Dressed for Action

Nova walked out of his room, dressed in a dark blue blazer that matched his dark blue hair.

He raised his arms and looked around.

『...Reischneid, I look like a bad influence...』[Nova]

The sound of laughing was all Nova got in response.

After a moment, he patted himself down and resigned himself to his fate.

『Yeah, whatever…』[Nova]

Alex came out in extremely flashy clothing with epaulettes, golden chains, and a white outfit that resembled that of a prince's.


He thought that he dressed strangely, but Alex took the cake here.

『It's my good clothing… Oh. I… overdressed, huh?』[Alex]

Nova grabbed Alex by the shoulders before scooting him back into Alex's room.

『Overdressed is an understatement! Do you mind if I go inside?! Let's see if you have something similar!』[Nova]

『Wait! Nova- wait!』[Alex]

Nova shoved his way into Alex's room without waiting for an answer, only to be met by a room that had piles of different formal clothing on the floor.


『I was looking for clothing to wear, but then when I would compare it to the others, I didn't think it looked formal enough...』[Alex]

He suddenly began to speak faster and faster.

『So I ended up doing this, and that, and when this didn't work, I tried that, but that didn't work either, so I did this!』[Alex]

He pointed around at the piles of clothing at a breakneck speed.


Nova picked up a casual sky blue blazer he found on the floor and showed it to Alex.

『...Isn't this good enough?』[Nova]

『...Is it?』[Alex]

Nova handed the blazer to him.

『Put it on. They're waiting for us, you know?』[Nova]

Alex took it and looked up and down between the blazer and him before Nova let him change in peace.

He waited outside for a few minutes before Alex came out wearing the blazer with a bow tie.

『A bow tie too?』[Nova]

『...Aren't they fancy?』[Alex]

『...I guess you're right.』[Nova]

The two of them started to walk to the cafeteria when Alex began to get excited.

『Nova! Nova! What kind of restaurant are we going to?! Fast food?! Sushi?! Lin?!』[Alex]

Nova looked up and down at their clothes before shaking his head, much to Alex's dismay.

『...We're overdressed for most of those places...』[Nova]

『...Well, that's okay! As long as we're going to a restaurant, then I'm excited!』[Alex]

『...And… I haven't been to a really fancy restaurant before! So I'm excited!』[Nova]

They both laughed, sort of leaking their excitement.

『Hm… But Alex… you're one of the princes, aren't you?』[Nova]

Alex's face suddenly went green.

『Uh… What makes you think that?!』[Alex]

『...That entire set of prince clothing that you wore earlier.』[Nova]

Alex stayed quiet for a few minutes before speaking up again.

『...Please keep it a secret?』[Alex]

Nova had to stop himself from laughing at how easily Alex gave away secrets.

『...Sure. I can do that.』[Nova]

Alex breathed out a sigh of relief.

『The place I was raised in was very sheltered. I have an older brother that runs off sometimes, but he goes off on his own. I wish I could be as free as he is.』[Alex]

『Huh? Shouldn't he let you get some free time as well?』[Nova]

『...Well, he doesn't have any intention of inheriting the throne, nor any "princely responsibility" is what he said. Also, I am stuck in my room all the time. I can't really sneak out.』[Alex]

『Oh… well, since you're here, why not have some free time? Actually… why are you here, instead of the castle anyways?』[Nova]

『Well… I am actually waiting for some guards to come pick me up, but with how Drasil week works, they're off keeping the public safety. So, if they're free they'll pick me up… but there seems to be an incident that's keeping the guards really busy.』[Alex]

『Like.. Something dangerous?』[Nova]

『...Probably drunkards and parties? I mean, the guards of the Kingdom are elites, but they wouldn't let those people run around either.』[Alex]

『Ah. That sounds right. Well, then we'll probably be fine going out, just to eat.』[Nova]

Alex pumped his hands into the air.

『I'm so excited! What will I order?! Can I order dessert?!』[Alex]

He put his pinky up in the air.

『Can I get a refill on this drink?!』[Alex]

He spun around excitedly.

『Pfft.. Oh, how long have you liked Kikhia by the way?』[Nova]

『Oh, uh… since I was 4. But...』[Alex]

Nova thought he was going to continue, but he suddenly heard footsteps round the corner, so he covered Alex's mouth.

He faintly heard Freyana's voice.

『So… How long have you liked Alex, Kikhia?』[Freyana]