Symone****Chapter Thirty-Nine

Davinda's scent was yet in my car and until I put my daughter in the backseat I hadn't paid attention to the smeared blood. The smell was intolerable. Daddy would burn in the pits of hell, I knew he would. I was so glad to have Ryella, and all she had was the bottle we had left with. I had saw Twan, I could tell he had been struggling and I still didn't have his number. I was still hurt, and I wondered why Tobias was selling the home. I went to McDonalds and bought Ryella something to eat and headed down 35 toward Nikki's house and thought about I'd rather not have my sheltered child around her kids, it would result in Ryella leaving with some ratchet ass ways. They were the devil's spawns. The nigga Gabe was supposedly the youngest's father but she had two. He'd driven a BMW 640 and lived in Dallas with his wife ShaMena and two other kids. He thought Nikki hadn't known. He would drive other vehicles to see her.

I was happy Ryella interacted with me, I had no car seat so I strapped her in the seatbelt and adjusted the mirror so I could see her. She had 8 teeth that hurt like a bitch. I pulled into a Williams Chicken parking lot, she said "DaDa?"

I said "U ain't got no daddy! And don't mention it again!" She laughed and blew spit bubbles. I knew she loved her daddy, how could she not. I had to take her back. I also knew why she chose him over me, he had been there and he was all she knew. "Ok," I said, "I'll take u back to daddy."

I felt there would be consequences so I had decided I would check to see if the door was locked and put her inside if it wasn't, and leave. Yea, I had babies inside but I was too close to an episode and if Twan said the wrong thing I could lose it.

My phone rang as I drove, I accepted the call and parked again. Christy informed me she had been locked down for missing headcount, but the manipulative bitch was still in there. I asked about the bond reduction. "The lawyer moved my court date, I have a new one, Mr. Rose."

He had been to visit her, finally. "Also, they can't find the case files, I damn sure don't know any details."

The court date had been moved 3 months away and she just spoke on being free for the Holidays. I had disregarded them all but realized they would be important to the kids. Kerri always spoiled Boogie at Christmas, maybe I was unfit.

I wanted to know why Twan wasn't safe, also how would she know. She began with the story about the niggas who had followed Twan from the Valero, and said something about one of their sisters who had went to court and was sentenced to a year and only did 6 months, who had been her cellie for a while until she got out. She spoke about her brother's face being set on fire and his potnas being killed in Texas during a home invasion and plotted to kill Twan. Her name wasn't Paula, but Symone Jefferson. I eventually looked up the police report and the nigga I had set on fire was named Shaheed Jefferson. He had went to court on the charges but there was noone to testify at trial so the case had been dismissed and he was free. I was willing to bet my life when she got out she found Twan's gullible ass and was going to kill him but I had fucked her brother up not him, yea he shot them niggas but who was she getting revenge for? I soon found out Mojo was her baby's daddy as well, and the bitch probably meant serious business. That's when the rules changed, this bitch had been around Ryella and probably the twins and I knew my baby didn't like that bitch. After ending the call with Christy I continued down the freeway. When I arrived at Tobias' house his car was home, but by now I had decided to return. Twas was in danger and I had a feeling Tobias would sell him out, Christy had made me feel that way. Maybe he had killed Carlita. I knew I would have to investigate discreetly. I saw the upstairs curtain move, close then quickly move again. I grabbed Ryella and ran to the door and snatched the thumb latch, the muthafucka was locked. "Yea, I know u in there bitch," I said while repeatedly pressing the doorbell. Tobias snatched open the door, I could have spit on him. He could tell I had it on my mind, "Don't come in here with that bullshit, and give me my niece!" He said. I kept walking up the stairs with her on my hip. Twan stood with my baby daughter in his arm giving her the bottle and had my son in front of the TV watching ESPN.

"Hey, Im glad u here Babe, what's their name?"


"Their name, I been calling them Junior and Hazel. Their tags just said baby Carter. When I finally made it they were waiting to put them in state custody but hadn't had anyone to take them. Im glad u told them my name."

I hadn't, Trent had I assumed. Hell, he told them mine.

"Dartanyan and---



"Well we will change that as soon as possible."

"Twan where is she," I asked while reaching for my baby.

"Who? Paula? I told her not to come back, Baby I didn't think u were coming back they said u were not getting out."


"Your Mama, and your sister."

"U talked to Kerri?"

"Yes, u need to call her. Why did u leave me? Do u know what I've been through? I gave u my heart Hazel, u just took it and returned without my babies, I had to search for them and they wouldn't tell me anything by phone! It ain't too many hospitals there and when they said your husband had come what the fuck was I supposed to think? I showed up at one hospital and a nurse said she knew u but u were at LSU so were my babies. She told me when to come there that Friday, got them released to me but they didn't have any names."

"Well they are Dartanyan and Twalla."

"Im not feeling the slave name."

"Oh well."

My daughter looked at me mysteriously, I wondered if her sour ass recognized me. She was so nosey and my son didn't give a fuck one way or another like Twan.

"Are u staying?"

"Tobais does not want me here! Why are y'all selling the home?"

"What are u talking about? He does want u here, and we are selling because we can't maintain this big muthafucka, we some apartment niggas!"

