Reagan's Challenge

The next day, instead of returning for lectures, they met at the training yard.

『I… can't believe that after we waited all that time, he actually didn't show up.』[Jenny]

『He DID say he was only going to show up after we called him or something.』[Thomas]

『Then, while he's not here… Nova! Can you teach us how to do it?』[Jenny]


He drew the magic circle and kept it there for them to observe.

『I don't know how to control it onto the ground, but the idea is that you put mana into it at a consistent rate.』[Nova]

『Oh, why don't you just draw it onto the ground?』[Jenny]

Nova's face went a bit red.


He proceeded to draw it onto the ground.

『And what about us?』[Thomas]

Nova nodded his head.

『You do the same thing basically. Anastasia, do you have a better control of your mana now?』[Nova]

『...I do. I can't do it on my own still, but I can draw the circle.』[Anastasia]

She drew the circle, before attempting to pour mana into it before it cracked.

『I'm.. Gonna call him to help me with my training… Please let me know if you need help.』[Nova]

『Yup! Sure.』[Thomas]

Nova powered on his ID and contacted Reagan, who immediately showed up out of a portal.

『You're telling me you finished learning both those spells already?』[Reagan]

『Yeah. Can we begin whatever training you had in mind?』[Nova]

『Hmm… use both.』[Reagan]

Nova quickly drew a magic circle, then poured mana into it until a sword formed.

『Oho.. Not bad. Then, bind?』[Reagan]

Reagan looked at Nova skeptically, as if he expected Nova to mess up the circle or something.

Nova quickly drew the magic circle for Bind as well.


A plethora of chains climbed up Reagan's feet and pulled him a little deeper into the ground.

『...You really are a monster, aren't you?』[Reagan]

『I'd say just average.』[Nova]

『Well, maybe you're more interesting than research right now. Then, let's begin your training for "battle sense".』[Reagan]

『Battle sen-?』[Nova]

Before Nova could even finish talking, Reagan kicked Nova and sent him flying across the training yard.

『Woah! Reagan! Did you just kill Nova?!』[Sophia]

『Nah, he's quite a deal tougher than you all.』[Reagan]

From the impact point of where Nova landed, a shadow rose out of the dust.

『Gghh.. That came out of nowhere..』[Nova]

A thin translucent film stayed floating on top of Nova's skin.

「Good thing I had mana shield active.. If I didn't I would've probably got knocked unconscious..」[Nova]

『No way. He's still up?!』[Sophia]

Reagan tapped on a thin film on top of skin, before a white flash and "bwong!" noise rang out.

『Mana shield. I'll teach it to you all when you can maintain and control your mana a bit better.』[Reagan]

Reagan ran at Nova again.

『Woah?! Can't you give me a break?!』[Nova]

Nova quickly raised the sword he formed earlier to block the kick.

Reagan's leg landed on the sword and left cracks all over it.

『...Are you holding back? You won't gain anything unless you're constantly at 100%. Give me everything you've got. Your training ends when you can beat me.』[Reagan]

Nova immediately swung at Reagan, but he jumped back a few feet.

『You're not gonna hit me with that kind of speed. If you think you can beat me with that sloppy work, then you get no marks.』[Reagan]

『I.. Will take you down!』[Nova]

He jumped at Reagan, then whispered something under his breath.


As Reagan prepared to intercept Nova, a black hole appeared and Nova attacked him from behind.

『Nice work. However, you're still off the mark.』[Reagan]

The sword came into contact with Reagan's mana shield and shattered.


A small smirk appeared on Reagan's face.

『Did you think that it would be that easy?』[Reagan]

He kicked Nova across the training yard again.


『Sssss… I don't think I can concentrate with Nova's screams of pain in the background..』[Katherin]

『You know, me neither. Reagan! Can we have a free day?』[Marn]

『In your dreams, clown. If you DO take one, you'll fall behind so much there'd be no saving you.』[Reagan]

『...It's only a day. You don't have to be that harsh about it..』[Marn]

『Well, if you're as strong as Nova or Anastasia, maybe. It's not often I get a specimen worth studying.』[Reagan]

Nova climbed out of the dust cloud again.

『..Studying? What is there to study about either of us?』[Nova]

『Well, you have a mana heart, right? And Anastasia is an early sprouter? Both of you have something worth looking into.』[Reagan]

『What's a mana heart? And did Anastasia really awaken early? The conditions to do that are terrible!』[Jenny]

『Eh, maybe I'll teach you in next week's lecture or something. Don't worry about any of it for now.』[Reagan]

『...Then, why aren't I being tested?』[Anastasia]

『Well, your mana control is pathetic despite awakening early. If you had better control of it you'd be the prime research sample.』[Reagan]

While Reagan was talking to the rest of the class, Nova was preparing another attack.

『Birthed from the stars, Burnt to ashes, burn my enemies into nothingness. From ashes to ashes, to stardust and nothing, incinerate the enemy into eternal night!


Immediately, a blue light shone from under Reagan's feet.

『It's only so easy for me to dodge an attack th-』[Reagan]


His feet were bound to the floor with an ethereal luminescent chain.

『Damn kid! Why do you always have to play these stupid tricks on me?!』[Reagan]

He smashed the chains, but was immediately engulfed by a blue flame that ate away at his mana shield.

He burst out with his mana, causing blue flames to scatter all around the training yard and even landing on the actual school.

『Hah! What was your plan?』[Reagan]

But, when Reagan looked towards Nova's direction, he was already gone.

『It can't be?!』[Reagan]

He turned around and saw Nova mumble something before a blade appeared out of a burst of flames.

『My mana shield?!』[Reagan]

He realized his mana shield was burnt up by the flames, and didn't have time to bring it back up.

And that was when Nova's strike had hit his body.

This time, Reagan was sent about 4 feet back.

『...I win.』[Nova]