I'll Take It All On!

Nova looked at the masked woman, but couldn't bear any animosity or any will to fight against her.

『...Nian, why are you here?! It's dangerous! And why did you attack Zousa?!』[Nova]

She looked to the floor, a bit silent.

Nova patiently waited for a response from her, though.

After a bit, she did something that shocked Nova.

She quietly reached up to her mask and pulled it off.

He was left speechless.

The woman under the mask had a deep golden amber set of eyes, along with what most people would call an attractive face, with hair that extended down beneath her clothing.


「...She… reminds me of someone...」[Nova]

She spoke out, a smooth voice echoing around the alleyway, interrupting Nova's train of thought.

『...Nova. I'll answer a question for each question you answer. Go ahead.』[Nian]

Nova was caught a bit off guard once more, but nodded his head after regaining his bearings.

『...Good. Then, I'll answer first. I am here because I need to protect some children.』[Nian]

Nova's face suddenly turned up into a huge smile.

『...I knew you wouldn't be a bad person! I'm sorry for having my doubt-』[Nova]

His sentence paused when he saw a pained expression on her face.

『Miss Nian...』[Nova]

Through her pained face, she asked Nova a question without maintaining eye contact.

『...Why are you here?』[Nian]

Nova was a bit conflicted, but he decided to give her the benefit of the doubt.

『I'm here to find a girl… I have things I need to settle with her.』[Nova]

Nian nodded.

『So… why did you… attack Zousa?』[Nova]

She shook her head.

『To be honest, I thought he was a demon. The demonic energy around him was immense.』[Nian]

「...She hunts demons? This woman is… something else!」[Reischneid]

『However, I was wrong. That was a mistake on my part.』[Nian]

Before Nova could even say anything, Nian stared at Nova's uniform.

『Genesis Academy, right? Are you a noble?』[Nian]

Nova immediately shook his head.

Her eyes suddenly widened.

Nian's tone of voice suddenly changed to a much more panicked one.


『...I, uh.. Awakened my Seed along with my best friend. We were both citizens. "Commoners", as one of the students put it. Haha!』[Nova]

He forced that awkward laugh at the end, reminded of Thean's enormous pride.

Nian was anything but laughing though- she seemed breathless, even.

『...Your best friend. What is his name?』[Nian]

Nova was caught off guard by this question, but he guessed that Nian was just moving onto small talk now.

『His name is Rai! We've taken care of each other since middle school, always having each other's backs.』[Nova]

Nian seemed surprised, but she slowly put her mask up to her face again.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her lip quiver, as if she was thinking about saying something, but changed her mind.

『...Alright. I'll give you some advice, Nova.』[Nian]

Nova stayed quiet, not sure what to expect from her.

『Take your best friend and leave Genesis Academy, if you can. If you can't, then I'll try not to get you involved in this.』[Nian]

She began to exit the alleyway, right as an explosion occurred in the background.

『What was that?!』[Nova]

She stared at Nova, disregarding the explosion, her orange eyes peeking at him through the mask.

『I am of the Cardinal Sins.』[Nian]


Nova blankly stared at her.

She nodded her head.

『Stay safe, Nova. Be strong, and look after your friends and family. Change will come soon.』[Nian]

She turned around, facing the light.


She quickly disappeared afterward.

Despite telling her to wait, he didn't pursue her.

「...What the hell…?」[Nova]

「This was to be expected. Those "kids" she are protecting are probably part of the Cardinal Sins.」[Reischneid]

「Correct. Perhaps that Yudola girl is a part of them too.」[Asmodasiah]

「Still! We have to deal with them, but...」[Nova]

He slammed his fist into a wall, doing nothing but hurting it.

「...How could I fight against someone that saved me?」[Nova]

The two entities inside of him were silent.

「Arf! Don't fight her, Nova!」[Sir Fluffles]

「Huh? What's the matter, Sir Fluffles?」[Nova]

「...She has no negative emotion toward you. She was cautious at the beginning, but she slowly drove off the negative emotions and became filled with a very familiar feeling that Sir Fluffles has only experienced when he was a lil' pup!」[Sir Fluffles]

「You can sense emotions…?」[Reischneid]

「Arf! Indeed! I want a steak.」[Sir Fluffles]

For some reason, Sir Fluffle's words made Nova satisfied, but…

「That feeling. What was it?」[Nova]

「Sir Fluffles' earliest memory is of Mama licking and taking care of him and his siblings!」[Sir Fluffles]

Nova's mind raced to try and find the meaning behind his words.

「But she wants me to leave Genesis… what does this mean?」[Nova]

「...She only wants to protect you, Nova! Like Mama!」[Sir Fluffles]

Nova's mouth opened a bit, as if he finally connected two and two.

Before he knew it, two streams of tears rolled down his cheeks.

「...I see.」[Nova]

His conflicted heart was appeased, and his mouth curled up into a smile.

「...But I have other people who have shown care and love to someone like me, with nobody.」[Nova]

His mind flashed between all of the people who had protected him and taught him.

Of people who had laughed with him.

Cried with him.

Footsteps started to sound down the alleyway, indicating his team's arrival.

「I'll take it all on! I'll return all of their support tenfold, no- a hundredfold!」[Nova]

Even more people flashed about in his mind.

People who he had gone head to toe with, only to get along with them later.

The people he had worked together with to overcome obstacles way beyond his strength.

He raised his sleeve and wiped his eyes.

『Nova! Are you alright?!』[Mune]


『Kid, again?!』[Raina]

He turned around and smiled.

『I'm fine. Thank you, everyone.』[Nova]

『How did you know to go this way, though?!』[Mune]

Nova raised an eyebrow.

『Sarena's group came into contact with the target. She's half a mile away from here.』[Raina]

『...Okay! I'll get us there, lead the way!』[Nova]

He threw his arm out to his side.
