Chapter Fifteen

We eventually stopped for the night. Although, it did take me tripping over tree roots to convince Cade that we should sleep.

We weren't lucky enough to find another cave, but we did find a suitable spot between two large bushes. Cade and I yanked out some blankets from the two bags we had stuffed. Nova slept soundly as Cade and I marinated in the silence of the night. Everything felt peaceful. I wish everything was as peaceful as the chirping birds lead us to believe. It was as if nature wanted to lull us into a false sense of security, before snapping our necks.

I turned onto my side and pull the blanket tighter to me. I sighed, not feeling comfortable. I finally settled onto my back and looked up at the star-riddled sky. Oh, what I wouldn't give to be a star. To float around carelessly and just be.

My mind was so cluttered with thoughts, it was like nothing seemed okay. My head was spinning and suddenly I was gone. It felt like I was asleep but awake at the same time.

I could hear voices, but none of them seemed close enough to grasp.

"No this isn't the right dose, we need more the next time we try."

"Agreed maybe-"

"She's seizing!"

It felt like my body was on fire as I slipped further in the darkness.


I opened my eyes to see the sun beginning to come up. That meant that it was time for us to get moving. We had to get as far away from the cave as possible.

I decided on waking Nova and talking to her about Cade first. I needed to make sure she was okay with him.

I shook Nova and her eyes flew open instantly. She opened her mouth to talk, but put my index finger over my lips and gestured to Cade. Her eyes widened and she nodded. At that, I led her away from Cade and over to a large oak tree.

"We have to start walking again soon, but I wanted to ask you something before we did."

"Okay Evie-Weavie," Nova yawned.

I sighed, not entirely wanting to bring up the topic at hand. Saying I was conflicted would be an understatement at this point. For a moment I let myself look at the sky slashed with beautiful hues.

I cleared my throat, "I wanted to talk about Cade."

Fear momentarily flashed across Nova's features, and a protective instinct flowed through me.

"He loves you Evie, but he is a little scary sometimes," Nova looked me in the eyes, "How do I know he won't hurt me again."

I slammed my head against the tree. How was she supposed to know that? How was I supposed to know that? He did apologize, He did seem sorry. But, I think Nova needed to hear that herself to feel safe.

"Come with me Nova," I said walking off to wake Cade.

We both trudged over to Cade and I could feel the protective instinct flaring up again. I couldn't put a finger on why I felt the need to make Nova feel safe, but that didn't change my mind.

I bent down and shook Cade violently.

"Eve what the-"

"Tell her you won't hurt her again," I demanded.

Nova yanked my shirt from the back, but this needed to be done. Nobody ever asked me if I felt safe. I was not making that same mistake with Nova.

Cade stood up and looked at Nova, who tried to hide behind me, "I'm sorry Nova. I shouldn't have touched you at all. I promise I will never even look at you again if you don't want to."

I felt Nova let go of my shirt and stand next to me. Cade looked a bit less tense at this break-through.

"I'll forgive you, but I want to know something first," said Nova feigning innocence.

I saw Cade roll his eyes before saying, " What do you want to know?"

"I want to know why only Evie gets a nickname from you. That's not fair."

Cade and I both burst out laughing making Nova's eyes narrow.

Cade quickly composed himself, "I didn't know you wanted a nickname, but I can think of one for you."

Nova beamed, "Yes! I forgive you!"

Nova then ran over and crushed Cade in a hug. I smiled at the fact my two favorite people got along again.

After Cade and Nova made up we ate a quick breakfast and packed up. Cade guessed it was most likely around six in the morning by the time we left.

"All right Nova, let's come up with your nickname," Cade said as we labored on.

"Okay, but it can't be kid, Evie calls me that."

I smiled at Nova recalling that I did call her that subconsciously.

"Noted," said Cade.

He tilted his head back and looked at the sky. My eyes widened, he looked good like that. I quickly shifted my eyes away from him and played with the hem of my shirt.

"Um, how about Novie?"

"No, that's copying me."

"Uh, Lady Nova?"

"I'm not a princess."

"How about brat?"

"That's not funny, Cadie!"

"I don't then. What do you want me to call you? Buggy?"

"Yes, I love bugs!"

Cade looked at Nova like she just claimed she was an octopus. I was also surprised at the nickname, but if she liked it then so be it.

"Okay then, buggy, am I officially forgiven?"

Nova nodded vigorously. She then began skipping through the wood singing some kind of weird tune. Cade and I smiled.

"Imagine being that carefree," Cade said giving me a sad look.

"Well, I was. Until you and Alistair had to ruin it."

Cade gave me an eye roll, "It's not my fault you had to fall for golden boy."

I scoffed, "I didn't fall for him. We were friends if that."

Cade gave me a look showing me he didn't believe me. I just ignored him and walked faster. I heard chuckling behind me.

"Shortie, my legs are much longer than yours."

"Yeah, and? My brain is much bigger than yours, but do I tease you about it?"

Cade smirked and grabbed my hand in his. I bit hard on the inside of my cheek. I figured squealing wouldn't look that cool.

