Trial Of War -Armies set forth- (3)

Allen once again was standing on top of the front-facing stone wall, the 5000 gold count score on his bottom left corner of his view, the amount troops he's in control is on the upper left, and then in the upper right was his tactical map, and below the map was the countdown timer.

Each hour that passes everyone receives 250 gold per hour, unless they manage to achieve a victory on a confrontation, they can earn gold from that, or capturing and holding the central gold mine. that gives an extra 300 gold.

[ Timer - 1:28 ]

"Roughly one minute remaining."

His eyes gander over to a tower on his left, his flag banner fluttering and waving calmly in the air, little by little Allen was building up his desire of victory, and the eagerness of strategical warfare.

"All 150 of my troops are ready, My liege!"

Shouting was heard from right behind Allen, as he turns around and walks over to the other side of the walls, and stares down at Diana who was wearing similar armor as Chad.

She was riding on a brown horse whose skins became lighter the closer it gets to its head and hooves.

-Might as well give a little speech.-

A total of 150 soldiers, both female and male warriors, there was 40 light cavalry swordsmen, 30 archers 30 spearmen, and 50 swords infantry. A total of 150 soldiers.

Diana had been pick to lead the first offensive, Unlike Chad, She was more properly train in combat, and her skills in leading were better than his ability.


With a single shout, Allen caught the eyes of Diana troops, and the guards along the same wall as Allen was standing on.

"Do not expect me to say something sappy, or emotionally deep! I'll make this quick."

"You 150 have been trusted with an important task! The task of being offensives and striking at the hearts of the enemies! I know that all of you have the strength equal to 10 people! No 50 people! I hold my pride high from my people! I see no failures!"

[ Timer.- 0:26 ]

"Urah! Urah! Urah!"

Sounds of cheers and more urahs echo throughout the sky, making this the 2nd war cheers that even the other players could hear in the distance.


A loud buzzer sound effect went off declaring the battle to commence.

"all forces Prepare... Forward march!"

Diana was looking back at her formation as she unsheathes her blunted sword, and swings it around in the air, and her horse kicked up in the air.


With one swing of her sword she points her sword forwards, and with the horse settling all 4 back down onto the ground.

The castle gate slowly clank and clunk from the gate control the large gate slowly rising up, Diana and her group quickly rushed out from the castle and then into the flat grasslands, with sounds of foot and hooves stomping on the ground.

"So everything is set in motion?"

Chad appears out from a nearby staircase behind Allen as he slowly walks up to meet with him, who was now leaning on the wall out toward the vast green landscape.

"Yeah, everything just started, Diana just headed out."

Seeing that Diana was out in the grasslands, her with 150 strong army, marching at a speed that was at an average pace, to keep her formations even and steady, so the cavalry units and infantry units won't be far behind one each other, or too far up ahead.


War cheers echoed and loud yelling was heard far away in a different castle, It was coming from kyrielight castle as her castle gates started to go up, and she was taking the lead with a size of 200 for her offensives army.

"Seems like Empress Kyrielight decided to pull out a bigger *blade* right from the getco." Once Chad had gotten closer to the battlements he turns his head at her castle direction.

"Nothing out of ordinary really, we predicted that someone was giving to force an early battle, and I guess it was her."

Allen casually shrugs and nonchalantly shooked his head left and right, then he tilts his head down at his hand that was resting on the stone wall.

"If this was a basic battle between each other, Even if we were in the same level, I would think they had put more work into their physical strength then I."

Then he raises up the same hand that was laying down, he points at his head, and a little smirk appeared on his face, a sense of pride was written clearly on his face.

"But if the *battle* is like this then, brute force alone won't be enough to win."

Roughly 15 minutes have gone by, and Diana unit has roughly made a distance of 1 mile and under a half away from the castle, but she stopped her movement theirs.

Kyrielight Army was now hidden by a big hill closer to her side, and it was to the direction of Mook castle.

Two smoke clouds ride closer together indicating that Mook forces had head out from the castle defense's and meet kyrielight head-on.

"He really isn't going to do anything is he?"

Then to the left side was Abraham castle, no major movements can be seen from the distance castles, nor any cheering seemed to occur.

