Trial Of War -Battle strategy- (2)

As Allen steps inside the stone castle keep, the wooden door behind him slowly closed with an eerily creak, then a thump.

He was now on the first floor of the keep, which houses an armory room, a kitchen and a cafeteria and some barracks. A center staircase would be in the middle of the floor that goes down or up.

There was a total of 4 floors, one basement, and three upper floors, the basement holdings were the treasury storage bay and a general storage bay.

The 2nd was made for defensive purposes, Windows that archers can shoot out from, lots of hallways that you can use as chokepoints or bottlenecks, and then a meeting hall for battle plans, the 2nd floor was also connected to the stone walls if they exit through a specific doorway.

The 3rd floor was at the highest point and was smaller than the previous floors, as this floor holds onto a miniature throne room, and where the flag is located. The throne room had 4 pillars holding up a pyramid shape roof, and banners were hung from the walls, the floor was made out smooth stone and a red carpet ran up from where the throne chair sat, up to the door, windows were on the side of the room providing majorly of the lighting.

Troops were already pre-placed for patrols or guarding locations around the inside of the keep.

"Not too shabby."

Allen was impressed by the interior of the keep, the overall design wasn't too impressive as you can call this a 3rd rate design, but for him, this was a first-rate.

Once he explored every nook and cranny, he went up to the 3rd floor and stood right at the throne room doors.

"Here goes nothing."


With the sound of the old wooden doors swung open, he was greeted by a Blair of trumpets, and a little drum beat, being played by an unknown source.

-A little overdramatic don't you think?-

He notices that there were carpets in the throne room, the soft fur felt nice on his feet with the amount of hard surface that he had to walk on.

Then he saw the flag in the middle of the throne room, with a circle outlining the capture point.

The flag banner was flying like if there was actual wind current flowing but he was inside so that confused Allen.

"Jesus Christ."

He let out a soft sigh then walks up to the throne chair, there was a single wooden chair with some stylish designs, and wood carvings, but the thing that he noticed first was a golden crown with a red gem as the centerpiece.

"My very own crown?"

He felt fantastic as he puts on the crown, and it suited him properly.

"Emperor Allen..."

He started to wander into his imaginations and soon began posing around the throne room.

"Leader of hundreds of thousands, slayer of elder dragons, tamer of giants, Grand hero of the world!"

He started to dish out some random made-up titles, with his mind wandering around in his imagination. Then he swings himself around from doing a pose to the doors.


Diana was standing with her head just peeking out of a slightly open door. She had a massive grin on her face, as she was around when Allen went into his lala lands.



They just stared at each other, but Allen's face started to get red, who wouldn't be embarrassed about this? Allen was caught red-handed like a fool, and when Allen doesn't have the best relations with her.

"Close the door!"

Allen quickly points at Diana who hurriedly closes the door right behind, but she couldn't hold it in anymore, and her laughter could be heard on the other side.

"God fucking damnit..."

Wanting to die just there and then, he walks over to the doors grabbing onto the handles and swinging one open.


Diana jolted herself into her standing position while having trouble maintaining her balance. She couldn't forget that moment in her entire life.

"I'm assuming you needed me for... s-something."

Allen let out a light pink blush from still being embarrassed from what just happen before.

Diana finally caught her breath from her struggles of not bursting out into tears and laughter, she cleared her throat and stood in a more formal stance.

"Adjutant Chad is requesting your presence at the meeting hall, he is already there waiting for you."

There were about 45 minutes left on the clock, and the timer kept going down with each passing second.

"45 minutes left huh? Shit... I totally forgot about the countdown timer... Been busy with. *cough* yeah"

The image of the timer was in the top right corner of his view.

-Gotta hurry man.-

He then began to walk down the hallway leading down to the 2nd floor and then into the meeting hall, a long brown table was in the middle of the room, and there Chad standing right beside it.

Chad was wearing some brigandine chest piece but had some thin metal-plated shoulder pauldrons, and some metal-plated pants, and boots. A giant blunted war ax was strap onto his back.

"You calling yourself adjutant Chad now?"

Allen entered in with a little light-hearted humor which Chad responded in kind with a small smile.

