Breakdance **** Chapter Fifty

I hadn't known how to digest what Trent had said when I asked him if he killed Redd, I was straightforward but he wasn't. I waited to see where we would go since he mentioned a trip, I had suddenly become nervous, what if he was a killer and had just gunned Redd down like that, they made it seem he had been gruesomely killed and I agree it was overkill indeed. Carmella came for the kids and we were preparing to leave town. My feet had swollen between the time I asked him about Redd and the time I went to bed, I had preeclampsia bad, and Trent was crazy as hell! That's all I could think about, I would have never suspected him to answer as he had, but I hadn't known what I expected him to say, certainly not that, my blood pressure instantly shot up. Sneaky bastard, I was walking on eggshells around that bitch and he would not move the umbrella because he knew I watched it, hell I didn't like sneaky killers. I preferred my killers to tell me they would kill a nigga and not act like a saint. This muthafucka had killed Redd with a straight face and I prayed he had fucked me first, cause if he hadn't that shit turned him on. He couldn't kill niggas and fuck me like that. I wasn't afraid of my husband but I knew he was a killer. We were walking on the Boardwalk and a nigga came up to him and said, "Breakdance, I thought that was u." I teased him about the nickname and thought it was his Frat name. "My partners always called me that," he said before asking me if I wanted caramel pecans. Why had I heard that name before I wondered, but immediately thought about something else pertaining to why we were there.

He was so overprotective and would vindictively look at men if they even glanced at me. I was flattered to a certain extent and prayed he would never have an altercation. That man really loved my children and I, but when I didn't return the day of the rape it did something to him that he couldn't shake back from. He could not sleep and would just study me, "Why didn't u tell the police u were raped, were u going to kill him?" he asked one day. The man who greeted him looked at me and a mixture of expressions went across both of their faces, "U been good?" he asked Trent looking at my belly and then my titties. Trent became dry and quickly ended the conversation, "Yea Ok," the nigga said smiling, "Ima catch ya later."

I asked who he was and Trent said an old co-worker. He was just so puzzling, and I strained my brain trying to figure him out. What made me wonder was how we encountered each other, he was the most coincidental person I knew, how had he kept on popping up. He had admitted to following me yea, but that was when I went to Texas he claimed and also how many times had he saw Redd at that park, really, to be able to identify him undeniably and kill him? He had to have been on some espionage shit to find that nigga.

We drove to Georgia to meet with some potential clients and he seemed happy we were doing something together, I wanted him to just go to the hotel and get some rest. He would talk about Twan off and on and I knew they had been close once upon a time. He grieved Twan's death, but hid it. I caught him looking at his obituary one night, he just shook his head.

When we checked in our room he laid in bed but hadn't wanted to sleep just---talk. Talk about all type of shit, how he got a GED and went to college and met his wife, how his mother tried to sell him when he was a child, I could never get him to talk about her but I was under the impression he never liked her. He spoke about Pam and said she taught him how to cook, and seemed to had loved her as a mother figure. "A mother will do anything to protect her blood children," he said putting alot of emphasis on "blood." They had just somewhere down the line stopped seeing eye to eye, he ran away from her home as a teenager, and never went back, I thought.

"Antwan and Tobias had turned sour, fuck family, Kev was more solid." he said one day. When he told me it was their friends that raped his sister I tried to piece it all together, and wondered where her obituary was. I asked about her funeral, he said he didn't go, he was in a dark place then. He loved Trena, and blamed himself for what happened.

"Why don't u ask for anything?" he asked me, I told him I didn't need anything, I was taught to be satisfied with what I had. He had made me promise to take the meds, I would not be fully aware at times and my reactions would be slow so when he mentioned the man at the Boardwalk being an ex cop and that he had resigned to keep from being investigated I thought maybe I'd seen him at the Prison, or at court.

He sounded familiar after he said it. He began talking about the child I carried and how he felt he had nothing to live for when I left, he hadn't imagined ever being without me again after the bridge, but I had been with Twan, didn't make sense. "I love u so much, u could never possibly know how much. After I saw u I dreamed about us, u were so delicate and abused, I hadn't wanted to touch u and damage u more than u were already. Your body was just so---I wanted to fuck u right then, he didn't deserve u Hazel. I saw your hips everytime I closed my eyes, she could tell I was infatuated with someone." WHO?

He had smoked a joint and was talking out of his head, shit, I just wanted to know who! I rubbed his waves while he rubbed my belly, and he finally went to sleep. I heard his phone vibrate and wondered why his ringer was off, it stopped then immediately began again. I figured if it was Carmella then she would call my phone so I disregarded that thought as well as the thought of it being a side bitch and went to sleep. Being away from everything and everybody was so peaceful. We gained a new client the next day and went home the following. My feet were so swollen, he took me to the hospital and they ordered bed rest, my blood pressure was alarming, but I felt fine just a bit dizzy. My son just would not let up. Trenton told me to plan my own shower but I had no one to invite, not even Angela. I decided to call Daddy one day just to see if he had talked to Kerri and his phone was disconnected. Crackhead ass. I thought back to how he had surprised me with the last baby shower and determined real love was action and not verbal. He didn't even have to tell me he loved me, I knew.