"Chad, Make sure you keep an eye on Abraham."

He narrowly squinted his eyes in that direction, then he gazes back to Diana's unit far off in the distance.

"May I ask why? What threat do you see Young master."

To Chad, Abraham doesn't seem like a threat cause he hasn't really done anything since the match started.

"The threat of nothingness Chad, Nothingness, From this nothing Abraham is quiet, which can mean he working on something."

Allen turns to pat Chad on his muscular shoulder, even though he was wearing a full armor set now.

"Understood, young master, I'll keep watch over Abraham as you command."

Now Jae and Eli's castles were on the opposite side where Allen was located, so he couldn't really see anything that far, he'll need a telescope to see that far away.

But the tactical map shows some general troops movement giving him a rough picture of what they could be doing.

( Switching over to Mook point of view )

*Clop clop clop*

"Heya! Heya!"

Mook wips the horse leash so he can quickly confront Kyrielight as quickly as possible. Bringing in a size of 170, 30 people smaller then what Kyrielight had brought out.

"Ha ha! The breeze from riding on horseback always feels lovely, Don't you agree Emperor Mook?"

Riding alongside was his spiritual guide Zhang jiao who was welding a traditional Chinese halberd a glaive that was also blunted that was strap onto his back.

But mook didn't respond to him at all, he kept just facing toward as they were about to arrive at a hilltop.

"Always with the silences?"

Zhang Jiao quietly shooked his head, but only for a moment because they quickly rode up to the top of the hill, seeing that a little encampment was set up on a different hill, on the opposite side of where they were at.

"Good thing we have that birds-eye view of ours."

Zhang chuckles loudly again, as he waited to hear what commands was Mook going to issue.

"Tell our men to set up camp here, And tell them to expect a battle soon."

Mook calm persona was replaced with a more stern attitude as he issues out his command to Zhang.

"As you command, my Liege."

Zhang clutches one of his hands into a fist, and uses the other to grip the fist doing a Chinese bow, and backs off.

"What is this woman even thinking? Forcing a battle with me this early?"

Mook clench and jerk his horse leash, pulling it away from Kyrielight encampment, so he can help manage the process of establishing his base camp.

With almost an entire hour had passed by, Mook encampment was finished setting up and with his men rested, he was back on the same hill where he previously saw Kyrielight base.

*clip clop clip*

Zhang was approaching from behind Mook as he arrives right next to him, he turns to look over toward him.

"The men are rested, and the encampment has been finished, we can get our men into our battle formations."

Zhang clutch both of his hands and then lean forward slightly on his horse.

"Signal the drums, If she wants to target me first then, I will be the one to strike first."

Mook reeled his horseback again, as he heads back to his encampment to organize his soldiers into units, and formations. And to also develop a strategic plan to deal with her.

*Abarrrrrrrrm!, DOOM DOOM DOOM, DUN dOOM dOOM dOOM, DUN DOOM DOOM DOOM! Abarrrrrrm!*

Loud war drums and horns blared from Mook side, and thudding of footsteps and horse hooves stomping on the ground rang on his side of the battlefield.

"What's going on! Who's causing all this ruckus!"

Kyrielight burst out from one of her tents, she was wearing a full metal plated chest plate, pauldrons but she had no leg guards to protect herself down there.


A random scout quickly ran up to her, seeming like he was out of breath, as he was forced to take a knee, to catch his breath.

"The enemy has started to move! Emperor Mook and his forces are preparing themselves to charge as we speak!"

Alongside the hidden side, Mook forces appear across the hill line, with his flag banner waving in the wind. Kyrielight eyes widen, and she needed to think fast for this.

"We should have 30 men then they do! Alert my forces to prepare themselves!"

Kyrielight Ordered the scout with a quick, blunt, and stern tone of voice, She stomps on the ground and waved her arms in the air.

"Seems like he stole the spotlight from right under you."

A light giggle was heard behind Kyrielight, as her spiritual guide was standing by the entrance of the tent that she came running out from. With a swift turn around kyrielight looks at her and just stared at her.

"Just get yourself ready, the battle is about to begin."

Boudicca nodded and smiled a little as she went back into the tent, preparing her gear to fight in the battle.