don't recklessly issue a order to charge... Not yet at least." Then she started to head back to the camp, as she was done surveying the enemy.

"Yeah, Yeah, You can trust me on that." Kyrielight casually raise up her right hand, and back hand waved her off. But she still remain standing at that one singular spot.

A lone figure was seen riding on a horse that some part of its body the skin was lighter then the main part, they steadily trotted up a nearby hill And they looked at both groups for a few minutes, and then quickly tugged on the horse leash collar and hurried away, in the distant.

Back to Mook and Zhang side, Mook was tightly clutching his horse collar leash, knowing that the simple plan he came up with seem like it wasn't going to work.

"HaHa! Seems like they aren't going to charge up our hill." Zhang forcefully patted Mook back, and then started to ball out laughing. Seeing how confident Mook looked made him seem really inexperienced in the art of war.

"Your plan wasn't to bad, but it was simply to obvious, knowing you, I know you can do better, your highness." Zhang gently place his muscular middle age hand onto Mook shoulder, and softly shooked him a bit, trying to comfort him.

"Just because they haven't begin to charge up our hill, doesn't mean they won't do anything."

Mook slowly turns to look at Zhang and nodded, He still haven't given up with forming a foolproof plan for victory. But he also knew something like that would likely be impossible, he just needed a plan that was just good enough to win this battle.

"That just means we have to devise a new strategy, we must hurr-"

He quickly turn to the front after facing Zhang and he loosens up his hands from the straps and was about to pulled his horse away until he heard something from his troops, as they started shouting.

Something was finally going to happen between the two, after what felt like hours of waiting, Kyrielight army was now moving.

"Their on the move!"

"The enemy is finally moving! Prepare yourself!"

"Finally the wait is over! I was getting bored and tired from simply standing here."

"Ha if you couldn't handle this then you should have stayed back for castle defence."

Sounds of large amount of footsteps and hooves stomping along the ground echoed through the mini valley. To both of their surprised Kyrielight was finally on the move, but not as they hoped for, they wanted them to do a full on charge, run down their hill through the grass flatland and up their hill. But all of them gradually marched down the hill to the flatlands.

*Krush Krush Krush Krush*

*Dun, dun, dun, Doom!, Dun, dun, dun, Doom!*