
Class B-1 stood apart into 3 groups in the training yard.

In one stood the melee attackers, Thomas, Jade, and Anastasia.

In another was Sophia, Marn, Katherin, and Jenny.

Then, there was the 3rd "group"... it was just Nova.

Reagan was regretting his previous actions.

『God damn it. I had to make a specific learning plan just for Nova… I knew I shouldn't have let you pass..』[Reagan]

Nova laughed it off.

『Haha… I'm sorry?』[Nova]

Reagan suddenly emitted a menacing aura.

『Yeah, you'll be sorry after I'm done with you.』[Reagan]

He materialized a weapon.

『You'll all learn this, but those who raised your hands get 1 week to finish this. 2 weeks for the spellcasters. Nova, you get 1 week for both.』[Reagan]

Nova was shocked.

『What?! Then, what's the difference between my plan and theirs?』[Nova]

『If you finish, the remaining time will be spent on specialized training.』[Reagan]

Nova stopped complaining.

『Okay. Let's handle the weapon creation first. You'll form a similar mana circle, then pour mana quickly into it, until it forms into the weapon.』[Reagan]

He drew a large magical circle depicting 3 lines flowing into a sword.

『Wait. Reagan, why didn't you need a circle for it?』[Jenny]

『When you're a higher level, you can draw magic circles faster, and more efficiently. I can draw a tiny magic circle, with fast speeds, allowing me to finish the cast in a second.』[Reagan]

『So, why can't we do that now?』[Sophia]

『Because, your magic control is pathetically bad, your mana speed is also extremely slow, and you don't have a handle for higher level techniques yet.』[Reagan]

The class quieted down at this remark.

He moved his finger around, then imprinted the magic circle onto the floor.

『Okay. Then, we'll do the next spell. It's a simple caster spell that should be easy. The requirements to casting this are drawing a circle that resembles chains and the word "Bind".』[Reagan]

He drew something that resembled chains sprouting from the ground and restraining someone, then casted it.


The moment he said "Bind", bright blue chains ripped apart the ground and surrounded Nova.


Nova quickly got caught by the chains and restrained.

『As you can see, Bind can be used to keep the enemy still. If you had the ability to use Bind, maybe you all could have defeated me on your own.』[Reagan]

Nova stumbled around, without being able to break the bindings.

『Eh, you can get out on your own.』[Reagan]

He clapped his hands together.

『Time to begin! You have all week to do this. I'm gonna spend the rest of the week doing research, just message me on your ID if you're done or something.』[Reagan]

He snapped his fingers and disappeared through a portal.

『...This is kind of messed up.』[Marn]

A few of the other students were trying to help Nova out.

『Nova? Are you alright?』[Jade]

『Uh.. I may be stuck.』[Nova]

He struggled, but the chains wouldn't come off.

『Hmm… How about fire? Blessed Flame Rebirth!』[Nova]

The blue flames consumed him and the chains until they disappeared, but it was a much stronger fire than the other times he had cast it.

『Woah! I don't remember it being that strong!』[Thomas]

He looked at the deep blue flame dancing on his palm.

『I think the mana training made it stronger. That's not bad at all.』[Nova]

『Okay, so Nova. Are you gonna train with us, or them first?』[Thomas]

Both sides looked expectantly at Nova.

『Hmm.. Let me see really quickly.』[Nova]

He recalled the explanation that Reagan gave him.

He drew a magic circle containing a weapon with mana flowing into it, then poured mana into it, creating a sword.

『Woah?! You did it! How?!』[Thomas]

Nova shrugged when Thomas asked him.

『I just did as he said. My mana is pretty good though, so it would make sense that I would be able to do it.』[Nova]

『I guess that just goes to show you that Nova is pretty good at what he does..』[Jenny]

Jade looked at Nova with a slightly disappointed look.

『Does that mean you will be training with the spell casters then?』[Jade]

『Of course he will. It's obvious that being a spell caster is more difficult than being a physical attacker!』[Sophia]

She held her head high with a look of pride that made the hand-to-hand combatants have a dark expression.


Nova drew a magic circle with chains.


Suddenly, two chains burst from the ground and wiggled around for a moment.

The chains quickly wound their way up Sophia's legs and even pulled her a little into the ground.

『Hmm.. I don't particularly find that true?』[Nova]

Sophia quickly lost her proud look and caused everyone to burst into laughter.

『Hahaha! I guess it's not true!』[Thomas]

『Well, it depends on mana and mana control. The more mana you put in, the stronger either one of them will be. I'm sure Reagan just wanted us to start with the basics.』[Nova]

『Anastasia, can you do it?』[Jade]

She had an excited look on her face.

She lifted her finger up to try and draw the circle, but the circle quickly shattered and disappeared.

She made a sad expression.

『...I have bad mana control.』[Anastasia]

『...I.. I didn't expect that.』[Thomas]

『...Me neither.』[Jenny]

『Uh.. Let's work on it!』[Nova]

「Yo, partner. It seems that she has an excess of mana. Too much of a mana pool without learning mana control means that she has poor control. Do her a favor and burn most of her mana, before having her try again.」[Reischneid]

『Hmm.. Alright! Do you mind if I try something?』[Nova]

Anastasia shook her head.

『..Go ahead.』[Anastasia]

『Blessed Flame Rebirth!』[Nova]

A blue flame burned away at Anastasia's mana quickly.

『...My mana is disappearing.』[Anastasia]

『Yup. Please tell me when you're almost out of mana.』[Nova]

After a few minutes, she motioned at him to stop.

『Okay. Please try again?』[Nova]

She tried again and succeeded in drawing it this time.

Anastasia had a shocked expression on his face.

『...Why didn't it work before?』[Anastasia]

『Because you probably put too much mana into it the first time. Try and get a handle of how to control your mana while you have a smaller amount!』[Nova]

She poured mana into the circle and materialized a weapon.

It was a thin blade with an elegant guard.

『Huh? What kind of weapon is that?!』[Marn]

『A rapier. As expected from house Soryl.』[Jade]

Nova looked toward Jade in surprised.

���Why a rapier? Why is that expected?』[Nova]

Instead of an answer from Jade, he received one from Sophia.

『All houses have their traditions. House Soryl's tradition is elegance. And what weapon defines elegance better than a rapier?』[Sophia]

When looking at Sophia, a look of reverence and awe could be seen.

『Are you.. A fan?』[Jenny]

She shook herself out of her awe and shook her head vigorously.

『...No. It's just that house Soryl is the greatest role model for all houses, and everyone should strive to become like them. Obviously, that's a given.』[Sophia]

「..She's a fan.」[Nova]