Eventually, we caught up to Nova and her eyes locked on our hands. She gave us both a devious smile before squeezing in between us. Cade groaned and I laughed. Honestly, if the situation wasn't the way it was right now, I'd say we looked cute.

"What's that?" Nova asked as she pointed a black dot in a tree.

Cade balled his fists and clenched his teeth, "Shit."

I gasped in realization, "It's a-"

Cade and I looked at each other knowingly. We were in deep trouble.

"It's a- continue your sentence," Nova drawled.

"A camera," Cade said.

A laugh pulled our stares over to a couple of familiar faces.

"Congratulations! It took you long enough." Alistair teased.

"Honestly," Elder Ryann said looking bored, "you both seemed smarter.

Cade's fists tightened as he said nothing. I could feel the same anger burning in my chest.

"Who are they?" Nova asked confused.

"The bad people, kid."

Alistair scoffed shaking his head, "Since when did killing bad Eve? Oh, sorry, too soon?"

I sharply took in a breath.

"Shut up," Cade demanded glaring at Alistair.

"Aw, does Cade have a crush? Cute. But let's cut to the chase. Elder Ryann?"

Cade and I turned out head to a smirking Elder Ryann. There was nothing that we could say, that would make any of this better.

"So, what's gonna happen is Cade and Eve are coming with us. After that what we do depends on you. You can either, become the weapons we want or die." she said like we were discussing the weather.

"Not happening," Cade said turning around.

Nova and I followed suit starting to walk away. There was no way we were going with those people. Becoming a secret weapon? I'd have to pass on that one.

"Mmm, I wouldn't do that," Alistair said as warriors with guns came out from where we were walking.

I turned to the left and more warriors with guns appeared. I looked to the right, more guns and warriors. We were surrounded. I took a deep breath.

"So, what your decision?" Alistair asked mockingly.

Before I could stop her or even yell her name Nova ran.

A gun fired.

All I could do was watch as her body dropped to the ground. She had been shot.

I ran over to her body as the blood flowed out rapidly. I threw the bag off my body and ripped a blanket out of it. I held it to her small chest trying to stop the blood.

"Get a doctor!" I screamed.

"Evie-Weavie? Am I going to heaven like Mommy and Daddy?"

I forced my tears back, "No, you are going to stay right here with me, got that Nova?"

"But I feel so tired Evie."

I pressed harder on her chest. Cade looked to me and pressed another blanket on her chest. All of the warriors still stood still.

"Why are none of you helping? Help us!"

Nobody moved.

"Evie, Cadie, I think I'm going to take a nap."

"Nova please keep your eyes open," Cade said trying to keep calm.

"That's not my nickname," she said smiling.

"Buggy, please keep your eyes open."

"I'm sorry Cadie. I'm just so tired."

Nova's eyes closed. I held the blanket harder on her chest. Cade checked her pulse and shook his head. She wasn't breathing.

"Kid please, open your eyes. Please kid."

My head felt like it was going to explode from holding back tears. She was dead. Nova was gone and I couldn't even protect her.

I pulled her lifeless body into my arms. I hugged her close and sobbed into her hair.

"I love you, kiddo. I hope- I hope you love it up there. You deserved so much more."

I pulled my head away from her and wiped my tears away. I was officially broken.

Cade looked at me glassy-eyed as a tear made its way down his cheek. She was gone.

"Okay the kid's dead," Alistair said, "So sad. Now, are you coming or do we have to kill you both too?"

Cade closed his eyes before saying, "We're coming."

I looked at him and nodded. It was the only thing we could do. We had no plans anymore. Everything had changed.

"Well, that was easier than I thought it would be," Alistair said as if he was disappointed.

"You are a sick person," I said disgusted by him at the moment.

I could see something flash in his eyes. Sadness? Regret? I couldn't tell, but either way, it didn't fix things.

"I guess that makes two of us then doesn't it Evie-Weavie."

Faster than anybody could even think Cade's fist had connected with Alistair's face. He was quickly restrained by some warriors, but the satisfaction wasn't short-lived. Mostly because before they could restrain me as well I kicked Elder Ryann in the stomach causing her to double over.

We would go with them, but we sure all hell weren't going to make it easy. We were going to channel our inner Nova and be as feisty as possible.


That night as we continued walking I looked up into the night sky. I saw one star that looked brighter than the rest. Nova, I thought to myself. She found her way home. I felt my eyes water and my throat burn.

I hadn't said a word the entire walk and either had Cade. We weren't giving in to their stupid words this time, no matter what.

Although Cade and I had been separated, we tried to keep eyes on each other. We only had each other now. I guess it wasn't below Elder Ryann and Alistair to try and take that away too though.

When we reached the same building I had first seen only days ago I shuttered.

"Say bye-bye to your little boyfriend," Alistair said with venom in his voice.

I knew Cade would last long in our vow of silence. Little did I know it would be this short.

"At least I kissed her golden boy! And can you tell me who lied to her? Oh yeah! You, asshole!" Cade shouted as the pulled his away.

Alistair grunted at Cade before looking at me and smiling.

"Time for the fun stuff Eve."