The Moe Café goes to hunt

After getting Isekaied, the Moe Café crew set out in search for a town. But after hours of walking, they still couldn't find one.

"Recon, Hirito. How much longer?" Asked Connor who could barely walk.

"Yeah. Aren't you two supposed to be Isekai masters?" Asked Jack who was now leaning on Jordan.

"Get off me. You're heavy, you know."

"How could you say that to such a cute girl?" Said Jack, pretending to tear up.

"Hey. This is the first time I was Isekaied. So just because I know some stuff, doesn't mean that I know where we are." Said Hirito.

"I think we should take a break." Said Johnny.

"Good call." Said Steve who fell onto the grass.

"My feet hurt." Said Evan who began rubbing his feet.

"Come on. Be a man." Said Joey.

"Sorry to disappoint, but I don't believe I can." Said Evan as he pointed to his large breasts.

"Am I the only one who's feeling hungry?" Asked Poxal.

"We're all hungry." Said Mental Quorum.

"What I'd give for an order of the breakfast special at the café." Said Tekking.

"Just thinking about it makes me hungrier." Said Rustage as he sat next to Evan.

"I wonder if this grass is edible." Said Chibi.

"Thinking about it won't help us." Said Johnny.

"Hey Isekai masters. Do you have any idea how we could get something to eat?" Asked Noble.

"Well, we could try to hunt." Said Recon.

"Hunt?! Hunt what exactly?" Asked Nux.

"That." Said Hirito pointing to something into the distance.

Everyone looked to where Hirito was pointing and their jaws dropped. About three hundred meters away was a large flying fish.

"Is that a fish?" Asked Connor.

"It sure looks like it." Said Katie.

"Disgusting." Said Evan.

"Guys look." Said John pointing to another creature in the distance.

"Is that...a boar?!" Asked Libellus.

"How can a boar be that big?" Asked Noble.

"So, Hirito, how exactly are we supposed to hunt such over-sized beasts? We don't even have weapons." Asked Hiding.

"Well, that I don't know." Said Hirito.

"Great. Now what?" Asked Animak.

Everyone kept quiet. SOS started looking around. He then turned to the others.

"Hey guys. I think we can hunt them."

"And how exactly?" Asked Dono.

"Do you see that giant boulder over there?"

"Yeah. What about it?" Asked Spooky.

"Oh I see." Said Poxal. "We lure the giant fish and boar into that boulder."

"Bingo." Said SOS.

"Hmmm. Yeah. Alright. Now what's the real plan?!" Asked Connor.

"I'm serious. Unless you wanna starve to death." Said SOS.

"It's worth a shot." Said Gaby.

"Alright then. We're gonna need bait. Nux, Briggs, you're up." Said Animak.

"Why us?" Asked Nux.

"Because Briggs is a Chad and Nux is Nux." Said Animak.

"Yup. Makes perfect sense." Said everyone.

"No it doesn't." Said Nux.

"Come on mate. We don't have all day." Said Briggs as he dragged Nux towards the fish. "You get the fish and I get the boar."

"Be careful guys." Said Katie.

Nux gave up and went towards the fish and Briggs ran towards the boar. Both of them started taunting the beasts and sure enough, the animals started chasing them.

"Great. It's working." Said Spooky.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!" Screamed Nux as he ran away from the fish which opened its mouth to reveal a large set of razor sharp teeth.

"I sure wouldn't like to be Nux right now." Said Rustage.

"Almost there." Said Tekking.

Suddenly, the fish that was chasing Nux turned and flew towards the group.

"What the hell?! It's coming this way!" Said Jordan.

"Everyone, scatter!" Shouted Steve.

Everyone ran in different directions. The fish stopped for a moment, then flew after Evan.

"WHY DID IT PICK ME?!!!" Shouted Evan who started running even faster. As he kept running, one of his heels broke, causing him to fall and sprain his ankle.

"Evan!!! Get up!" Shouted Jack.

"I can't! It hurts!"

"EVAN!!!" Shouted everyone as the fish gained up on him.

Suddenly something zoomed by and hit the fish right before it got to Evan. The blow hit the fish hard and landed a few meters away from Evan never to move again. Everyone turned to look for what could have caused that devastating blow. A purple haired girl landed next to Evan and cast a healing spell on his ankle.

"There. Good as new." Said the girl.

By then, everyone already ran up to Evan.

"That was a close one." Said Hiding.

"Thanks for saving him." Said Noble.

"So I was right after all. She is a man." Said the girl. "And so are most of you."

"What? How did you know?" Asked Evan.

"As a matter of fact, who are you?" Asked Joey.

"Forgive me for not introducing myself earlier. My name is Melody. And I'm a succubus."

"A s-s-succubus?!!!" Said everyone in shock.

"Yes. I've been following you all for quite some time. I was returning to town when I picked up the scent of twenty-three men and three women. So I followed you from above to see where you were heading."

"Well, thank goodness you were. If it weren't for you, our friend would've been fish food." Said Poxal. "OH MY GOD!!! Briggs!" Shouted Poxal realizing that they left Briggs behind.

Everyone looked back towards the giant boulder and saw Briggs sitting on the boar's lifeless body waving at them.

"Hey guys! Are you alri….WOOOOOOOW!!!" Said Nux as he laid eyes on Melody. "Wh-Who is this beautiful onee-san?!!"

"She's Melody. She just saved our asses from this fish." Said John.

"Speaking of which. Melody, you said that you were returning to town. We're also looking for a town, but have no idea how to get there." Said Libellus.

"Oh I see. I was wondering what you were up to. The town is in the opposite direction of where you were currently going."

"SAY WHAT?!!!" Said everyone.