I went to the hospital at 8 1/2 months and they told me my results had come in from the estriol tests I had taken at 20 weeks, my heart pounded, they had taken my blood and also had said they needed more time for the results. My son was high risk for a genetic birth defect, Spina Bifida the doctor had said after taking the blood. I had rebuked that muthafucka so fast, he wanted to stick me again. "How about we perform amniocentesis to ensure we don't improperly diagnose u, the embryonic fluid will be more---conclusive." I reached for my clothes, and walked out. I called Trenton and told him to pull to the patient transport, Dr. Farooqi could tell that shit to somebody else, my son was fine, just mad as hell and wanted liquor. I thought about the day I met Christy, she was in gowns like she had just run out of the examination room. She was watching the Audi.

Trent asked about the visit, I never mentioned anything about birth defects. Hell, he didn't mention AIDS and I had been nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs, not even HIV. Redd said he had it, I just waited on it to show up. If Trent knew Redd was gay, hadn't he been afraid? Had he loved me enough to not care as Twan said he did? I wanted as much information I could find about Redd's murder and it was limited. I stopped searching online when Trent mentioned everything I had in my search history besides the thread of keywords I had used pertaining to his death. That nigga was slick. He had a closet he kept locked, always, and would only enter when he was alone. I hadn't felt like he was hiding anything but I wanted to know what was inside. I could never catch him coming out, and I was tired of him watching me watch him so I gave up. I wanted to know all about him, he had been so caught up trying to please me, I wanted him to know I had his best interest at heart. I even questioned if I truly loved him, I had been in love before... I loved him because he loved my babies. He deserved a son, a healthy one. One night he slept and the episode he had had been so unexpected, it was like he was reliving his sister's rape. He was calling her name, "Trena! Im going for help, Twan help me!" I shook him, he was sweating profusely. He woke up and saw me beside him, squinted and focused. He then reached for my face with his hands, "I missed u," he said before kissing me passionately. I didn't say anything, I embraced him and he was uncontrollably aroused, "Give it to me," He said while wrapping my hand around his dick. He was so hard and turned on I was afraid to let him get on top of me. I straddled him and put him inside. "I could save u Hazel," he said. "Let me give u what u want."

I didn't know what he meant just thought he was still drowsy, but I knew what I wanted and how he wanted to give it to me, so I got on my knees while he fucked me with his tongue. When he entered me from behind he fell back on his knees and I rode him while he rubbed my clit. When I came he just stopped. I watched him fight his climax, I asked him why but he just said he was satisfied. I knew he was lying and as he sat up on the bed I put him in my mouth and he exploded. At that point I knew I wasn't gone play with nobody about that nigga, I would kill a bitch.

One day when I was getting the kids from daycare I saw a Mercedes pull into the parking lot as I was buckling them in, "I knew yo lyin ass was not going to call."

I picked up my pace, I didn't have the patience for that bitch. "That nigga satisfying u?" Christy asked. I laughed, "What's up Chic," I said changing the subject, I noticed she had gained a little weight and was trying to boss up again. Twalla had an ear infection and I was trying to get her home, so I quickly hopped in and told her again, "I'll call u." I didn't know she had followed me until a week later when I pulled into the driveway and she was at the door. Trent had answered and when she saw me she placed her hand on his chest, said something, looked at me and giggled. I didn't know what the fuck she said and didn't give a fuck if the car was in park or not, I flew out that muthafucka and as if I forgot I was pregnant I was about to stomp that hoe in the pavement about Trenton Dominique Myers. I knew she wanted to fuck Twan so she fucked Tobias. I told that hoe if she ever touched him again I would decapitate her ass. "Girl, that nigga ain't yours I can fuck him if I want to, but he too basic for me. I'll fuck u though and let him watch." After I recollected he hadn't seemed bothered when I pulled up I walked inside right past Trent and left him standing there he could have that bitch. He quickly closed the door I don't know what was said. He was yelling at me, "I would never cheat on u!" I didn't have no fucks to give him at that moment the bitch had touched him and he hadn't resisted. If he didn't like the bitch he should have been angry as fuck simply because she showed up. My emotions were not to be played with, I loved him. It had nothing to do with his money. I needed to smoke and he was against it, I was so angry I was stroke prone. That night I went in labor and when I returned with my son, she had been to my home again.

He was born covered with red hair, and had 6 fingers on each hand.