
Alex and Nova suddenly panicked, looking at each other in an attempt to find a solution.

Nova took his hand away from Alex's mouth, pointing at the corner.

They both nodded at each other in panic.

Nova took a deep breath before shouting as loud as he could while stomping in place.


Alex also followed in suit.


They then started to actually move, running into the open hallway past the corner.

They turned around and saw Freyana and Kikhia in the distance, walking.

『Ah! We made it just in time, Alex!』[Nova]

『That's great! I thought we might've been too slow!』[Alex]

Freyana stood in the front, with her light green dress, covering Kikhia.

Alex stepped out and tried to look around Freyana, in an attempt to see Kikhia.

In response, Kikhia peeked out a little bit, revealing her yellow eyes and a bit of a black dress.

『...Haha… Are you ready to go?』[Freyana]

Kikhia reluctantly revealed herself from behind Freyana.

She didn't wear the veil, revealing a pink flush on her face.


Kikhia and Alex hung close together as the group made their way out of the school.

『Where are we going to go eat dinner?』[Kikhia]

『Uh… A fancy restaurant!』[Freyana]

『Do you know the way there?』[Kikhia]


Once they made their way past the gate, the street lights turned on, illuminating their streets.

『Woooooah! A dark street! That's awesome!』[Alex]

『Haha… It's just a dark street...』[Nova]

The street didn't have any cars, just a walkway/park that led them in the direction of the shopping district and Nova's home.

『Hehehe… Look at these bushes! And the lights that turned on when we left!』[Alex]

『Those turned on when it got dark enough, haha!』[Freyana]


『Did you know, Kikhia?』[Freyana]

『...Yes. But as long as Alex is happy, I am content.』[Kikhia]

The both of them had flushed faces as they avoided each other's gaze.

Freyana and Nova giggled as they looked at each other with a smile.

Eventually they made it to a familiar part of the shopping district.

『...Freyana, isn't this your dad's ramen shop?』[Nova]

『...Yes! But… the store is actually right next to my dad's!』[Freyana]

Nova stared at the building, but there wasn't any separate store, as the ramen store was in an isolated plot of land that had a garden on it.

『...If I may ask… where?』[Kikhia]

『Follow me!』[Freyana]

She opened up the door to her dad's restaurant, which was filled with the normal patrons.

『Oh! A little miss! How are you?』[Patron]

『You're dressed very well! You got a date, miss? This isn't the place! Hahaha!』[Patron]

Bana was looking away, cooking some ramen.

『Oi, you bastards. My food is not good enough for a date, is it?!』[Bana]

『Hahah! Chief, have you even taken a look at what this young miss is wearing?! Looks like she walked into a fancy Soryl restaurant!』[Patron]

『Wha-?! I'm honored! Just let me fix this up and-』[Bana]

『Oh. You're going? Okay, good luck on your date, kids!』[Patron]

Bana turned around, completely disappointed.



Freyana led them through a side door in Bana's store that Nova always thought was for staff.

Inside was a well lit hallway with lots of plants and greenery.

『...Wow! Can we try out the other restaurant next time?』[Alex]

『...I'm interested as well.』[Kikhia]

『It's my dad's ramen restaurant! If you want, we can go another time!』[Freyana]

『Oh? Then where are we going this time, if not your dad's restaurant?』[Kikhia]

A smug smile made its way onto Freyana's face as she put her hands on a door at the end of the hallway.

『...Somewhere even better.』[Freyana]


Nova could already feel Bana's immeasurable disappointment at not being the point of Freyana's double date.

Freyana opened the door with exaggerated excitement.


『...Oh my.』[Kikhia]

The room inside was more of a homestyle room than anything.

It had a dining table and chairs that were on the side of the room.

『...A dining room?』[Nova]

Freyana put a finger up to her lips.

『...It's where I stay when I'm visiting dad!』[Freyana]

『Oh… So it's like… your home!』[Alex]

『That's because it IS my home! But it's also a secret restaurant!』[Freyana]

Their chatting was interrupted by a feminine voice on the side of the room.

『Oh? Who are these guests?』

They turned their head, revealing someone that Nova had already expected.

『Hi, Mrs. Frey.』[Nova]

『Oh! It's Nova! How about the other two guests… oh.』[Mrs. Frey]

『...Is that you, Mrs. Shaylon?!』[Alex]

She put a hand on her cheek, seemingly a bit distraught.

『Oh my. I did not expect this.』[Mrs. Frey]

She moved her finger around, causing the chairs to float over to the table.

『Well, whatever. Sit down.』[Mrs. Frey]

She then began to walk into the back room.

『Mrs. Shaylon! Grandfather misses-!』[Alex]

Nova raised his eyebrow.

『Yeah, yeah. I'll come visit some time, but not right now.』[Mrs. Frey]

Alex seemed to slightly deflate when she said this, but nodded his head, regardless.

『Oh… Okay...』[Alex]

They made their way to the table, and sat down, each pair on one side of the table.

『...I feel so comfortable here...』[Alex]

『Oh, what were you saying about Mrs. Shaylon earlier, Alex?』[Nova]

『Oh. She used to cook for my grandfather. One day, she said that she was retiring, but she would occasionally come by to cook. Grandfather misses her cooking.』[Alex]

Nova leaned over and whispered to Freyana.

『Is Shaylon your House name?』[Freyana]

She smiled and nodded back.



Nova returned back to a normal position and sat blankly.

『Mrs. Shaylon is a very talented cook. I've only had her cooking a few times, but it's incredibly good for your mana.』[Kikhia]

『...Good for your mana?』[Nova]

『Infused food. Refills your drained mana, boosts your quality of mana, and helps you raise the overall amount of units you can use. It's very helpful.』[Kikhia]

A chill ran down his spine as he thought of Grandma Rika's cooking.

『...Ah… I see. I can't wait, then!』[Nova]

Nova began to preemptively circulate his mana in order to deplete some.

「...Speaking of which, is that why Freyana is so strong? I haven't seen her fight, but I think she might be able to put me into the ground...」[Nova]

He looked over at her, to which she responded with a smile on her face.

『Hmm? Do I have something on my face?』[Freyana]

『...Nope. Nothing.』[Nova]

Suddenly, the smell of food arrived.