Last Resort

Mune had begun to struggle against the two of them.

『Damn it, damn it, DAMN IT!』[Mune]

He swung the sword around, but couldn't get the two rank 7 brownlings to back off of him.

『Summoning: Kitsu!』[Mune]

A circle appeared above Mune before a white fox with 4 tails and red lines all over its body appeared.

『Kitsu, buy me some time! I need to prepare a technique!』[Mune]

The fox nodded before summoning floating blue flames above its tail.

Mune quickly looked over to Nova to confirm his condition, causing his mouth to slightly gape open before he gritted his teeth together again.

『...GOD DAMN IT!』[Mune]

Kitsu's blue flame orbs caught the attention of the brownlings while keeping them preoccupied through some kind of illusionary technique.

Mune raised his middle and ring finger up, pointing the palm of his hand at the brownlings and beginning to chant.

『The finale of life, the protector from death, the magnificent ballroom in which we battle for our lives! The grounds in which we spill our blood is also the place where we may break bread and spill wine- Domain, Eternal Resting Place!』[Mune]

Suddenly, a rain of swords had begun to rain from the skies.

『...Please let the domain's range reach Nova.』[Mune]

Mune's body was suddenly filled with a feeling of comfort and strength that flowed gradually through him.

His pain from being struck along with the pain of his earlier injuries began to fade away as the ground below him began to emit a yellowish golden energy that floated up.

He took his katana and ran back into battle with Kitsu assisting him.

The face in the middle of the brownlings' chest had begun to scream, dispelling Kitsu's blue wisps and effectively destroying the illusion.

Mune's black flames occasionally fired off javelins of flame as he would dodge attacks and throw in some of his own attacks.

He threw his fingers up at them.

『Eclipsing Heavenly Vortex!』[Mune]

The silhouette of the red moon that floated behind him began to spin rapidly, causing them to stay still for a moment.

The black laser that came began to ravage the two of them, leaving them with many cuts and bruises, leaving the black slash marks on their body.

『It's time. Bias Flame.』[Mune]

The black and crimson red flame appeared on the two brownlings, causing them to scream in agony.


Mune cut them in half horizontally, causing them to finally go silent.

『...It's over.』[Mune]

The swords in the ground disappeared into the air before Mune's sword disappeared as well.


Dark blood shot out of his mouth.

『...Blood without any mana isn't worth anything...』[Mune]


Mune realized what the sound was as he looked in the direction of Nova.

『...Nova! I'm on my way!』[Mune]

He got up to start running over before he stumbled and fell on top of Kitsu.

『...Thanks, Kitsu. Please. Take me over there.』[Mune]


Once the swords had hit the ground, the yellow aura began to envelop Nova.

A golden silhouette of a girl with long hair and a strawberry hairpin appeared in front of him, seemingly putting her hands in front of him.

His flame that was dying out had begun to blaze again, causing him to regain a bit of feeling in his body.

After a moment, she disappeared into yellow wisps in the air, and Nova began to open his eyes.

『...I… want to live...』[Nova]

He reached further into his necklace and pulled out a handful of Stardrops before forcing them down his throat.

Sir Fluffles began to bark at Nova, warning him about the danger.

『...Nova! That's too much! You'll explode!』[Sir Fluffles]

Nova couldn't hear him however.

His eardrums were destroyed earlier when the brownlings screeched and hit him across the clearing.

Blood began to flow nonstop from Nova's nose, mouth, and ears as the sticky, dark blood that had no mana left in it moved aside for new blood with abundant mana.

He jumped back and forth from a state between death and life- from the blood loss of his destroyed body and the regeneration of new blood and slow regeneration of his organs.

Suddenly, a loud crashing noise came from several feet away from them.

Sir Fluffles looked to the right and found a rank 6 brownling looking straight at them.

It began to start lumbering towards them.

『...I… won't let you kill Nova!』[Sir Fluffles]

Sir Fluffles attacked the brownling with a quick bite, causing it to start screaming.

He let go as the brownling swung at him and began to fly toward the clearing- toward Mune.

『If I let the demon hit me once… I'm a goner!』[Sir Fluffles]

He dragged it about 30 feet away before it lost interest and began to walk toward Nova again.

『No!』[Sir Fluffles]

He quickly flew around the clearing, looking for options to draw the brownling away.

『...I know!』[Sir Fluffles]

He began to eat the crystals on the ground as fast as he could.

After eating as much as he could before the brownling got too close to Nova, he began to start gathering momentum again.

『...I'll do it! I'll keep Nova safe!』[Sir Fluffles]

Flying around, black and white flames erupted from him, causing him to disappear and appear in front of the brownling, tackling it and biting it, effectively sending it back a good distance while doing some damage.

...But it wasn't enough.

Sir Fluffles was pried off of the brownling and thrown straight at Nova, causing him to spit out even more blood.

『Nova! I'm so sorry! Please don't die! ...Nova?』[Sir Fluffles]

Nova's eyes weakly twitched in response.

Sir Fluffles began to whimper and cry.

Nova's vision vaguely gave him the outline of the brownling, now standing several feet in front of him.

『...I won't die.』[Nova]

His blue flames and glowing blue eyes illuminated the area around him.


The blue flames of his crashed against each other, seemingly burning off any blood that had soiled Nova's uniform and skin..

A massive influx of information flowed into his mind.

『Limitless Cosmic Revolution Robe.』[Nova]

A blue coat robe that resembled the brighter side of space materialized around him with a black cape that resembled the darker side of space appearing behind him.

The brownling seemed to freeze up in fear for a moment, but it regained its senses and started to charge a laser with the head on its back.

『...Stay behind me.』[Nova]

Nova raised the back of his cape to protect Sir Fluffles.

『N...NOVA!』[Sir Fluffles]

The laser fired into Nova, illuminating the surrounding area with red, blue, and purple.