"Hello, young master, are you prepare for the strategic meeting?"

What was laying out on the table was a drawn-out map, displaying the entire area, the grassy hills, and flatlands, and there were some other special pieces, a gold mine in the center of all 5 castles.

If the gold mine is taken the hourly gold income would be given a bonus, allowing him to buy more equipment and soldiers for this trial war.

There were some minor forests scatter all about between each castle, but they weren't very much.

"Yeah, let's do this."

He steps up to the table on the opposite side where Chad was, and Diana was standing right beside him.

Allen reaches out and touches the paper of the map, as a holographic 3D display risen out of the map.

Each castle had 300 soldiers each, with different variants of soldier types. All of them have a similar design, so the same weaknesses.

None of them had moats around them, so siege ladders can be used, but a siege tower needed to be bought and built.

Medieval style siege artillery needed to be bought and built, such as battering rams, catapults, and trebuchets.

Everyone had an equal amount of 5000 gold in storage.

"Everyone is on an even playing field... for now."

He slowly and steadily inspects the entire map, seeing the stats and the charts, the lay of the land.

*Que Strategy music*

"Assuming that someone will probably choose to force an early confrontation with me or against another person."

He glances at the two other castles next to him, one was Kyrielight, and the other one was Abraham.

"From what we have seen before, both Empress Kyrielight and Emperor Abraham are usually much calmer then the rest, and less aggressive we can safely say that they shouldn't launch out any huge early attacks, toward us."

Allen thought process was thinking up strategies, and battle plans, what may be a threat to him, and what can secure his victory.

"You do have a point, Chad."

"Mook may even play more defensively, he isn't too aggressive on his stance, he could possibly wait until someone lower their castle defenses."

Diana was leaning over Mook castles, but her ears darted away quickly to two different castles.

"I can agree with that... He isn't a man that pride himself in being blunt, and brute like."

Diana was focus either on Jae or Eli castles, as she leans forward onto the table, pressing one hand down.

"These two already have some tensions between the two, they could target each other from the start, I wouldn't be surprised about that."

She tilts her head at Allen awaiting for his response.

"That is true... But they could use that as an advantage."

Chad furrows his eyebrows, for a few seconds and raise one of them up.

"Advantage? What advantage could you see from two people hating each other."

Chad's eyes were now on both Eli and Jae's castles who was still clueless about what advantage they could hold.

"Its exactly the hate, They can use their hate as a cover-up story for a secret alliance, saving each other for last... Slim as this plan is, but it could happen if two requirements are met."

Then he holds up two fingers, two special requirements that must be met for this plan to work out, otherwise this plan will end up as a complete failure.

"Though it requires two things, One Eli is willing to offer Jae this idea, and Two if Jae manages to shove her pride away, and focus all her efforts into winning, making themselves the last two to fight it out."

Both Diana and Chad's face was puzzled at Allen statement, could someone really form up an alliance just like that? Using the bad tensions between each other seems to be a good way to hide it.

"I- I never thought that such strategies could work."

Diana said with her face, still fused together with a weird sense of confusion, and a little frightfulness. Having to fight one person in this proto war arena was hard enough, having a second person come knocking down your down, makes it so much harder.

"It may, or may not work, depends on the circumstance, and the variables in play."

The 45 minutes soon became 40, then 35 and then 30, as it's dropped all the way down to 20 minutes left remaining, as they discuss strategic plans and battle situations.

"So we have a total of 300 soldiers, divide that up by 150 each, Chad you command 150, and Diana you command 150... Then you divide them up by 50, then 25, and then 5. I want you to pick out the ones leading these people."

"Chad I want you to play defensive at this first phase... Diana your on the offensive."

Both Diana and Chad gave a special look at each other and then slaps their hands across the table into a handshake, their muscles tensioning up from both of their pressure.

Then they both turn their heads around toward Allen at the same time.

"Understood, My liege."

"Understood, My liege."

They spoke at the exact same time, and let out a huge open grin on their face, startling Allen a little.

"You two are dismissed."

Ending the strategic discussions there, with both Diana, and Chad quickly exiting the meeting hall, and then the keep to hastily organize their 150 troops in order.