
Suddenly, the energy stopped being transferred.

It wasn't that Nova couldn't take more, but rather- the proctor's life was at risk.

But what happened when the proctor removed his hand caused those nearby to stop what they were doing.


Nova roared, and a pillar of blue flames appeared that seemed to pierce through the sky.

The instructor readjusted his glasses as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

『This is impossible.. An immediate awakening from outside of a House?! Barrier unit! Get on it!』 [Proctor]

Seconds later, another roar resounded through the school building.

This time it was from Rai.

From him, they could see a pillar of red along with a vision of a vague oriental dragon.

『This.. A silhouette..? An oriental dragon?』[Proctor]

He shook himself out of his trance, before realizing that the students were in danger.

He wove his hands in complex movements and before long, a barrier appeared around Nova, and the other proctor, a man with thin eyes and a long black ponytail created one around Rai as well.

「It hurts! But.. I can feel the pain slowly stopping..」[Nova]

Nova collapsed onto the floor.

He could feel the energy he was concentrating on holding escape through his pores.

「I feel something new.. As if it was an appendage I've never used before..」 [Nova]

The energy settled down, and then the barrier began to dissolve.

「What's going on?! Why is my mana being sapped? The barrier!」[Proctor]

The proctor kept a collected face, but he was frantically panicking in reality.

He poured more mana into the barrier causing it to reform, and after some time had passed, no more mana was being drained.

Nova had gotten off the ground and stared at the proctor.

『What.. Just happened?』[Nova]

Keeping up with his training, the proctor gave him the information he asked for.

「He had his "Sprouting" on the spot.. This has only seen from those with noble blood, yet he experienced it! He will most, he WILL be inducted into Genesis academy!」[Proctor]

『Guhah!』[Rai's Proctor]

The other proctor's arm was lacerated and covered in cuts up to his shoulder, but Rai's rampage stopped.

『Someone get a doctor! He's going to bleed out if we don't get him immediate medical attention!』[Proctor]

Nova looked at the proctor's bloodied arm and felt sick to the stomach.

「Did Rai do that? He looks like he's in danger... What can I do to help?」 [Nova]

Suddenly Nova felt his head get hit by an influx of information.

It felt like he was remembering things that had happened, and yet they had never happened before.

He knew what to do.

Suddenly, his hand was covered in a blue flame, and he stared at it.

Nova's proctor didn't let this go by.

『Blue flames? Stop! You can't control your ability after just Sprouting! What are you going to do with that?!』[Proctor]

Nova walked up to the man, who was trying to stop some of the blood from escaping.

He grabbed the man's arm, which caused the man to wince quite a bit.

『Blessed Flame Rebirth!』[Nova]

The blue flame crawled its way up and down the man's arm, and his blood began to evaporate.

Once the blood was gone, it revealed his skin rapidly mending itself.

The proctor's already pale face gradually lost its color.

『A.. monster.』[Proctor]

Nova's proctor watched in awe.

He got closer to attempt to examine the fire, but as he was about to get close enough to touch him, the fire extinguished itself and Nova started swaying dangerously.

He caught Nova and began to think back on what just happened.

「They're.. going to change the world. But before that happens, there's quite a mess I'm going to have to clean up..」 [Proctor]


Nova woke up in an unfamiliar room.

A room of pure white, and curtains of pure white.

After he pulled back a curtain, he saw a window that revealed that it was sometime in the night.

He heard a shout from outside the room.

『Oh?! He's awake, Os!』[???]

The noise of a door opening startled Nova.

The sound of footsteps resounded throughout the room.

Nova's proctor had appeared before him.

『I see. Then let's conduct our examination.』[Proctor]

He glanced up and down Nova.

『It looks like you're fine, how are you feeling?』[Proctor]

『Where am I? What's going on?』[Nova]

『That wasn't what I asked, but alright. You're in Genesis Academy's Restoration room. Due to that sudden outburst of power, you're being examined.』[Proctor]

『What about my friend? Is he alright?』[Nova]

『He's still unconscious. It seems like he awakened to a stronger ability than yours.』[Proctor]

Nova let out a sigh of relief.

Nova wouldn't have to pay for food, since his ability was weaker.

He guessed Rai being okay was alright too.

『Now then, my name is Oswald Soryl. I am the Proctor for this year's students, but I may be taking you under my wing as my student due to orders from above. You may refer to me as you like.』[Oswald]

「So he's a part of the great house Soryl, huh?」[Nova]

In the continent of Graebrande, there are 7 main houses and many sub-houses.

You only have a last name if you're in a house- which is a mark of a distinguished and valued individual.

Soryl is one of the main houses with power on the continent.

『Ah- My name is Nova, I am 16 years old, uhm.. Pleased to meet you!』[Nova]

Oswald fixed his glasses and turned his back to Nova for a moment.

He wiped his eyes a bit.

「He's a good kid. Why can't House Soryl have any of these kids?!」[Oswald]

『He-! Hey! Os, are you.. Crying?』[???]

『How ridiculous. Why would I be crying?』[Oswald]

A man with speckled facial hair and a ponytail walked in.

He was the person that Nova healed.

『Thanks for saving me, kid. If you didn't, I wasn't sure how that was gonna turn out. The name is Hanzo Tsukikaze.』[Hanzo]

「Ah, another great house.」[Nova]

『Ah- it wasn't a problem at all. My body kinda moved before I realized it was happening, then I passed out. But, like Mr. Soryl was saying- my body seems to be constantly leaking that energy from before.』 [Nova]

Both of the people's faces turned grim. Oswald grabbed Nova's hand and closed his eyes. After a few moments, he opened his eyes and began to speak.

『I apologize. This was due to me stopping the flow of mana before you were done condensing your seed out of self-preservation. I will take responsibility for this.』[Oswald]

Oswald bowed down as far as he could to Nova.

He looked extremely solemn and apologetic toward Nova.

Nova didn't really understand, but it seems like he was set back.

But regardless, he didn't want to fault Oswald for protecting himself.

『It's alright! Even if you let go early, that was just so you could protect yourself and everyone else! It just means that I have to work a little harder to make my Seed shine right?』[Nova]

Oswald looked up toward Nova.


Tears began to stream down Oswald's face.

He grabbed onto Hanzo and began to blow his nose on Hanzo's suit.

『To think I even yelled at him for trying to save you!!』[Oswald]

『HEY! Get off of me! I just got this cleaned yesterday!』[Hanzo]

Nova couldn't help laughing at this gap in their personalities.