We had a lot to talk about but I was relieved, I wondered if he could tell so I continued the hard role. He reached for me I snatched away and kneeled beside my son. He cooed but at the TV. Ryella's uncle had picked her up and left back out asking what I did to her, I was about to cuss him the fuck out. She just laughed. "U know she crazy," he said, "giving strangers rides."

I laid my daughter in her carseat and turned to go to the bathroom, he grabbed me by my arm held my by my throat pressing his body against mine from behind. He whispered in my ear, "U want me to die? How could u leave me, my babies kept me alive."

What had he meant. I could feel his body weaken as he lowered his arm and held me around the waist. He laid his head on my back, my shirt absorbed his warm breath. I missed his touch, his smell and his affection, and the fact that he had given it to someone hurt like nothing else. I had never cheated on him. I loved him with every fiber every heartbeat and every thought. If he would have left me I couldn't have tolerated anyone else. Our connection was more than physical and his love was profound over all others I had ever known. He knew what he did to me, his touch made me submissive to his silent commands at times. He let me go, I walked to the bathroom. I began to throw away old tissue rolls, dirty diapers. He had had his hands full but he loved the babies with his soul. All of my belongings were at Nikki's, he would not even let me leave to get them and talked about my lemon ass car. He promised to buy me one, as he had always. I just was not supposed to drive. Tobias seemed happy I was there but it took me a while to just talk to that nigga, he didn't understand my condition but he reacted like that because Twan had shut down and would not leave home. I felt there was more to it. I knew he hadn't cut all ties with the Paula bitch, I was going to literally gut that bitch open like a hog and send her mammy some rope sausage. She had contaminated my relationship with the only man that loved me genuinely. I could tell when she would call he would silence the phone. One day while he was in the shower I was just minding my own usual, his Iphone powered on after he plugged it up, but while he was in the bathroom. I retrieved that bitches number and profile name, created an account with Twan's name and profile picture. She immediately accepted the request. She agreed to meet at Kiest Park in Oak Cliff, since his bitch was at home.

"I knew u would get tired of her, u know this pussy wet for u. Baby I also have something to tell u."

Oh, Okay.

Twan would go to sleep with his arm across me as if he thought I was leaving. I moved his arm and went to the bathroom, turned on the shower. I took off my clothes and changed into all black. I slowly crept out of the room downstairs and out the front door. There was another car parked beside Tobias' in the garage, he had company with his hoe ass. I rolled down the driveway in neutral and started the car in the street. When I went from neutral back to park the horn began to blow, I crunk up and kept going, but eventually stopped and restarted the car. It had taken me 26 minutes to make it to the park, I drove right past the bitch while she watched for Twan's impala. I pulled into a parking space and killed the engine. I turned off the interior light before I opened the door, walked around the bushes and crept behind them until I made it to her car, I could see her phone screen. She could see my car but since she was backed in and I had parked forward, she could not see my driver door as I could not see hers. I knew if I tried to open her door and it was locked I would have to change my plan, shit could have gotten a little messy. I gripped the handle of the knife inside my hoodie and prepared to open it. Her life depended on her better judgement, and she had none. The driver door came open while she facetimed a bitch with a bonnet on. As soon as she saw me and said " Wait! Twan don't mean---"

I stuck that bitch between her shoulder and neck, the blood spewed all over my face as she moved over to the passenger seat, I leaned inside and pressed my hand against her mouth. The girl asked "Bitch, u want me to call u back? Yall be with that kinky shit, that's why I aint fucking with yall no more. Bye." Her feet were in the driver seat as she held her neck, I heard her ankle crack, my knee was on her foot, her head leaned against the window. The blood was spouting all over the car and seat from between her fingers, I moved my hand, she was trying to speak but fading out. Bitch. "U trying to set up my man?" I moved her feet and sat down in the driver's seat. Her phone rang, I accepted the call and left it on the dashboard on speaker. "Symone!" someone was yelling. I was smiling, she only moved her mouth but could not speak. Her arm had fell limp in her lap and her tongue was protruding between her lips as she made a coughing, gurgling sound. She suffered and I was about to do her a favor. I had placed one of her feet up on the bloody console, the other on the floor. I cut the bitches shirt open, I would definitely gut that bitch as I had sworn. All of a sudden when I lifted the pajama shirt, I saw the bitch's small round belly and panicked! She appeared to be about 2 or 3 months pregnant. I gasped for air, I had to leave, immediately! Was that Twan's baby? When had she got out of jail? The caller had hung up and called again, that reminded me to take the phone. I ran back behind the bushes to the car and drove back to Carrollton. I stopped along the freeway and poured acetone on my clothes and set them on fire. I put on the gown I had brought. I read every text message they had ever sent to one another and she had in fact thrown herself at him, she had done her research to find him, I looked at her Google history and every web page she had visited. She had even searched jails for me. One message stood out. "I realize I love my babies daddy." Sent at 2:04 A.M., 16 minutes before I arrived at the park. I went inside when I made it back home, Tobias' car and company was now gone. The upstairs shower still ran, so I snuck inside right past Twan and got in, cold and all. I turned off Paula's phone, showered and got in bed. "U smell good," he said before pulling me on top of him, suddenly he sat up and looked at me in what appeared to be fear. "What's wrong? Why are u tense?"

"I'm pregnant," I said. I had not known, but I was.