
『Alright, now let's explain the implications of my mistake.』[Oswald]

Nova nodded his head, as if understanding exactly what he was talking about.

『Because of my slip-up, you will have a more unstable foundation than the other students of Genesis academy. Until you can consolidate your strength, it probably isn't wise to use stronger techniques or spells- not that you probably know any besides that first one yet.』[Oswald]

After trying to remember everything else in his memories, he could only remember the Blessed Flame Rebirth spell.

『..How do I consolidate my strength?』[Nova]

『You will cast weak seed skills, train mana, or absorb mana until the gaps in your Seed are filled. I have a place arranged in the academy for you to use- but it may take a long time to do so. 』[Oswald]

『What do I do after that?』[Nova]

『You will learn how to weave your mana- or energy as you call it- into spells. Now, do you remember what words you said when you casted that healing seed skill on Hanzo?』[Oswald]

Nova nodded and raised his hand up.

『Blessed Flame Rebirth.』[Nova]

A tiny blue flame floated gently on top of his palm. Oswald examined the flame closely. At any moment, the flame looked like it was at risk of being extinguished. Nova felt his energy flowing out even faster.

『Hmm.. Can you try directing that to your seed? 』[Oswald]

The flame gently floated and merged into Nova's chest.

The cold burning feeling returned to his body.

Immediately, instead of the energy leaking outwards, the room was being drained of mana.

His body became a sink for mana to flow into.

『What's happening, kid?!』[Hanzo]

Oswald's eyes changed color into a deep purple.

『The seed is filling up with all the nearby mana.』[Oswald]

Oswald's face looked more excited than before.

『If his seed heals, he may be.. a spiritual healer!』[Oswald]

Hanzo's eyes bulged.

『..That's impossible. Every single one of them are S class treasures.』[Hanzo]

After about 20 minutes of watching Nova absorb the mana of everything nearby, he opened his eyes again.

『I think I'll be fine. My mana isn't leaking out anymore. In fact, I think it's even drawing some in!』[Nova]

Oswald patted Nova's head and praised him.

『Very good, Nova. That means that your ability is able to heal others. A very kind ability. But it seems that your knowledge of mana falls behind your peers. I will train you on the days you don't have class.』[Oswald]

『Thank you, teacher! Can we see Rai now?』[Nova]

『Yes, of course.』[Oswald]

Oswald turned away from Nova. He moved his hand to wipe his eyes again.

「He called me teacher!!」[Oswald]

『Ugh.. Where am I? Everything hurts..』[Rai]

『Rai! Rai, are you okay?』[Nova]

『Yeah, just hold on..』[Rai]

Rai's face contorted as he sat himself upright.

『Agh! My arm!』[Rai]

Rai pulled the sleeve of his arm up, where a coiled blue tattoo was carving its way up his arm.

『I've.. never seen anything like it!』[Oswald]

『This.. I've seen something similar, but it was from the "Asura" of the Cardinal Sins.』[Hanzo]

『So it's within that seed realm.. Then.. isn't this quite a boon?』[Oswald]

「What is going on.. They didn't teach any of this to us in basic seeding..」[Nova]

The tattoo on Rai's arm had begun to stop growing, but not before a red pulsing began to pulse through the arm.

「It's.. A red dragon tattoo..」[Nova]

『Hanzo, contact the higher-ups regarding a deification expert.』[Oswald]

Hanzo looked at Oswald with a look of disbelief.

『..What even are those?』[Hanzo]

This time it was Oswald's turn to look at him in disbelief.

After certain things were arranged, the two proctors drove Nova and Rai back to their homes.

The next day, Nova woke up to a knock at his door.

Standing there was Oswald, with a strange look on his face.

『I will get straight to the point. You and Rai are unprecedented in the entirety of my time as a proctor. The higher-ups have decided that you will be put under the rules of Noblesse Oblige. 』[Oswald]

The laws of Noblesse Oblige were implemented during the reign of the first king, Lucifius.

He declared, "Under the protection of the wealthy and strong, the weak will thrive until we, as a nation- reign supreme!"

This basically means….

『I'm going to be enlisted as a student-soldier?!』[Nova]

Oswald fixed his concerned face and tilted his glasses.

『Ah, Rai too.』[Oswald]



『May I talk to one of your parents? We must get going to train.』[Oswald]

『Oh. None of them are home. Where are we going on a Sunday?』[Nova]

「Nobody is home? Strange.」[Oswald]

『I'm sorry to force you out on a Sunday, but we're going to be going to a facility and training your mana capacity as well as gauging your strength.』[Oswald]

『It's no problem! Really. I don't have anyone home or anything better to do.』[Nova]

『That's no good. You should at least give them a call.』[Oswald]

Nova made a sad half-smile.

『My dad is off working somewhere, and I don't know where my Mom is.』[Nova]

『I see... Let's go.』[Oswald]

Oswald turned around and walked to the car.

Nova quickly locked up, then got into the car, before noticing Oswald's red eyes.

「Was he.. crying?」[Nova]

Nova smiled.

「People don't normally cry for someone they barely know..」[Nova]

Before long, Nova began to notice trees rushing past his field of view.

『We'll be there before long.』[Oswald]

Nova looked forward and saw a flash of light.

「My.. head! It feels like something just hit me in the back of my head..」[Nova]

Oswald quickly noticed and glanced to the side.

『Nova! Are you alright?! What's happening to you?』[Oswald]

『I.. don't know. I think I'll be fine. 』[Nova]

『We'll get you checked out there, so hold on!』[Oswald]

The car suddenly sped up until the trees were a blur.

『Oswald! It's ALRIIIIIIGHT!!!』[Nova]

He grabbed onto his seat and the handle at the top of the car.

Eventually, they arrived at a run-down cabin.

『We're training here?』[Nova]

Nova looked at Oswald with a strange look.

『No. We're training below.』[Oswald]

『Wait. Whe-』[Nova]

A grating metal noise broke the silence of the forest, and the cabin was lifted up, making way for a ramp that descended into the ground.

Oswald fixed his glasses and walked forward.

『Let's go.』[Oswald]

Nova stepped back and stared, before realizing what Oswald said.

『Ah... Alright...』[Nova]