Get even stronger!

Nova stood triumphantly with the blue flames slowly dying around him.

『...Aren't you really weak for a teacher after all?』[Marn]

To respond to Marn's question, Reagan flicked a tiny pebble at his forehead, causing Marn's forehead to start bleeding.


He rolled on the floor in pain while the bleeding continued to spurt out of his forehead.

The class just stood there in awe of Reagan's display of strength.

『Woah?! Reagan! Not cool! Blessed Flame Rebirth!』[Nova]

The blue flames healed Marn's wound, and he quickly stopped flailing around.

『...Ow. Thanks, Nova. You're a great guy.』[Marn]

Nova picked Marn up off of the floor and dusted him off.

『Yeah, don't mention it.』[Nova]

Reagan fixed his clothes and then he took out an audio recorder.

『His entire skillset completely counters any form of mana. His seed doesn't consume enough mana for him to not be able to use it often. On top of all this, he can teleport and attack semi-seamlessly.』[Reagan]

He finished the recording.

『Next, we will hone your abilities without a seed. As far as I can see, you've at least touched a sword once before.』[Reagan]

Reagan eyed how Nova held his sword.

『But you definitely need more training. It's clear that you lack the technique with the sword. I'll teach you the basics from here on.』[Reagan]

『And how about the homework assignments?』[Nova]

『I'll leave it to you to teach the students in your free time. I'll send a message to the class when I decide to teach. Also, I will give assignments after each lecture.』[Reagan]

『Wait, so I have to teach the class?! Why me? Isn't that your job?』[Nova]

Reagan shrugged.

『If you want something you have to work for it. You can do the work. I'll take care of the beginning, but peers get along with peers better. I leave it to you.』[Reagan]


Reagan summoned a portal.

『I'll see you all around after lunch.』[Reagan]

He quickly disappeared into the portal.

『...So, did anyone need help?』[Nova]

The silence was quickly broken by Nova.


『...Yeah, how much mana do I put into this circle?』[Jenny]



After a week of training, Nova had just started to grasp the fundamentals of swordplay.

He laid in his room, while Freyana also laid on his bed.

『Aaaaah. I'm tired. How was the week for you, Freyana?』[Nova]

She rolled over closer to him.

『Well, it's been a lot better than normal!』[Freyana]

『Did you get anything done?』[Nova]

『Hmm.. I've been watching a lot of shows, to be honest. I really enjoy the animations on some of them.』[Freyana]

『Huh? Which one are you talking about?』[Nova]

She scrolled on her phone.

『Hmm… Let me find one that I haven't watched yet! We can watch it together.』[Freyana]

『Oh, okay! I'm down.』[Nova]

『Do you not use the TV in your room? I'm normally on mine all day during my breaks.』[Freyana]

『No, I'm more of a computer guy, to be honest. I normally play video games and watch videos. Just the basic dude stuff.』[Nova]

『Hmm.. Then, show me too! I want to play video games or watch videos with you!』[Freyana]

『...Well, alright. Sometimes I watch some weird videos though.』[Nova]

『What do you mean weird?』[Freyana]

『Do you know what mukbang is? It's like.. Just people eating food? I think it's relaxing, but whenever I watch it I always think about you.』[Nova]

She had a light blush on her cheek.

『..You're a smooth talker, Nova.』[Freyana]

『Huh? I don't think I am.』[Nova]

The two talked until it was time for her to go back to the plains.

『Hmm.. Partner. You've got enough mana to efficiently train now.』[Reischneid]

『Woah, really?』[Nova]

He flipped the bracelet up and saw that he had a whopping 153 units of mana.

『That's a lot of mana.. Why is the rate of my mana training so fast?』[Nova]

『That's to be expected. You've started training in your sleep, you know?』[Reischneid]

『Huh?! What do you mean I've started training in my sleep?』[Nova]

Now that Nova had noticed it, he realized he was constantly circulating his mana.

『...Wow. I guess its become habit? Well, what did you mean by efficiently train?』[Nova]

『It's actually pretty simple. Just pour any excess mana you have into the area of your heart. Constantly circulate your mana the rest of the time. You'll push mana throughout your body and make yourself stronger over time.』[Reischneid]

『Hmm.. Let me try.』[Nova]

He poured mana into the area Sarena instructed him to put mana into the first time.

As he put mana in, the continuous circulation pushed the mana throughout his body.

『Huh?! I feel my body quickly absorbing the mana and growing stronger!』[Nova]

『Yeah, that's what was promised. It should be able to help you catch up to Anastasia pretty fast.』[Reischneid]

『Well.. Her mana control is a bit lacking. I don't think catch up is the correct thing to say.』[Nova]

『Well, it's whatever. We can start the infusion process soon. If all goes well, in 2 weeks or so I can recover some memories or a power.』[Reischneid]

『I thought you said it was gonna take 20 years?』[Nova]

『Yeah. The seals get progressively stronger. What can I say?』[Reischneid]

『Hmm.. Okay. Then, let's take care of it. I'll do my best.』[Nova]

『That's the spirit! Now, circulate your mana a bit more actively and go to sleep. We're gonna train a little more of your Torrenpugnus Pluviam.』[Reischneid]

『Huh?! So, I'm not gonna get sleep again?』[Nova]

『Nope! Gotta work hard. You can take a rest once every 2 days.』[Reischneid]

He hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

『Gaaah! Fine.』[Nova]

He circulated his mana and laid his head on the pillow.

『That's the spirit.』[Reischneid]