Tricked **** Chapter Forty-Six

Ryella saw Tobias, and ran toward him. Her fascination for the men was not fucking cool especially when that muthafucka that was standing at the door was looking like he wanted to strike and kill. I was caught off guard and Trenton was not home. His arm was holding the door to prevent me from closing it, he just barged right in. My newborn laid on the couch, Tobias looked at him and said, "Is that my nephew? I mean, either way." I didn't answer, I just asked what he wanted.

I remembered what Trenton said about Carlita's brother, and Tobias' evil ass. He could tell I was nervous, I didn't even know why, perhaps for the babies. "Damn u all thick, I know Twan would have knocked u up again by now." I was trying to spot my phone, Trent needed to come home now! "U shoulda just came home with this old bitch ass nigga the night u got out instead of going to my mama crib, Twan always did love u slow ass hoes." At that moment I vowed to show him slow. "Bitch, where that key at, I wouldn't stick my dick in ya raggedy ass. I just need my tokens." He pulled out his gun, as Ryella pulled on his leg.

The key?

"What key? The key I gave Twan?"

"Nah bitch, for real, I need that key. Or u gone rob that nigga yaself."

What nigga? I finally located my phone but I was afraid to move, I hadn't known what that nigga was capable of, he didn't love his nieces and nephews. Tobias looked like the demon he was, he did not look the same. He was so sloppy I knew he didn't have a bitch. "Where's Christy," I asked. He laughed, "Bitch u think Im playing?" He moved toward where I stood, I backed up but he reached for me, "Christy said u was a good fuck, Ima fuck both u hoes before I bury y'all. Ima let the trees grow on top of u bitches."

Apparently he had not seen her, I became really afraid because I was helpless, and Ryella's friendly ass was clueless.

"Bro lied, I knew he wouldn't let that pussy get away, bitch Twan didn't want u, but he wouldn't let Trent have u either. He shoulda buss a cap in that nigga ass in the park, that nigga weak for that ass ain't he. Let me see how good it is."

He reached for my hand to put it on his dick, I cringed. I didn't wanna react the wrong way but prayed for Trent to come home. When he rubbed the barrel of the gun against my titties, I wanted to scream. How could Christy let that nigga touch her! I couldn't remember the last time I had been afraid, but I was scared. Trent had went somewhere and I needed him!

"I just want the key and the code, hoe u not even worth it. That nigga shoulda let Brown feed ya to the alligators, needy ass bitch."

Where was Trenton? I wanted to kill Tobias for playing with my children's lives! I needed a black hoodie and sweats, asap. I hadn't needed any in a while and had gotten rid of the attire I had killed Symone in. I only bought black to kill in, and always burned the shoes. I needed to suit the fuck up, that nigga thought I was something soft, if Christy told him everything then he knew I wasn't. He turned around, "I'll be back, I need that key," and left. What was so special about that key? He mentioned a code, I remembered the code but what was so important about it, it was a dumb emergency code! I ran to the phone and called Trent, I was afraid for him to come home, I hadn't known what Tobias would do. Ryella screamed to the top of her lungs for that nigga! Why had Trent lied to him about me being there? And Brown? Twan had mentioned Brown the night I met him but hadn't since then, he was on a call with him. He left, went somewhere and came to Pam's house the next morning after taking me there. Twan also had threatened to shoot Trent that night, but he also had called him Bro at the bridge. Why hadn't I caught on to that. Twan had just been sitting in his car, Trent said he had followed me, I didn't even see his a car. Also how coincidental was it that he just so happened to see Redd and Terrell the night of the murder, I'm pretty sure it was dark and how could he even recognize him to know he had done it? Trenton was not being 100 percent honest about something, I needed to know what it was.

He didn't answer, I began to text him, he called back, "She misses me! U never call."

"Please, just come home."

"Damn I like---"

I hung up, I was so upset with Ryella, I threw her apple and she had a tantrum. She could not just walk around with apples all day! I tried to stay calm. I thought Trenton would call back but instead he came home 15 minutes later with some fucking cake samples. CAKE SAMPLES! NIGGA!

I had to inform him his brother had visited and wanted the key. I needed him to tell me what the key was for! He had dug it up but hadn't even known himself. When I agreed to give it to Tobias, he warned me against it. He said he would kill me after, as long as he thought I had it he would not harm me. "We did a lot of shit when we were younger, I told on them niggas, I had to---I didn't wanna live like that anymore. Trena was gone I wanted to die and I thought Lita loved me, guess I was wrong. They say I turned on them and went against the grain." He sat down in deep thought, and spoke about going back to his old ways, but mentioned he had a family now. I don't think I even saw a future with him, but he saw one with us. He had a depression problem and I could tell when he would go to counseling, he would just say I'll be back. He installed cameras and could see who came when he was away. Something really upset him about Tobias' visit. He poured his heart out one day and told me alot. "I would never turn against u," he said. I didn't know why but no one had ever said those words to me. One night he asked if we could just lay naked together. Carmella had Ryella and Twalla, the boys were asleep. We hadn't been intimate since the orchard, he was back to avoiding me. I was dying inside for him to just touchme. He was the perfect man. When he told me I had to marry him first before he penetrated me I could have strangled him. That nigga had set me up! I told him no of course but I wanted him so bad, he would sleep beside me naked in the guest bed, and even hold me throughout the night. I picked up his phone one day and every web page was porn, that nigga was throwed off. He would buy long sleeved old fashioned cotton pajama sets for me to put on, I would have sweat to death if I would have put that shit on in May.

Tobias had not come back, yet, and he wanted to take me to the Orchard for my birthday. It fell on a Saturday. When we arrived there were so many people, I wondered who was getting married. The decorations were beautiful, someone had really went all out. He had said we would all take pictures before we left home so dress to impress, I had never had professional pictures and was glad of the opportunity for my babies. I wondered why everyone was so happy, their spirits has rubbed off on me. At exactly 4 p.m. people started gathering around to be seated, he had in fact taken pictures and eaten, the kids bobbed for apples and played. We danced, he was surprised to see I could, hell I was too.

When a preacher arrived I watched for the bride and groom. While doing so, he literally pulled me to the altar, I was asking him what the fuck he was doing, everyone was staring quietly. I soon figured out he had put me on the spot and the people had come for my own wedding. He pleaded with his eyes, moreso with his heart. I could see his love without him professing it. I gave in, I wanted to be Mrs. Myers and hadn't realized it before then. He had so many people rooting for him, they knew he loved me, I wondered why I didn't before that moment. He had saved my life and protected the children and I, I just cried so hard, I heard everything the preacher said though. He had to make sure I did. Twice.

Trenton was nervous, I could tell by how he kept moving his thumb. He had made a lot of promises, and I felt he wanted to keep them, he had kept them before he made them. I couldn't believe I had allowed him to trick me into marrying him, but I did. When he placed the ring on my hand, I broke down even more, it was so beautiful. Ryella was pulling on him talking about apples, the twins were running wild but I was married to the man who had tried to save me years ago. I yet loved Twan with all of my heart though, my husband eventually ended up feeling like he had to compete with a dead man for love.