A few days after spending the afternoon at the fair with Mark Lyra found herself smiling at the memories from that amazing and eventful day.

She stood in her kitchen Making herself some breakfast when she suddenly felt a huge headache forming. Sighing and rubbing her forehead she finished making herself breakfast, however it wasn't the best decision.

Sitting at the table she nibbled on the slices of toast as the headache worsened. Losing her appetite she pushed the plate away, sniffing and coughing she began to feel congested, there and then she knew she was coming down with a cold.

Putting the unwanted food in the bin and the plate in the sink Lyra immediately searched the cupboard underneath the sink for her medicine container, though only opening it to find she had ran out of cold and flu medicine.

"Great, no medicine left".

Feeling lethargic and tired she decided it best to head back to to bed, making herself a cup of tea she took small sips and trudged off to bed.

Once in bed Lyra tried to get comfortable and decided to watch TV for a while. Putting on Netflix she picked one of her favourite films and pressed play, that was until she heard her phone ring not bothering to check the caller I.D.


"Hi sweetheart"

"Hi, you ok did you need something?"

"I'm good, I was just wondering if you want to i could come and get you in a bit and we could watch films all day".

Mark waited a moment for a reply but all he got back was a coughing.

"Lyra, you alright?"

"To be honest, no not really I don't feel too good, I'd take some medicine but I don't have any left".

"I'm sorry about that, listen, I'll get you some medicine and some soup and I'll be there soon ok".

"Thank you Mark, bye"

"Bye - bye".

Lyra continued to watch the film until she heard a knock at the door. Groaning as she got up out of bed she slowly walked to the front door to let Mark in.

"Hi handsome, thank you for coming but you didn't have to", she managed to say as another coughing fit began.

Mark quickly stepped inside joining his girlfriend in the hallway gently rubbing her back.

"It's alright, I wanted to be here, now back to bed with you missy I'll bring the soup through to you soon", he spoke in a warm soft tone.

Lyra nodded and gave him a quick tour of the kitchen before turning around and walking down the hall to her room.

Mark stood still for a moment taking in his surroundings. The apartment was well kept and the decor suited her bright personality.

The apartment was a ground floor apartment and had been adapted for her needs so she could be independent as much as possible.

Mark set about Making the soup and soon had it ready. Picking up the bowl and the medicine he walked down the hall to her room.

"Lyra, I've got you your soup and medicine can I come in?", he asked not wanting to barge in.

Lyra smiled at his politeness, "yes, you can".

He pushed the door with his shoulder, walking over to her bedside placing the soup and medicine on the bedside table.

Lyra tried to push herself into a sitting position but struggled. Mark quickly reacted and helped her to sit up placing pillows behind her back to make her comfortable.

"You ok, is that better?", he asked concerned.

Lyra nodded letting out a tired sigh, "I will be but this cold is draining all my energy and making my body ache".

"I know it's alright, I'm here to help", he said picking up the bowl and giving it to her. "Hopefully this helps".

She gave a small smile, "thank you"

Mark noticed she had the TV on, "oh, you were watching a film without me, you wouldn't", he mocked pretending to look hurt.

Lyra giggled and rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh Hahaha, come on come sit next to me and we can watch it". Patting the space on the bed next to her.

"So what are we watching?", he asked taking the now empty bowl and reaching over to place it on the bedside table.

"Avengers", she said with a grin on her face.

Mark chuckled, "of course we are.

Chapter 5 first published June 6th