D.A. **** Chapter Fourteen

I had become accustomed to being out of touch with the world, how could I not have known? I never watched the news, Twan didn't do social media for some reason so neither did I. He had killed Redd, or at least he say he had him done in and insisted I needed not to know the details. Who the fuck had I been dealing with? What that nigga had said stopped me in my tracks. Had he told me within months of finding out my son was dead that my child's father was dead too? I couldn't tell because of the other situation at hand whether he was remorseful, or not. I'd boldly asked if he regretted it he said of course not. I instantly felt a chill down my spine. He was a cold blooded killer and had been that way for a while. He allowed me to walk to the door with my things, I still wanted to leave, he was dealing with some shit only he could take care of. So many voices invaded my thoughts. He himself was dealing with grief but going at it all wrong. As I walked out of the door he got up from where he sat on the sofa, and tried to speak but couldn't he was more choked up than I was. "U wont find him," he finally said, "I did u a favor. He was looking for u to kill u."

How the fuck had he known that? He would not go into any details. Our heightened voices caused the neighbors to speculate. I wondered how I could be so mad about Redd looking for me to kill me when I had planned on killing him too. He had just eliminated this nigga all the way around and said he would never be found.

Christy texted and asked for the gate code, she was on her way. I texted it back to her. He really hadn't thought I would leave him. Between trying to find out who had murdered his sister and her boyfriend, and Sabrina he was losing all sanity. He hadn't even known if she was even a target or not. They hadn't had any suspects but had known it was a woman, they had her hair. He finally convinced me not to leave. I wanted a cigarette so bad but instead I walked back inside and put down my things. I lit his blunt, he rubbed my belly and kissed my neck while we smoked. I could see him getting hard, his dick had began to hang from his fly hole. He tried to touch my sore nipples, I instantly knew the direction he was headed. I rejected him, I have to go to work I said. "U cant leave, I wont let u," he responded. I insisted and indicated I really wasn't for the bullshit. My forehead had swollen over and I was worried about the pains in my back they were constant on both sides. I would not even mention to him I was hurting but told him I would meet Christy at the gate. I grabbed my wallet from my handbag, my phone and keys and walked toward the gate. Christy's BMW pulled up and stopped at the keypad as I walked. I stopped in my tracks when I saw the stenographer from court sitting in her front seat. "This is my assistant Lorraina she said as I got in the back seat. U look upset! Whats wrong? Oh my God, your head!" I spoke as if I had never saw her before. The hideous bitch was still salty and Christy had not known my story.

We went to Starbucks, but first Christy stopped and saw her daughter Katerina we sat inside the car. "U owe me," the bitch said.

"WHAT?" I responded.

"That's right, I said u owe me!"

"Ion owe u shit! What u mean?"

"U confessed so many times to some shit u hadn't done, thats what I mean! I didn't record any of it. And the videos? They were delivered to me by accident! Why were u even willing to go down for that lowlife? I know he did it! The way he had put it all on u, and the way u confessed that was enough for the death penalty. And u better be careful, its not over. The little missing persons scheme yall are doing wont work. The only thing that saved u was the fact u played crazy so damn long. The DA is going to arrest yall any day."

I could not believe what the fuck I had just heard. I could not go back to that place! I would not live, and what about my unborn child! I couldnt imagine it! I loved my baby already, I even loved Twan and realized it at that moment. I was the only one alive and I had confessed. I couldn't just say now he had done it, majority rules. He said I did it, I said I done it...I knew I was about to go to prison.

I instantly became nervous, I wondered if I could trust Lorraina. So far I could. Where does the DA live I asked. She told me, but studied my silent intentions as she had in court. I began to like her, "Nude really wasn't your shade," I said as Christy got back inside. I wondered how she had a 7 month old but was 5 months pregnant and didnt even ask. She was a coldblooded calculating bitch, I needed to get like her if I wanted to live.

Redd had bounced a letter through an outside source, it wasnt in code. It was his explanation, his confession. It instructed me how learn Code and only write back doing so. I stuck it in the wall in Seg 6.

It was a communication method Terrell had taught Redd in juvenile detention. The court thought it was part of my "sickness". Redd had sent them every one I sent to him. I had found letters he kept over the years in code before the incident and hadn't known what they said. He was so protective of them. His mother had cleaned out our crib after the arrest, I needed to know what they said. I thought back to the night he got drunk and started talking foolish about helping someone kill people at the detention center. I wondered if all this was connected, I had initially paid it no mind.

After leaving Starbucks we dropped Lorraina off, Christy spoke highly of her. I googled the DA's name and found out he lived 30 minutes away. Christy said the front door would be unlocked and it was. Eileen had been there, unexpectedly. He was reclined in front of the television asleep. Christy said he hadn't even felt the injection behind his ear. Eileen awoke on the sofa and stared at me through the plastic bag as she dug her nails through the leather gloves. She clawed at my belly and kicked, I began to twist the plastic tight around her neck. We had not expected his sister to be there, I knew he lived alone. But Christy, it seemed personal. She was all for killing the district attorney, for her it had been like riding a bike. No one saw us except the cat.