"Ah dammit! Now we have to go all the way back." Said Jordan.

"Melody, you've already helped us a lot, but could you also take us to town?" Asked Katie.

"Sure. I was already heading there myself." Said Melody with a smile.

"Awesome. Thanks a lot." Said Johnny.

"Mellorine! Mellorine! Mellorine!" Sang Nux and Evan happily as they danced around.

"There they go again." Said Hirito shaking his head.

"Hey guys. I know we caught these two monsters, but how exactly are we gonna eat them? We don't have any way of making a fire." Said Briggs as he came to join the others. He then looked at Melody. "Hi. I'm Briggs. Thanks for saving my friends." Said Briggs as he shook her hand. "Damn. She's so cute."

Of course he couldn't say that out loud.

"He he." Giggled Melody. "It was nothing. I'm Melody. You did a great job catching that boar. And don't worry about cooking it. I'll help you out." Said Melody.

Just then a flame came out of her palm.

"No way. A succubus using fire magic?" Asked Recon in shock.

"Yes. Well, I'm an A-class succubus. Each creature who goes up a class will get the ability to learn new skills. Such as fire magic and even reading minds." Said Melody as she winked at Briggs who blushed instantly.

"Wow, that's so cool! Maybe you can help us out." Said Spooky.

"Help out with what?"

The group then narrated their whole story. Of how they are from another world, how they got here and how they switched genders.

"I see. I knew something was off when I noticed that you were all the wrong genders. It seems that someone used an ancient spell on you. Unfortunately, that kind of magic is extremely rare and out of my league. Only God Level and above can use that kind of magic."

"God level? Wait. Didn't you say were an A-class succubus? Are they different?" Asked Steve.

"Yes. Each creature in this world is born at the lowest class which is the F-class, while the highest is X-class. There's F, E, D, C, B, A, S and X. To improve your class, you will have to do certain jobs."

"You mean like quests?" Asked Chibi.

"No. Jobs and quests are different. Jobs can be anything from working in a farm to working as a blacksmith. The list goes on and on. To get a job, you go to the town hall and you will find all the jobs you want with all the details about it. The name of the employer, the salary, the requirements to join and so on. By working, you get points. Those points will be added to your class. When you get the necessary amount, you can go to the next class. Points are allocated at the end of each week."

"Sounds easy enough." Said Gaby.

"AHHH!!! Don't jinx it!" Said Connor.

"You would think so, but it isn't."

"Now look at what you've done." Said Connor.

"Sorry." Said Gaby hiding behind Hiding.

"If you make any mistakes at your job during that week, like not satisfying a customer or maybe breaking a few plates at a restaurant, points will be deducted."

"So we have to make sure to work as good as possible and not make any mistakes." Said Dono.

"That's right."

"What about the quests?" Asked Johnny.

"The quests are issued by the Guild. Not everyone can get quests though. To get quests, you must first take the job of an adventurer from the town hall. That way you can get registered at the Guild. Most people choose to work as adventurers so that they can improve both their class and level. I've already told you about the classes. As for the levels, we have Basic Level, Mid Level, High Level, Spirit Level, Angel Level and God Level. To go to the next level, you have to gain XP. You do so by completing quests, defeating monsters, clearing dungeons and so on. Although there are other ways you can improve you levels faster. If you defeat a boss level monster, you get a boost in XP. And if you manage to learn a new spell, you instantly get half of the required amount of XP to get to the next level. The only downside is that the only ways to get your hands on some spells are by defeating a boss level monster, clearing a dungeon or buying one. I wouldn't suggest buying them though."

"Let me guess. They cost a fortune." Said Noble.

"That's right."

"Wait a minute. Something's bugging me. You said that the levels are from Basic to God Level. But you said that the spell that was cast on us can only be used by a God level or above." Said Tekking.

"Yes, well there is one more level. The Celestial Level. But it's extremely hard to get to that level because the only requirement to get to the Celestial Level is to clear The Abyss. The Abyss is a dungeon located at the very core of this world. In there, there are hundreds of monsters. Each of them are on the same level as a God Level person. But the main threat is a creature that is said to be immortal and has the power to wipe out an entire planet with a single snap. Any person that gets there, if they get there, must fight it for an entire week. If they manage to hit it even once, the creature will grant that person the right to get to the Celestial level. If the person doesn't get that done by the end of that week, they instantly die. But the only person to get to that level was Serbus the Legendary Hero and Divider of Dimensions. His power rivaled that of a hundred God Level beings. And a God level is capable of wiping out an entire nation."

"What happened to him?" Asked Mental Quorum.

"Thirty years ago, a God Level summoned a Demon Lord from another world to this world. He wanted to use the Demon Lord to take over the world. Unfortunately, the Demon Lord was stronger than him and killed him in an instant. Which could only place the Demon Lord at Celestial Level. Serbus fought him for three long days. The battle shook the whole world to its core. At one point it seemed that the Demon Lord was gonna defeat Serbus. But he had a High Level Ancient Spell up his sleeve. But the spell needed three days to charge. In the last moment, Serbus cast the spell which, to put it in simple terms, divided our dimension. By using that, he took the demon with him into another dimension."

"Wow! He was amazing." Said Joey.

"He sure was." Said Libellus.

"Um. I know this whole thing sounds super amazing and everyone wants to keep listening, but can we eat now?" Asked Evan.

"Oh yeah. I completely forgot about that." Said Melody. "I'll cook up these two for you guys in a second." Said Melody who went to get the boar over to where the group was.

She then used her magic to fry the fish and the boar and then cut them up for everyone. It was already getting dark so they decided to spend the night out there under the stars. The next day they were going to head to town and try to find a way to get home. Or get their genders right at least.