4 (Part 2)

Lyra pulled away from the kiss smiling from ear to ear as was Mark.

"Today was definitely different and unexpected", she giggled softly taking a gentle hold of his hands with hers.

Mark agreed, "yes definitely", rubbing his thumbs across the back of her hands.

They soon departed from the ferris wheel when it came to a stop and decided were to go next.

"How about we go on that big rollercoaster over there", Mark suggested pointing across the way.

"Yeah sure, why not".

They walked hand in hand the the rollercoaster laughing and giggling and enjoying their time and the fair. Though once seated in the rollercoaster Lyra started to feel a little nervous and excited.

"You alright love", she heard Mark say.

Lyra nodded and smiled trying to reassure him. "Yeah I'm fine, just a little nervous".

Mark gave her a quick reassuring squeeze as the rollercoaster started to move. For both of them the rollercoaster was a absolute buzz of excitement and thrill, they laughed and screamed until it eventually finished and came to a stop.

Once they were back on solid ground Lyra was immediately looking for something else to do and recognised the stalls of which you can win prizes.

"Mark look, those stalls, come on let's go see if we can win anything", Lyra suddenly felt all giddy and full of energy and pulled Mark in the direction of the stalls.

Mark smiled at her giddiness, "don't worry love I'm coming, but slow down a little".

She realized what he meant and slowed down until she was beside him.

"Oh, I didn't realise I was being that fast I'm sorry", she said with a embarrassed look on her face.

"Hey, it's ok I just didn't want you to fall and get hurt that's all", he added pulling her close and placing a kiss to her forehead.

Lyra smiled at the gesture and they continued walking to the stalls. One stall in particular was filled with an array of different types of teddies, and one caught Mark's eye, it was a giant dog teddy that looked a bit like Chica and it was holding a big heart. There and then he knew that was the one to get for Lyra.

Stepping up to the stall both Lyra and Mark took it in turns at trying to knock over the tins. Though unfortunately Lyra wasn't successful and was a little disheartened. Upon seeing the disheartened look on his now girlfriends face Mark paid for himself another round and had one last go at winning that particular teddy to cheer her up.

Thankfully this time round he had managed to knock down all of the tins and picked out the teddy he wanted for her.

Mark turned around and saw a happy but confused look on her face, "This is for you", he said handing her the teddy.

"Mark it's lovely but I can't take it from you, you won it, it's yours".

He shook his head, "no, it's yours sweetheart I got it for you".

"Oh, Mark thank you", he watched as a bright smile and a look of appreciation adorned her face.

"What should we do now?", she asked holding the teddy to her chest.

Mark thought for a moment when a idea popped into his head. "How about we go get some food, are you hungry?"

Lyra gasped and nodded her head, "yes, let's go I'm starving".

Mark chuckled, "alright come on then", he grabbed hold of her hand as she held the teddy with the other.

Walking to the food trailers Lyra was getting hungrier by the second as was Mark. They settled on having hotdogs to eat and found a nice area to sit and enjoy their food.

"Thank you for today Mark it's been amazing, I've had a lot of fun", she spoke quietly sighing contentedly. finishing her food she moved closer and gently rested her forehead on his.

Mark smiled, "that's good to hear, I'm glad, you deserve to have fun".

Chapter 4 (Part 2) first published June 3rd